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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Part of politics is the art of dodging questions. An egregiously naive post.
  2. The Nasdaq is down 0.5%. DJT is down 9.5%. I see you still have a math problem
  3. IMO Harris is capable of growing into the position. She demonstrated that by slicing Trump to ribbons. Nobody thought much of LBJ when he took over after Kennedy's assassination. He became one of the most reforming Presidents in America's history. OTOH, Trump is rooted in the past. He can only regress.
  4. I knew from Day One our relationship was transactional. We joke about the ATM sometimes. It's evolved into something else over the years. We care for each other. One of the reasons it is a success - I kept two-thirds of my assets in Australia. Still do.
  5. IMO the MAGA crowd and Trump have missed out on a big opportunity. Before releasing prisoners and mental patients, they are implanted with a chip supplied by Bill Gates, which compels them to head north until they are 200 miles north of the Tropic of Cancer.
  6. IMO the risk for the elderly is co-factors. Obesity, smoking, drinking etc. You may be right. However, I am optimistic because (a) I don't drink or smoke (b) I am normal BMI (c) I was recently told by a physio I am in the top 10% of my age group for physical fitness. No guarantee, but I feel I have the odds in my favor.
  7. So it will be even better done when Trump doubles down on tariffs? What are you smoking?
  8. I have just contracted COVID for the second time. I am in a high risk group. I have kept up with the vaccinations. My symptoms this time around were low grade fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches. Fever and muscle aches are gone, still have the runny nose and sore throat. Dosing up with three paracetamols a day. I was over my first bout of COVID in three days, hoping this one is the same. How long should I wait before testing again to confirm I am negative for COVID? I am self-isolating.
  9. What makes you think you are smarter than young people? IIRC, your own life has not been great.
  10. Are you buying gold, bitcoin, or another beer?
  11. How would you know? You said you stopped watching as you had something better to do.
  12. Trump did zero, zilch, zip for 4 years when it came to rolling out his health "reforms". He was too busy playing golf. Now he has a concept of a plan. It's a bit much expecting us to believe he will be a different person if elected.
  13. In other words, you enjoyed watching Trump wipe the floor with Biden, but couldn't bear to see Harris doing the same to Trump.
  14. Why don't you start a Harris-bashing thread?
  15. I could be wrong, but it seems to me the Trumper posters on this thread are admitting Harris performed better than than their expectations.
  16. If you are 81 yo, your average life expectancy is another 6 years.
  17. Check your history. Educate yourself on what the Holodomor was.
  18. You think the Kremlin is going to admit it has lost 1000 troops in one day? Or the true death toll to the Russian people? The Soviet Union fell on the basis of losing 15,000 KIA in Afghanistan over a time frame of 9 years. That's dwarfed by the death toll in Ukraine, in two years. It's only Putin's iron grip on the media that has prevented a revolution already. Each Ukrainian has to kill 6 Russian soldiers for parity. Given the poor training the Russians have, and the bone-headed military doctrine, not impossible.
  19. She's not 78 yo. in cognitive decline. She is not a felon. AS far as policy goes, the debt level under Harris is projected to increase by $1.2 trillion. Trump's debt level will increase by $5.8 trillion. I can see benefits for the ordinary citizen in healthcare and child tax credits. Trump's tax cuts for billionaires benefit no-one but them. AS for Trump's tariff proposals on all imported goods and services, that is sheer lunacy. The exporting countries don't pay the tariffs, the American consumer does. Quite apart from the the fact every other country will retaliate with tariffs of their own. I am not sure what you mean by recognition. Electing Harris would reassure the free world America has a sane and stable government. Electing Trump would make America a laughing stock again.
  20. I don't think you understand surrendering to Putin will result in the genocide of Ukrainians. Putin wants the assets of Ukraine, human beings are just an inconvenience. The model is the same as Stalin used, mass deportations, migrating Russians into the conquered areas, kidnapping children to be re-educated. The false concern you show for women and children is typical of a Kremlin apologist.
  21. Yes. The milk gives a fluffier product, lighter to digest. Butter is OK, for me it's too heavy.
  22. I had to look that up, and I would be discounting it. Think about it. Copernicus, Galileo and Newton had none of the sophisticated tools we have to measure attributes. They developed their concepts with sheer intellect. Hipparchus developed latitude and longitude before Christ was born. I should bloody well think we should be getting.smarter. We don't seem to be able to do it in politics.
  23. The opinions of the person you are replying to predate Copernicus. I sometimes wonder whether we are going backwards, when someone who lived nearly 500 years before is obviously smarter than most of us.
  24. My measure of breakfast at any hotel is how well they can cook scrambled eggs. The two best in Thailand were in Mae Hong Son and Udon Thani.
  25. It's always hard to say how many Russians are being killed. The Kremlin will downplay the losses, the Ukrainians will exaggerate them. The Ukrainians are fighting a modern war, combined arms and the accent on mobility. The Russians are still fighting with poorly-motivated conscripts and a top-heavy command structure, World War I and II style. Human wave stuff. The battle of Stalingrad resulted in 1.1 million Russian casualties, over a period of 6 months and 2 weeks. Given Russia's fighting methods do not seem to have changed appreciably, IMO a figure of 16 K is quite credible.
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