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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Put me down as someone who thinks Israel has a right to exist. It's difficult to make peace with someone who proclaims they want you all dead and gone. I guess my attitude is colored by achievement. 44 million Jews have produced over 200 Nobel Prize winners, in what I call the hard sciences. In contrast, 1.4 billion Muslims have produced just two. Given the Arab world used to be the centre of the world in terms of learning, something went badly askew. Sorry, off topic.
  2. Walz can hardly be described as anti-family, with two children. Plus free school lunches, and financial support for disadvantaged children. The difference is, he could not possibly make the gaffe about childless cat ladies, he's nothing if not inclusive. If Vance is not anti- LGBT, he sailed awfully close to the wind with the comment.
  3. Deflection. You can't find the word sub-standard, can you? Isn't there another thread you can go to, instead of infesting mine?
  4. Agree. They probably have more value as collectibles, and Thailand is not the place to get any premium.
  5. Show me where I said the service was sub-standard. In any of my 24 posts.
  6. True. They seem to be quite enthusiastic now. Perhaps you don't look at polls. The MAGA's loved it when Trump was on Time's cover. Now that it is Harris, suddenly Time is a leftist pinko propaganda machine.
  7. I thought we were talking about the ones who voted. I see you have acquired Trump's penchant for exaggerating the number of people who support him. "Oldtimer?" Please. Just once, come up with an insult that is witty and original.
  8. Blind Freddy can see the statement "millions of Americans" is begging the question. A common trait of Trump supporters, making statements without foundation.
  9. I was on pantoprazole for years for GERD, decided I was taking too many medications. Solved the problem with simple strategies. * Always allowed three hours to elapse between eating and lying down in bed. * Used a good quality pillow to keep my head elevated. * Avoided heavy meals. Stopped before I felt full. * Kept a bottle of water by the bed to sip, if my throat felt dry. * Had half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water just before going to bed. I have not had gastric reflux for 4-5 years. I've still got some pantoprazole, it's probably out-of-date. From the OP's description, I'd put money on an ulcer.
  10. There were 81 million US citizens that did not share your opinion in the last election, either.
  11. I don't see how the OP can blame this on Trump, there are only three statistics he is interested in.
  12. I bet it helped you keep score afterwards, though.
  13. I can accurately predict the oceans are going to get warmer. I can accurately predict storms - hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones - will become more violent. Ask any meteorologist what happens when water is warmer. I can say the CO2 level in the atmosphere was 300 ppm for millennia. It has increased to 440 ppm in less than 300 years, from when the Industrial Revolution started. Saying the increase is not due to human activity is as dumb as they come. My first two sentences are an inevitable consequence of the laws of thermodynamics. I suggest you learn about them and understand them, instead of researching material which fits your cognitive bias. Inquiring mind my aching butt.
  14. I peek occasionally. You really hate it when I return serve, because leftist as an insult has as much flair as a collapsed souffle. Try to think of something witty and original. I can wait a few years.
  15. It's not just bone spurs. It's cheating contractors, shagging pornstars, disrespecting dead soldiers, kindergarten insults, the COVID debacle. Lying on a scale never seen before, even in politics. Racism.Misogyny. Obviously, the term accumulation has too many syllables for you.
  16. If I were a Democrat of any stripe, I would be cheering him on. It seems he only opens his mouth to change feet.
  17. Aw, you're just jealous because you can't be as creative.
  18. I care too. I don't like the thought I am cheating people.
  19. After the replies I have received, I consider there are too many trolls on ASEAN. SammyJ is the poster I was responding to. Either he or a mod removed the offensive portion of the post, and he's been quiet since. What interests me is the fact the edit was made well outside the time window allowed for edits.
  20. There are quite a few examples of men with a wife and kids becoming gay. Likewise, women in a marriage becoming lesbians. Extract from Quora, name withheld: I'm a 62 year old gay man but I didn't come out until I was 52. I was married to a wonderful woman whom I still very much care about and we had four children. Two were born to us and two we adopted. We both came from a very conservative Christian tradition, Churches of Christ. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a slippery slope for Vance if he then gets stuck into the LGBT community, and something in his past comes to light.
  21. Usually the pork burger and a Caesar salad. I've been doing it for ten years, they haven't poisoned me yet.
  22. I'll help you out. My age is probably more than your IQ.
  23. Of course he does, it's apodeictic such a statement coming from you is true.
  24. I don't know about anywhere else, but the Thais at the massage shop and on the golf course never tip more than the absolute minimum.

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