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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO he is poisoning himself with excessive protein. Check his eGFR. Sorry, I forgot. That's something doctors do, and you are so much more qualified.
  2. I eat lashings of cheese. That is counter-balanced with plenty of low carb, high fibre vegetables. Bamboo is great stuff. So is celery. https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/are-protein-shakes-healthy The amount of mercury in fish depends on their position in the food chain. shark yes, sardines no. It's called bio-accumulation. Let me suggest just because your diet is tolerated by a 40 - something, it does not necessarily mean an 80 yo will cope similarly. We all are different.
  3. Sunday is the usual day for lunching or having dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, and slacking off a bit on my exercise regime. I don't go shopping or to any tourist spots on Sunday, too many people.
  4. Natural protein sources such as meat, eggs and fish are all that is required in a healthy diet. As a processed food, protein powders increase the risk of bloating, gas, and constipation.
  5. I daresay the statement will make sense to others who want to think about what I posted, in preference to automatically searching for a snide comment. I have already posted how my GF benefits after my death. What are you doing that is, or will be, best for others? Is there anyone that will mourn your passing?
  6. If Thais had the same average IQ as the Japanese, how many of us do you think could afford to live here? You should be careful what you wish for.
  7. IQ can be fairly useless unless EQ is there as well. Many successful people have both. OTOH, there are some people with stratospheric IQ's who are absolutely miserable.
  8. I have found taking the line of least resistance is more effective.
  9. Thousands of Thais sleep on the floor next to their loved ones in public hospitals, it's part of the culture. Let's say I follow your suggestion, and die in a private hospital instead. In doing so, I run up a bill of 300,000 baht. That is 300,000 baht less she will receive, in what I have willed to her. Need I say more?
  10. Your churlish disposition. If you want to take shots at me, expect return fire.
  11. I feel sorry for a person for whom nasty posts are normal behavior. I have no doubt you will die alone, and unloved.
  12. And Jewish as well, which did not sit comfortably with the British aristocracy and their military leaders.
  13. Tough gig when you have an unsympathetic audience that does not appreciate your lightning wit, no?
  14. If I think something is going to be expensive, I always want to know the price first. I don't get my knickers in a twist over 60 baht.
  15. I will die with my Thai GF at my side. If I am in a hospital, she will be sleeping on the floor next to my bed. This I know, because it has been demonstrated previously.
  16. The Germans were no slouches at technology either, virtually all the foods we eat are courtesy of Rudolf Diesel.
  17. Without Sir John Monash, you'd probably still be fighting World War I.
  18. Do these ladies know they are four in number? Sounds like the mother of all cat-fights to me.
  19. Yes. I downloaded OpenShot, a free video editor, and taught myself how to use it. I make collections of highlights for my own pleasure, files are too large to upload here. It's a useful mental exercise.
  20. Each to his own, to me a crust is spoiling the fish. A bit like steak with charcoal. How anyone can cook protein without turning is beyond my comprehension. I agree, an air fryer is a boon in condo life, being so compact.
  21. If you can't do salmon well in an air fryer, you are not doing it right. Frozen salmon, thaw in the warmer part of the refrigerator overnight. I get mine from Makro. Bone in, which helps hold everything together. Coat fryer grille with olive oil spray. 4 minutes on each side. Simple.
  22. I create videos by editing downloaded videos from Youtube, discarding the dross. Play solitaire and word puzzles, pa som sip with my Thai GF. Watch TV series, currently on Boardwalk Empire. I don't have a Facebook, Instagram or TikTok account. Those organizations periodically sell personal data to scammers. The way many Thai girls dress, it's basically free viewing porn. Too old to think about following up.
  23. Paying 70,000 baht a month to rent in Thailand is enough to prove to me the OP has more money than sense.
  24. There are posters who claim there are no side effects after their prostate surgery. I consider they are just lucky. I've had surgery for my knee, 2 hernias, appendix and double carpal tunnel. All improved my quality of life. IMO the prostate is a different kettle of fish. In any case, I am more inclined to believe someone with FRCS, FRACS after their name, than any poster here.

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