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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. A major policy plank of the TEALs is acknowledging climate change as real, and a pressing issue. I narrowly avoided spraying coffee all over my keyboard. The thought of Trump as a warrior for the environment had me choking.
  2. In 2022, there was a sea-change in Australian politics - the rise of the TEALs., centrist politicians who are not beholden to either side of politics. The majority parties who want legislation passed now have to convince them of the merits of their proposals. IMO both sides of politics in America can agree - the country is completely polarized. The TEALs were successful because they appealed to voters on both sides who thought the major parties were ignoring their concerns, or taking them for granted. Perhaps they are what America needs. Notably, the TEALs who were successful at the ballot box are all women. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/23/teal-independents-who-are-they-how-did-they-upend-australia-election
  3. Unfortunately, there are too many examples where innocent people have been executed. Perhaps the leading example is Timothy Evans in the UK. The real murderer, Christie, was the leading witness in Evans's trial. I agree with the death penalty only if the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible, with a unanimous jury verdict. Proponents for the death penalty should read John Grisham's only non-fiction book, " An Innocent Man". Officers of the law who perpetrated that injustice with fabricated confessions had their careers left unscathed.
  4. Further to the point of Secret Service accommodation while Trump plays golf, I thought this describes Trump's grift quite nicely...... even down to Melania's role.
  5. It's on record Trump played golf over 300 times while President. Every time he did, it was at one of his golf courses. Usually Bedminster. His entire Secret Service detail was lodged and fed on those properties, which all had accommodation and restaurants. His normal security detail was enlarged. Golf courses are open space requiring more manpower to protect. It's a security nightmare. The Trump organization billed the US taxpayer for housing and feeding the Secret Service detail. The average cost was $800,000 per visit. If you don't understand the math of 300 X $800,000, I can't help you.
  6. No. Not a chill, or a shill either.
  7. I take the opposite view. Legalize everything, with the sole caveat committing a crime under the influence, gets treated as if the perpetrator were not. Police in Australia have said they can't arrest their way out of the meth problem. How many billions has the US spent on its war on drugs? What progress have they made? Making drugs legal accomplishes two things. It removes the criminal element, and the drugs should be safer because there is no longer profit in adulterating them. The data from countries who legalize drugs indicates crime rates are reduced substantially, because addicts no longer have to resort to crime to feed their habit. Just as there are functioning alcoholics, I am fairly sure there are functioning drug addicts. It's ironic, actually. Alcohol and tobacco are legal, yet AFAIK they are the only two substances given the status of Class 1 carcinogens.
  8. Zoom, Skype and Google Voice can all be used on a laptop, using a USB microphone/headset. Or one can use a VoIP service provider. My phone is mainly used for reading books, playing exercise videos, or storing photos of my passport, driver's license etc. Phone calls are a minor component.
  9. Suzy was ignorant of spelling and grammar. This is a new troll, who got caught out quite quickly. Did not know the difference between the two. He/she/it has put me on ignore, which I regard as a badge of honor.
  10. Minor correction. Trump played over 300 rounds of golf, taxpayer cost $240 million.
  11. I suspect the reason most of his golf courses are bleeding money is because he can't get decent staff for them. Golf is a separate universe where everybody knows the good places to apply for jobs. And the ones that treat their staff poorly.
  12. You can put it down the drain quite safely if you emulsify it in the sink first with detergent and hot water. You will probably need about quarter of a bottle of liquid detergent for each bottle of of oil.
  13. True. However, most businesses operate on a payment cycle of 1-3 months, depending on the terms and conditions of the contract. Some of Trump's bills go back to 2016, which is stretching the payment cycle more than a little. Successful companies also know it's good business to maintain an amicable relationship with their suppliers. Trump doesn't, which is why he can't get any reputable law firm to work for him, and the lawyers that do demand payment up front. BTW, Alina Habba seems to have disappeared from the public view.
  14. I certainly won't be ignoring you. I have a feeling you'll be a contender in my stupid post competition.
  15. Gee, I will cry myself to sleep tonight if you do.
  16. The original post used the word inbred when it should have been inbreed. Spelling refers to the correct arrangement of letters in a word. Grammar is the set of rules that govern how words are used together in sentences. I am not gaslighting you. You just don't want to admit you are wrong.
  17. Trump said it himself. He also said he could shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue, and not lose a single vote. Which is a sad demonstration of the character of both Trump and his followers. Your Biden comment is a deflection, the topic is Trump's crude sexual attacks. However, it is on record Tara Reade lied under oath and in court proceedings, and defected to Russia in May 2023. Not the most credible of plaintiffs.
  18. It's a spelling mistake, not grammar. If you want to be a guardian of the English language, perhaps you should brush up on the difference between the two yourself.
  19. So the women he grabbed by the pussy should just brush it off. The families of the dead soldiers he called suckers and losers should forget about it. The investors he ruined with 7 bankruptcies should get on with their lives. If I engaged your services as a contractor, then said I will pay you ten cents on the dollar, or you'll get nothing while I drag you through the courts, would you just walk away meekly? Congratulations, Competitor #5 in my stupid post competition.
  20. I can see you will get the nickname of No-Toes in no time.
  21. Therefore, you are putting your own posts in the category of not worth reading too. Thanks for the heads-up.
  22. Trump posted a $83 million bond to appeal the case because if he had not, he would have had to fork over the money immediately. Did you even think before you posted?
  23. You only get one entry.
  24. Then run your own competition. See how many people you can get interested. Afterwards, you can compare crowd sizes.
  25. Let's see: The millions of illegals are there because Trump blocked a bipartisan bill which would have established control of migration. Interest rates have been historically low since the GFC, Trump was on the tail end of that. The Fed's interest rate is 5,25-5,5% . Your figure of 9.1% is a lie. It has not been that high since 1990. The USA is energy independent. It exports LNG to Europe. If you want to support a 78yo in cognitive decline , your choice. Your post reminds me very much of a Trump speech - name-calling, lies, and unhinged raving.

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