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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. OP, do you want lightweight steels, or graphites? It sounds to me like you need senior flex or soft regular graphites. Bear in mind kick point also is a factor, I'd recommend getting only one shaft fitted until satisfied. Matrix Ozik are probably the best shafts around, but expensive.
  2. As I have said before, if no-one responds to the s*!tstirrers, it deprives them of oxygen.
  3. There are several like the character Loki in "Vikings".
  4. I just stay out of the way, as I don't know if the water is out of some disease-ridden klong, or has chunks of ice in it.
  5. I've tried various versions of Linux, IMO Linux Mint is the easiest for my purposes. I really doubt Windows has anything to offer me I do not have already. LibreOffice, Openshot video editor, VideoDownloader, scanning and printing is all I need. My last memory of Windows was acquiring a virus so virulent nothing could be done for the laptop that was attacked by it. It continues to baffle me why people shell out good money for an OS which is under daily assault by hackers, when free Linux hardly ever gets molested.
  6. Have you ever noticed electricians blink rapidly?
  7. What is this Pike you keep rabbiting on about? IMO it sets a new high for inane posting. Christopher Pike is a captain of one of the endless Star Trek spinoffs, what's so funny about that?
  8. When you assemble your latest project, I trust you are aware of the Thai penchant for not earthing electrical circuits. My son found that out when he was putting together a desktop for me, and the case was live.
  9. So you reject mouthwash because you believe it causes cancer, and happily imbibe whatever tipple you are partial to? Tipple which contains ethanol, listed as a Class 1 carcinogen by the WHO back in 1989. It's like a rabid anti-vaxxer I know, who is horrified at the thought of getting 0.5 ml of Moderna or Pfizer in their arm once a year, and drinks like a fish every day. Really quite funny.
  10. I replied to Dolf because I was feeling masochistic. The highway was closed for a planned burn, could not get down to my favorite Indian restaurant. Lugged 80 chunks of firewood into my son's shed, another 80 to go this afternoon. Counting the days until I get back to Thailand.
  11. I guess that's a burden I'll have to bear, as I don't suffer fools gladly.
  12. IMO I have reached the stage where a good dump is more enjoyable, and does not take as much time.
  13. I have friends who are religious, I don't inflict my views on them as long as they don't try to proselytize me. The problem I have with "God's love" is it seems to have gone walkabout, when it comes to those who were sexually abused as children, by the very people who were entrusted with their spiritual care. The eleventh century was when celibacy was mandated for all priests in the Roman Catholic Church. On the surface, it was intended to increase the purity and detachment of the clergy. It also protected the church from inheritance claims. Any psychologist will tell you when natural human instincts are suppressed, it is a breeding ground for various perversions. This is not a case of rogue priests. It's a statistical inevitability. And the church continues the tradition of celibacy. As Pascal said, " Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." As witness a grifting ex-President, flogging $59.99 bibles to pay his legal bills. Him as a messenger of prayer and love? Bring me a bucket, please.
  14. DILLIGAS Just for you, "Do I Look Like I Give A S..."
  15. IMO the most likely explanation is texting on his mobile. With the dark windows, no-one can see them doing it. Illegal even in Thailand, but then TIT.
  16. I agree, and have a friend in Chiang Mai in that position. I am not getting my knickers in a twist until there is evidence of: 1/ Banks deducting tax on international transfers. or 2/ Immigration refusing visa extension applications that do not have a tax number.
  17. And potentially I find myself faced with a bodybuilder in a roid rage, or someone out of their skull on crystal meth. You've really outdone yourself with an idiotic post this time.
  18. What do you mean by yield to the left? Are you confusing American roads with Thai roads?
  19. I usually turn on my flashers when someone tailgates, which only happens on single lane carriages. On dual lanes, I am on the left. I don't care if everyone passes me, as long as they kill themselves somewhere else. I've only had two fines in 10 years, both from missing a speed limit sign. I console myself with the thought the fines are inexpensive compared to Western countries.
  20. The USA has a DTA with Thailand. Whatever happens, you cannot be taxed in two jurisdictions, only one. If you stay in Thailand for more than 180 days, you are deemed a Thai tax resident. In that case, you would stop paying tax in the USA.
  21. I am not so sure we are the most intelligent species on Earth, scientists are still working on understanding dolphins. They probably wipe the floor with us as communicators. It would be absolute arrogance to assume we are the sole and most evolved intelligence in the universe. Anyone who has been in outback New South Wales at night, no cloud and little moonlight, gets to know how insignificant we really are.
  22. As Mike has said, either the banks will start demanding TIN's from foreigners to operate a Thai account, and/or Immigration will want a TIN before granting a visa extension. If either actually happens to someone on this forum, it's a fairly safe bet they will be posting about it.
  23. There is nothing to stop any pensioner who has provable savings prior to January 1, 2024 transferring said savings progressively into Thailand tax-free, then allowing the pension payments to accumulate in an Australian bank account. At least, that's the way I understand the laws. Money cannot be taxed here, until it surfaces in a Thai bank account.
  24. It's still 150 baht for an hour's massage in Chiang Rai, if one knows where to look. I usually pay 200. Not interested in hoes, too old.

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