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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Canada's solution to stop home invasions is to tell residents to leave car keys at the front door. Good job Canada, what a bunch a pussies. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13203185/Toronto-police-outrage-thievesJustin-Trudeaus-woke-bail.html
  2. To be more Thai you have to learn to drink your whiskey or whatever with soda. Or, or just straight water mixer. Stop with the coke.
  3. The Aussie bar owners weren't the most congenial types. I heard it was because of a pay dispute with one of the employees, who knows the truth
  4. Police said the gunman approached Mr Davy from behind at the beachside restaurant, holding a .45 pistol. He then pointed it at the back of his head and fired. https://www.news.com.au/national/australian-resort-manager-shot-dead-in-philippines/news-story/348751b2e8ee5368c8c4daf4eb5e5888
  5. To say "Subic" is a very broad area. The old navy base is now the "Freeport Zone" with many beachfront hotels and restaurants. Jump in a cab and be in Barrio Barretto in minutes. The Baloy Beach area sounds right for you, it's just around the corner from the Highway along the water with many, many hotels on the beach.
  6. i was just being sarcastic, but this is an example of how unhinged the people of the USA have become. We have to create racism where none exists. https://www.npr.org/2015/04/30/403362626/the-racially-charged-meaning-behind-the-word-thug MCWHORTER: Well, the truth is that thug today is a nominally polite way of using the N-word.
  7. Thug is a racist term, you're better than that.....aren't you?
  8. This happens when you pick a flight itinerary with 2 airlines. Pick a flight with only one airline, all American or all JAL or any other airline.
  9. The term "sick puppy' comes to mind.
  10. It was supposed to jump start biden's campaign and it failed to do so. It's funny how the standard for prez has been diminished to being able to read a speech without falling asleep. You nailed it, joey boy.
  11. Finally the American people have had enough of this cra*. good for them, better late than never.
  12. Oh gosh yes, biden is sharp as a tack he is. He's focused and on top of things.
  13. You're creepy on a whole different level. Yes, you've out done yourself.
  14. It's unbelievable how stupid and out of touch democrats are. You could have had the trust of the American people quite easily. Started with the bungled Afghanistan withdrawl, the border policies that biden rescinded, the far left progressive policies like student loan forgiveness. Biden was supposed to bring this country together but has gone out of his way to do the opposite. The chances of either old man making it as POTUS for 4 more years are slim. So, the VP this time around means more than ever. bien's VP doesn't exactly instill confidence, now does she? Actually both parties are idiots for keeping these two old codgers around. This time around the people will vote against and not for. Go TRUMP.
  15. Cmon, in all fairness, lits a pretty horse. What happens in LOS stays in LOS
  16. I agree 100%. Life is too short.
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