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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I always pick an aisle seat for accessibility. I book months ahead, to get as far forward in the plane as possible.
  2. How did you make the generalisation men getting sex in return for money are misogynists? Be careful your halo does not strangle you.
  3. The list is misleading, as a percentage of population Thailand is similar to China. I'll bet it's also way under the real figure, with massage shops having "extras" and sideline girls.
  4. Stalin once said gratitude is a disease of dogs. Your response is what I have come to expect from you.
  5. If you are hoping to impress me with the fact you can afford first class, it's a fail. I've known quite a few wealthy people. Some are level-headed about it, others not.
  6. The US is the largest owner of Australian assets. We made ourselves a nuclear target with facilities such as Pine Gap and North West Cape. There are about 5000 US Marines stationed in Darwin. We have spent lives and treasure in all of your wars, from Korea onwards. Currently spending $350 billion on secondhand US nuclear submarines. Thai wives are rank amateurs compared to you bloodsuckers. Try some fact checking before posting utter rubbish.
  7. You totally screwed up spelling misogynist. Not to mention redneck. And racist. Again confirming the hypothesis most Trump supporters did not get past primary school. I doubt it is 75 million anymore, about 30% of Republican voters polled are saying they won't vote for Trump again. Not to mention millions of women voters who heard him crowing about overturning Roe vs Wade. He would have done better to keep his mouth shut, but I guess that's impossible. Your brain is going to explode if (a) Trump goes to jail (b) Biden wins in November. Both events seem far more likely than your febrile fantasies.
  8. The irony of Trump labeling Biden "Sleepy Joe" has come back to haunt him, as he repeatedly falls asleep during the hush money trial. Karma.
  9. Perhaps she could have scouted for you before renting. I do rely on my Thai GF's advice when dealing with other Thais. Unfortunately, unless you take him to court, there's little chance he will do the right thing. Lawyers are expensive.
  10. Never. I think fame would be a dangerous burden, with so many people that have tall poppy syndrome, or are just nuts. I have a different fantasy, being wealthy enough to do exactly what I want. Bobby Axelrod: "What's the point of having f*** you money, if you never say f*** you?
  11. You said in another post your wife got to know the neighbors. Is she Thai?
  12. Insulting others on this forum is all you've got, much like your hero. Who is definitely showing signs of dementia. Have you had yourself checked lately?
  13. In other words, you did not do your homework. Unfortunately, Thailand is a place where foreigners are told what Thais think they want to hear.
  14. Clutching at straws. AFAICT all the prejudicial publicity pretrial has been generated by Trump's rantings on social media.
  15. Why would anyone rent from a person they knew beforehand had a reputation for not returning rental deposits?
  16. The Communist revolution took place in Russia in 1917, 107 years ago. "Hundreds of years" demonstrates ignorance of history. You think Trump cares about America? He only cares about himself.
  17. Trump's $9000 in criminal contempt fines will be refunded. If he is jailed for repeated violations, he will be entitled to compensation. Dream on.
  18. A case bereft of any factual basis. You should be joining Trump's legal team.
  19. Trump is not a self-made man. He inherited his money from his father. The mixing of the pot is mainly in Republican disenfranchisement of minority voters, and the vagaries of the Electoral College. The people did not speak for him. Trump was beaten in the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. Witch hunt is the myth put out by Trump supporters and Trump himself. Anything to avoid acknowledging he has been indicted 4 times by grand juries of ordinary citizens. Try posting something with a grain of truth next time.
  20. The judge did say he regretted the financial penalty was not enough for deterrence with a defendant as wealthy as Trump. Putting Trump in jail was appealable. It's much more difficult to appeal when there is a history of prior convictions. By convicting Trump of criminal contempt, it also puts him in violation of the bail conditions that are in force with his three other criminal trials.
  21. I've seen plenty of Australian actors do an American accent. I have yet to see an American actor who can do an Australian accent successfully.
  22. As usual, the literacy of your post sadly indicates the level of education of the average Trump supporter.
  23. Strange. I thought Trump and his MAGA followers had the patent on hate. Lying Ted Cruz, Crooked Hillary, Gavin Newscum, Ron DeSanctimonious -the list goes on and on. "Poisoning the blood of our country" ring any bells with you?
  24. My GF rides pillion. Adding a saleng means it takes up nearly as much room as a car, and can't be parked conveniently.

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