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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. To give you a pointless off topic question to post.
  2. I said final post, I was wrong. A new twist in the tale. I had lodged a dispute with my bank, about the $100 deposit to the car rental company. The manager grudgingly gave me back my deposit after I arrived in Australia. Meantime, my bank yesterday credited my account for $100, by reversing the original deposit transaction. The manager has 30 days to claim it back. The shoe is on the other foot. I am holding his money, whereas before he was holding mine. He could have avoided the situation by refunding the deposit immediately, instead of trying to bulldoze me. Karma.
  3. The possibility exists that if there is a god, instead of being loving, he/she/it is a vicious and uncaring god. As far as I am concerned, every religion demands worship - and money. Greeks, Romans and Scandinavians all had their pantheon of gods. Pagans had the spirits of earth, air, fire and water. It is a matter of belief, not fact, as to which religion thinks it is superior to all the others.
  4. Hot mustard, soy sauce.
  5. Not many people speed up going past an accident.
  6. I am waiting to hear from any poster who has gone to Immigration for a retirement extension, and has been told they must have a Thai tax number for the extension to be approved.
  7. You may have him on ignore, but everyone else can see his responses to your posts.
  8. The OP is applying through the Chicago embassy, where the Western meaning of "certified" may be the rule. As another poster has said, best to ask the embassy staff what is acceptable. IME facts are better to have than opinions.
  9. Ham, cheese, and Branston pickle. Ham, cheese and Masterfoods Hot English mustard. Cheese is Mainland Tasty or Vintage. Alternatively, smoked salmon, avocado spread and a good Brie or Camembert. It's anything but humble.
  10. I said goodbye to Windows after the abortion that was Vista. My needs from a system are simple - internet access, email, documents, spreadsheets. I don't need or want all the bells and whistles Windows purportedly has. I take comfort from the fact hackers will always have Windows as their priority target, and won't bother with Linux. I don't know about 70 year olds, this 80 yo is quite happy to stick with what he knows will work.
  11. I prefer to think of myself as someone who doesn't suffer fools gladly. Goodbye.
  12. 100% hydrocarbon is correct. You are splitting hairs between aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, when they are both hydrocarbons. That's what the term means, compounds with only carbon and hydrogen , no other elements such as oxygen or nitrogen present. Every fuel manufacturer claims their product is better, no surprise there.
  13. Certified usually means the document is notarised by a notary public, the police, or a magistrate. It depends on the circumstances which official is deemed to be acceptable.
  14. I got a nice certificate from my company congratulating me for working 10 years without a sick day. As they did not sweeten the pot at all, from then on I had a couple of sickies a year. A doctor's note was only necessary after two days off work in Australia. The bludgers only took one day off at a time. I inherited a guy who took Fridays and Mondays off for 50 weeks in succession. I said you are extracting the urine, it stops now. He transferred out of my section two weeks later.
  15. When Kyle Rittenhouse acquired the weapon he used to kill people, presumably he was classed as a responsible gun owner. Google the term oxymoron if you would like to know what the phrase responsible gun owner really means.
  16. The 500 baht fee applies to CNG cylinders, which store gas at up to 25,000 psi. I don't think it applies to LPG cylinders, which only require inspection at ten year intervals, as they store LPG at 2500 psi.
  17. Not one. Perhaps you could ask yourself why, instead of questioning me. Sorry, I forgot. You're a Trump supporter, logic and self appraisal are not in whatever skill set you may acquired, from the limited education you got.
  18. Air coolers will work with climates of dry heat, such as the Australian interior. 15% relative humidity, 40 C. The normal mode of operation is to leave every window in a house open an inch to create positive flow. Thailand is obviously not a place where they can function efficiently. There is a new mosquito killer on the market, called Zappify. It is claimed to kill 99% of mosquitoes in a 5 metre radius. I've just bought one. Apparently it is more effective than the conventional traps, which use broad spectrum UV. Instead, it's a UV laser of a specific wavelength mosquitoes find irresistible.
  19. My father hated Jews. He said Hitler had the right idea about them. Possibly a Jew got the better of him in some deal. I went to school with a number of Jewish kids, it was actually a Presbyterian college. As far as I was concerned, they were like anyone else. The best Jewish joke I have heard...... A busload of tourists turn up at the Auschwitz museum just before closing time. The bus driver comes back to the passengers after a brief consultation with the curator. "Sorry people, it's closed. He says come back tomorrow". One of the passengers speaks up. "Tell him we're Jews".
  20. Yes, a friend who got into a relationship with a bar madam. Apparently cost him heavily to extract himself from her clutches. He did not go home with his tail between his legs. He opened a bar in another city, I understand it is successful.
  21. Train wrecks are interesting too.
  22. Benzene is classed as an aromatic hydrocarbon. The other aromatics which may be present are toluene and xylene. Which may be the additives you refer to. Benzene is a known human carcinogen, causing acute leukemia.
  23. Perhaps it was a slow day. I wasn't aware my threads had to meet with your approval. I could equally ask why you start BS topics.

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