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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Models are projections of current data, and the trends of said data. Reality is the fact humans have effected global warming and climate change by burning fossil fuels for 200 years on an industrial scale. If you don't want to acknowledge that fact, you really have your head in the sand. Fossil fuels are used in a multitude of applications - pharmaceuticals, polymers, fertilizers, and base industrial chemicals. However, we simply cannot afford to keep burning them for the sake of electricity and transport. We need to develop alternatives which are more sustainable. Please tell me what your scientific qualifications are, including your understanding of the laws of thermodynamics. You sound to me like proof of the aphorism a little knowledge is dangerous.
  2. Fossil fuels have been the mother's milk of industry, it is time to wean ourselves off them. Conservative models of the Himalayan Plateau indicate by 2050, water flows to the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Mekong rivers will be halved. 2 billion people are sustained by that water, and the models do not include dam projects by the Chinese. I agree the education system is faulty. It does not teach people to recognize "look over there" arguments, or stress the importance of a sound education in physics and chemistry. Much easier to get an Arts degree. The media, in particular the Murdoch media, have been climate change/global warming deniers for more than a decade. Call it scaremongering if you will, the science is on my side.
  3. We humans have managed to shift the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 425 ppm in about 200 years, which is a blink of an eye in geological time. That change is showing up as increased air and ocean temperatures. What has most scientists worried is the butterfly effect, first postulated by the German polymath Friedrich Schiller in the 17th century. That is, an apparently insignificant change in one part of the world producing drastic upheaval in another region. It's also known as a Black Swan event. The Siberian and Canadian permafrost regions contain vast quantities of clathrates, which are complexes of water and methane. Clathrates decompose at 1 - 5 C, into their constituent compounds. As a greenhouse gas, methane is 100 times more powerful than CO2 in terms of heat transmission. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, methane in the atmosphere was about 750 parts per billion. As of 2022, it is 1900 ppb. If the permafrost starts melting, or we screw up an operation designed to extract methane as a fuel, we could have a butterfly effect. There's also the albedo of the Greenland icecap as another potential butterfly effect. Don't be so sure climate change can't happen in a hurry. BTW, too much salt is bad for the kidneys.
  4. I didn't think so, a tattooed todger would be extremely painful. What makes yours stand out from the crowd?
  5. When scientists and engineers come up with miracles of modern technology, such as passenger aircraft, PET scans, and smartphones, everyone applauds. When they come up with unpopular information which indicates we are $h!tting in our own nest, many don't want to know.
  6. No doubt she has had bigger fish to fry. Apologies for the mixed metaphor.
  7. According to Stormy, it's one of the most weirdly shaped todgers on the planet. IIRC the words tiny and mushroom keep cropping up. You could help him out big time by loaning him yours for the duration of the trial.
  8. He's had the nickname Diaper Don for years, Michael Cohen added Don von Schitzendrawers recently. With his age and diet, I could almost guarantee he has man boobs. Perhaps Stormy will be able to enlighten us further, when she testifies.
  9. It would not surprise me if a compromise was reached. For example, the judge could order Trump to be confined at Mar-a-Lago, with the proviso he gets to see a real cell if he sets foot outside that property.
  10. No, because they won't be convicted felons. And unless recruitment standards have been drastically lowered, they won't be needing nappies and bras either.
  11. Melania must have really stacked on the weight. or you need your spectacles prescription updated. Corset? I don't even have man boobs. Now there's a mental image for everyone. Trump having to submit to a body cavity search at his prison induction, then getting fitted with a nappy and bra.
  12. I have been occasionally tempted to take one, then be a complete outlier with BS answers.
  13. My attitude to surveys is my time is worth something, and I have never had anyone offer me money for my time in answering a survey. So I don't do them, and I don't care if it is a human or AI doing the interrogation. I don't know about more accurate, a survey is only as good as the information people give it.
  14. It does not scare me at all. I keep asking questions either AI can't answer, or the answer is totally wrong. I got a call from an AI survey centre recently. I don't do surveys anyway, but it only took me two questions to work out I was talking to a robot.
