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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. It'll be nice when my retirement fund is flush again.
  2. You know I never bought a new car or truck till I came to Thailand. In the US I never had a car payment but a few of my old cars were special to me. Driving a car that put a smile on your face after a wash and shine is a nice feeling, never paid more than $7000. for a car. Anyway so here I treat myself.
  3. The dem party has been exposed for their extreme far left agenda. I don't know if biden planned all along to turn a sharp left or if he turned out of desperation. Regardless, the house will fall to the GOP. GOP has a few excellent people to take the reins in 2024.
  4. That stuff for 50 thb/gr is still a crazy good price. 27 yrs ago in Callie I was paying $50/oz. I've bought the thai stick (brick in a cylinder) and the weed with "happy" logo 10-15 thb/gr. 3-4 hits and a beer= sweet times.
  5. Maybe the Democratic Party should do a little self reflection and come to grips with the fact the dems are so vile that folks chose trump in 2016. And they chose Trump regardless of his sometimes callous remarks, yeah that's how much folks dislike the democrats.
  6. Do it right is code for make it last till the mid terms.
  7. You really are clueless aren't you? I believe if a democrat ex-pres had done this there would be no investigation and that this will be drawn out till mid-terms in a desperate attempt to salvage the tarnished image of biden. You think folks who post proTrump posts are automatically MAGA guys. Me I really don't want Trump to run again. The sloppiness of the White house's record keeping is certainly in question. Oh yeah, it's entertaining reading all the over the top anti Trump comments. Such insane hatred ????
  8. Yeah, I went for the MUX 3.0L diesel myself. I purposely stayed away from anything hybrid. Feels good to treat myself.
  9. But you don't know how they're stored at the White House. My point was it seems according to some that these docs were worth billions. If Trump was intent on taking TS docs and the inventory shows what a handful of docs were TS why was it necessary for Trump so take many boxes. Does that mean TS docs are kept with Confidential classified papers. Another words why aren't these TS papers kept together. You can keep Trump I could care less, but the sloppiness of White House security is in question.
  10. Me I'd go for top Swift model, they look pretty cool pimped out.
  11. Me I've never worked at the White House. I'm assuming you have personal knowledge of how the documents are stored at the White House. Or could it be you're making it up as you go.
  12. The conspiracies are never ending. They could be worth billions, names of deep cover operatives and on and on. For me it brings on a larger concern over how truly sensitive docs are handled and stored. Am I to believe that these sensitive materials which are detrimental to the security to the USA are stored in card board boxes at the White House which is where the first 15 boxes came from. The materials from this last search and seizure also came from the White House or so I read. Were these materials kept in a secure vault that Trump opened and then threw them in a box? Or were they merely stacked up in a room accessible to many? Hopefully along the way of going after Trump some different security protocols will be established.
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