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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I feel old hunter needs to be punished for being a dumb a$$ but not necessarily for the charges they got him with. I heard the talking heads discussing the implications of determining who's an addict and who's not. Long term I think they're right and this whole mess sets a dangerous precedence. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, pomchop said:

    Get back to us when any biden tries to steal and keep classified docs , obstructs justice over and over, tries to overturn an election via fake electors and then violent attacks on the capitolyelling hang kamala, in between trying to overturn the results in several states via threats ....all in between being convicted of sexual assualt as well as his company being found guilty of massive fraud over and over....guess u missed some of that? 


    And do be sure to defend that inchoherent babbling rant of a word salad  about electric boat and sharks craziness from a demented mind as being perfectly normal....u know full well if biden said anything even vaguely as off the rails that republicans would set their hair on fire yelling dementia.

    I recommend you reread the title of this thread again. It's about Hunter but I'll play along. On second thought I won't play along with that same old broken record, orange man bad. The kicker is people don't care, so what, that's how bad folks don't want any part of the democrats. But, you keep on spewing the same old repetitive garbage over and over again. It's not going to help biden's popularity.


    Biden could never stand in front of a crowd and free style the way Trump does.


    Now run along and bake some cookies for Hunter, I'm sure he'd appreciate them. Ex addicts like sweets.

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  3. Man, bunches of guys here trying to convince themselves that ladyboys are women and a little bit of dick now and again isn't gay. Who'd a thought. Whatever floats your boat, but you have to be honest with yourselves.



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  4. 1 hour ago, placeholder said:

    Worrisome as in how big a problem it is? The level of concern should be based on a calculus: namely how much in the way of resources should be devoted to the issue. Is it as worrisome as other kinds of far more frequent homicides committed in these nations? Should resources devoted to preventing far more numerous classes of homicides be diverted to this issue. Would additional funds requisitioned to deal with this issue save more lives if they were expended elsewhere? How "worrisome" do you find the plight of  innocent victims of other kinds of homicide as compared to those committed by Islamists? Why is so much attention focused on this? Maybe you believe that emotionalism helps in evaluating and addressing issues. I don't.

    How about you just say what you mean. My take from your words is that you're OK with the surge of Islamist violence against westerners, because there's other folks killing so it's all good.

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