  15. I am polite and respectful to most people, irrespective of nationality. I tend to avoid association with rough-looking people. Many years ago, a martial arts instructor taught me the best thing to do in a confrontation is to walk away. Because there is always someone out there who will be faster, stronger, or more skilled. IME people who go looking for trouble usually find it. I don't.
  16. They do that in most stores here too. IIRC they test before you pay.
  17. Exactly. You "believe". Billions of people "believe" there is a God, despite having no physical evidence for such a being. Global warming due to carbon emissions is replete with physical evidence. Scientists can easily demonstrate the carbon dioxide molecule absorbs radiation in the infra-red spectrum. There are food ovens and paint curing systems which rely on infra-red designs. They also have data which shows CO2 levels have gone from 280 ppm to 420 ppm in 200 years of industrialization. Average ocean temperatures are rising. The Larsen Ice Shelf is melting at unprecedented rates. Glaciers in Greenland, Iceland and the Himalayas are disappearing. Polar bears are losing habitat in the Arctic. In the last decade, Australia has set new records for inland heat cells. This is all undeniable physical evidence. What astonishes me is so many people with no scientific training seem to think they know better. Natural cycle my aching @!se.
  18. You may be called a bad guy if the seller compares the serial number on the receipt, or their records, with the serial number on the faulty device. As you have paid out twice, IMO not cheating.
  19. 38 cm, which IMO would beat most Americans easily. Including Trump.
  20. Rich people can afford renewable power sources and battery storage. The average person can't. Fossil-fueled power generators have a shrinking market. If they leave their prices as is, their profitability decreases. 65% of electricity worldwide is still generated from fossil fuel. Your grasp of business economics is no better than your grasp of science.
  21. You are wrong in several aspects. We were not around during the Ordovician period, 485 million years ago. We only came into being about 700,000 years ago. We did not start influencing climate until the Industrial Revolution, which is only 200 years ago. You think natural gas is clean fossil fuel? It comes out of the ground with up to 35% CO2 in it. Limestone is calcium carbonate. It doesn't emit CO2 until humans heat it at 900 C to make lime, the heating achieved using fossil fuels. While it is true animals fart CO2, they also fart methane, which is 100 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2. Intensive animal husbandry started about the same time as the Industrial revolution Pretending CO2 and climate change are cyclical is the classic argument used by denialists to divert away from the evidence that overwhelmingly indicates humans are responsible for current and coming climate changes. Poverty is unavoidable. Conservative models indicate by 2050 water flows to the Mekong, Brahmaputra and Ganges rivers from the Himalayan plateau will be halved. About 2 billion people depend on that water supply. You say you understand thermodynamics, your response says you don't. I won't waste my time any further.
  22. Fox News is a trusted news source - for some. AFAIK the Washington Post has never had to agree to shell out $767 million just to avoid having to appear in court.
  23. The First Law of Thermodynamics states all forms of energy are interchangeable. When you drive your car, you are converting the chemical energy of gasoline to kinetic energy, and heat energy. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states heat energy will always flow from a hotter entity to a colder entity, unless work is done to reverse said flow. That's what an air-conditioner does. We get about 97% of the Earth's heat from the Sun. That heat has to go somewhere. It goes into the oceans. The oceans get warmer. For 10,000 years, the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere was 280 ppm. Since the Industrial Revolution, that level has risen to 425 ppm, the result of humans burning fossil fuels. Increased carbon dioxide increases the amount of heat the Earth absorbs from the Sun. That is global warming. Storms like hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones are heat engines, the First Law of Thermodynamics in operation. The heat energy in the ocean is converted to kinetic energy. The warmer our oceans become, the more intense those storms will be. Ask any meteorologist. That is climate change. I am a retired scientist. I have never got any funding from anyone for climate research, so I can't be accused of having a vested interest. I also will be dead before the worst effects arrive, so I am objective. Scientists work from measurement and observation. All the data is saying we are warming up, as a result of human activity. Here's another data set which indicates what is happening.
  24. "What do crocodiles call American tourists?" " Lunch ". No doubt you consider the "Washington Post" to be a leftie pinko rag.

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