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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Second link from ABC news, as stated the walls are closing in on the biden cabal.
  2. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/stuart-varney-hunters-ex-biz-partner-will-put-bidens-denials-in-a-whole-new-light Hunter put his then-vice president father on speakerphone two dozen times, to talk to his business associates. https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/after-multiple-delays-hunter-biden-business-partner-set-to-testify-on-capitol-hill-devon-archer-conspiracy-theory-burisma-president-joe-biden-house-republicans-jim-jordan-james-komer-speakerphone-ukraine-viktor-shokin-corruption The Walls are closing in on this cabal.
  3. I ate at TB once in Pattaya, was the super tacos with sour cream. It was OK to try but if I want good tacos I make at home. I'm usually disappointed trying western food joints in Thailand.
  4. We started our kid with group swim lessons at age 5, some of the kids have gone on to competition meets. Some of the kids were much younger than ours. I think in the rural areas the kids don't actually learn to swim.
  5. That's what I'll do. My eyes get super red, sometimes in the morning I scare myself in the mirror.
  6. Exactly right, which is why I put the question in the cannabis section to start. Question has been answered so please zip this thread up.
  7. GOP debates coming up 23 Aug, so far it's 7 candidates who've qualified.
  8. I remember drinking Mojo in Subic Bay, sold by the pitcher.
  9. I lived alot of my life saving, the thought of spending 10% of my income on lunch was not happening. But here even a 50 thb meal is alot if the day rate is 500 thb. I don't get it.
  10. Yep apply the sno roof then a layer of the fiber tape and a thin later of sno roof on top.
  11. Your avatar gets more disturbing every time. Not as bad as Bogs though.
  12. I'm a man of few words. But I know most liberals prefer long drawn out speeches. Sorry.
  13. You do understand why I put the thread in cannabis section. But, question answered.
  14. It would depend on your vision for the US. I see because of biden's words a crazy increase of illegals crossing our southern border, a blunderous withdrawal from Afghanistan, a willingness to go along with the extreme far left as we saw in the college debt forgiveness. This will be deleted as it's way off topic, everyone knows Trump says things for a reaction but you want to act like he's actually serious. If the choice was biden or Trump, yes I would hope for a GOP win. In my perfect vision neither biden nor Trump will be candidates.
  15. The theatrics do get old. All the fear, and you go along with it.
  16. Amazing, when the derogatory comments are directed at Trump no evidence is required.
  17. On my Isuzu I stick with Bridgestone, my last pair I didn't shop around and paid 24,000 thb, These tires have had 2 plug patches and one hot side patch, 6 yrs old, ready for new set, regardless the thread.
  18. The one time I got then at pharmacy the drops burned my eyes and didn't do a good job at getting red out. Visine does the job but not available here.
  19. But to put the country's history of slavery into context you need to teach about slavery from the beginning of time. About the Black slave owners in the New World.
  20. I don't know about whitewashing, but slavery is a deep subject. Much more to it than bad white man kept slaves which I'm sure many want to limit the teaching.
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