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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Quite amazing how that officer corps is only half the size of Thailand's. With about three times the number of active military personnel to manage.
  2. It says a lot you are posting from Phetchabun, do they even have pizza there?
  3. I've found there are more stupid answers than there are stupid questions.
  4. Nonsense, I know two restaurants in Chiang Rai that do a very good pizza.
  5. No-one seems to know. I am wondering how anyone can be considered resident in Thailand, tax or otherwise, when they have to report to Immigration every 90 days.
  6. Trump makes no secret of his admiration for dictators. His approach to diplomacy is to give them what they want. His display of butt-licking with Putin in Helsinki was ample evidence of that. Trump also thinks soldiers who give their lives or become crippled defending their country are dumb. All bullies are cowards, Trump is no exception. He's terrified by the prospect of going to prison.
  7. Germany also had some of the best NCO's. Compare that with the Russians, who have political commissars. Only good for second-guessing every field officer. I don't disagree Hitler's refusal to allow retreat was instrumental in Germany's defeat. However, if the Germans had taken Britain first, IMO history would have been very different. That was another mistake of Hitler's. He diverted the Luftwaffe from attacking British military targets, such as airfields, in retaliation for a token bombing attack on Berlin. Modern military doctrine says the path to winning is led by absolute air supremacy. The Russians are far from that in Ukraine.
  8. It's a more expensive option; however, IMO the OP may benefit from having his dentures refitted. As we get older, our gums shrink. Adhesives work best when the interface between the two surfaces to be stuck together is as small as possible. The thicker the adhesive layer, the more likely it is to fail.
  9. That is a blatant exaggeration. No one expects the Ukrainians to invade Russia, booting them out of the Donbas and Crimea is all they aspire to. Loss of Crimea would almost certainly see Putin go down.
  10. Love Actually.
  11. Looking at history, Barbarossa failed because Hitler was fighting a war on two fronts. The Russians were also getting war material from the Arctic convoys. Putin has a war on two fronts, although he probably does not realize it. The Chinese would love to get their hands on the underdeveloped resources of Siberia. You think the accord between Xi and Putin ensures that won't happen? Cast your mind back to the Molotov - Ribbentrop pact, how long did that last?
  12. IIRC it was John McCain who described Russia as a gas station disguised as a nation. That gas station is about two-thirds down on the revenue it was earning from oil and gas sales pre-Ukraine. Wars soak up a lot of money, as the Americans found out in Vietnam. The occupation of Afghanistan cost 15,000 Russian lives over 9 years, an event which triggered the fall of the Soviet Union. In two years, Russia has lost 135,000 soldiers, nearly 90% of the original invasion force. It is reduced to scavenging weapons and ammunition from Iran and North Korea. The Chinese are making nice speeches, but no material help is forthcoming. Much of Russia's oil and gas is located in inhospitable regions. The expertise it relied on to keep those wells running is gone, and their home-grown engineers are all near retirement. About 1 million of their best and brightest left Russia to avoid being drafted for the meat grinder of Ukraine. The Black Sea fleet has been forced by a nation with no navy to retreat from Crimea. Russia has lost more than 4000 tanks in Ukraine, with some being captured by Ukraine. These are facts, not wishes. If it's not looking good for Zelensky, it's looking even worse for Putin.
  13. And a Merry Christmas to you too.
  14. What have you got against Australians?
  15. After Thai food, I found Chinese food to be quite boring in Hong Kong. Still, one can't say it is not fresh. Merry Christmas, or whatever it is you celebrate. Chinese.mp4
  16. The expression is " Use it or lose it" I have had chronic osteoarthritis of the lower spine for at least 30 years. I keep it mobilized by a daily stretching routine. I used to medicate with anti-inflammatories as well, no longer do so.
  17. I am quite happy to accept the label of economic migrant or refugee. After the GFC, I took stock. I could live a boring and very modest lifestyle in Australia, or look elsewhere. I settled on Thailand after six months of research of various countries. My lifestyle here is not affluent, but it is not poor either. I could not live anywhere near as well in Australia. I have a steady income from a pension, plus investments. I was also lucky enough to find a GF here who is a jewel. I have made some poor decisions in my life, retiring in Thailand is not one of them.
  18. IIRC Guiliani was complaining bitterly about Trump not helping him, and Trump organized a fundraiser which hardly covered the cost of the rubber chicken.
  19. Given Trump is notorious for not paying his bills, bribery would be right outside his comfort zone. Threats and intimidation are more his style.
  20. It was some time ago, but AFAIK she only had Australian nationality. She did not have a Canadian passport when we went there. I don't know how Canadian SS works, but she was employed over there for quite a while. She was married to a Canadian previously.
  21. Osteoarthritis usually is improved with exercise.
  22. You would need an MRI before proceeding to surgery, as knee pain can also be caused by cartilage loss. I had an arthroscopy way back in 2006. The surgeon said the most important part of my recovery was not the operation, but the rehab afterwards. X'rays do not necessarily show tissue damage.
  23. You could have saved yourself a couple of weeks of unnecessary suffering by going to hospital in the first 2-3 days. With other diseases, such as cancer, rabies or meningitis, delay could kill you.
  24. Russia's only hope is to get Trump back in the Oval Office. It's heading for a failed state, or Chinese vassal otherwise.
  25. He forgets you are hansum man.

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