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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. yes the ozy already schooled me. I'll drive my 5.7 hemi till there's not a drop of gas left.
  2. Biden has que cards of what to do every minute, one day he said he has cancer and the list is very long of all the things he said which had to be cleaned up afterwards. If asked a hard question he gets angry and rambles on incoherently. You're being dishonest if you state the media treats biden the same as trump was.
  3. It takes the media turning every move Trump made into news. Biden has been handled very delicately. No hardball questions by the liberal media, no coverage of his declining mental state. He tries to shake hands with imaginery people, he falls going up stairs. And not much of that repeats on liberal news. But I have to say even some liberal stations are starting to report the truth about joe.
  4. How is 10K reduction going to benefit a person owing say 100K? If you can't repay a 100K loan, what good will the 10K reduction really do? Realistically for the majority this 10K is meaningless.
  5. Many are. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11145541/More-Dems-turn-AGAINST-Bidens-student-loan-relief-plan-projected-cost-Americans-500B.html
  6. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11145541/More-Dems-turn-AGAINST-Bidens-student-loan-relief-plan-projected-cost-Americans-500B.html Maine Rep. Jared Golden called the move 'out of touch' Comes as a new estimate claims American taxpayers will pay between $400 - $600 billion over the next decade to pay for the relief
  7. I said what I said, guess great minds think alike. And I'm sure many others would have said almost the same words.
  8. I don't know of any McConnell comment. Those were my words.
  9. yep, so the dems are hoping for a high five from both the high income earners and the real working class. If your household income is 240K/yr you're not included in the working class.
  10. Has anyone either GOP or dem done a thing to make education more affordable. Investigate why it's so expensive? How can the costs be reduced? nope But mid terms are coming up so 10k on me.
  11. You did get the memo about households making 249K/ yr are entitled right? Are these the poor kids you're talking about. Make it for household incomes of 50K/yr and it's tolerable but still stupid spending of funds.
  12. What we need are students who are smart enough not to get caught up in the student loan scam. I don't see anything being done to battle the high cost of education. I don't see much in the way of apprenticeship programs. This loan forgiveness is just a skooby snack for the progressives.
  13. Their should be a pre-requisite course in High School on how school loans work. Pretty much a slap in the face to the millions who saved and sacrificed for their kid's education. Or those kids who didn't go because they couldn't afford it.
  14. BPH is an answer. You didn't specify what type of test is needed. The RT PCR is pricey at about 3500thb.
  15. Biden does little to enforce Fed. immigration laws already on the books. If you don't think the border is a serious problem then talking about this is just a waste of time.
  16. But us regular smoes need a card. I had to overnight in SF before because my credit card had a hold on it. Now I keep 2 cards active.
  17. I understand that any Republican I mention will be hated by you. DeSantis gained popularity when he battled the woke school system. Please name a governor who has tried to battle illegals working. ICE is Federal and under Trump and obama raids were happening in factories. DeSantis would certainly handle the border crisis better than biden who is quietly going back to building the fence which he condemned before as racist.
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