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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My GF works helping a cousin with a food stall. She says she would be bored if she had nothing to do.
  2. No. Defacto relationships are not recognized under Thai law. She has no rights to any of your assets.
  3. Contrary to popular opinion, commonsense is not all that common.
  4. Dr. Wittawat Rawiyotai at Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Mai speaks very good English. I have used him before for check cystoscopies. Medications can control prostate problems for extended periods. I am currently on a combination of dutasteride and tamsulosin. It depends on what problems the OP is having. According to my highly qualified and experienced urologist in Australia, surgery should be regarded as a last resort, due to the potential side effects.
  5. Can you project your unfortunate experience onto everyone else? It's like relationships with bar girls, there are good and bad ones.
  6. There are about 16 million Jews worldwide. About 1.4 billion Muslims. The first group has produced over 200 Nobel Prize winners in what I call the hard sciences - physics, chemistry, and medicine. The latter group, just two. One has to wonder what went wrong, as the Middle East was the centre of scientific progress prior to the Renaissance.
  7. You obviously have never experienced winter in the Dandenongs.
  8. How many male foreigners are there in Thailand, and how many male Thais? The figure you cite is an example of the aphorism there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. It's like saying 99% of Thais prefer pad thai goong over cottage pie. My Thai massage lady is a classic example. AFAIK she has never been a prostitute. When she was 30 yo, her husband told her she was no longer attractive, and dumped her. She has asked me if I have any friends who would be interested in a hard-working companion, which she is. You are correct in saying Thai men are not interested in single mothers, because many are as shallow as a mud puddle. It's a bridge too far to automatically label all of them as bar girls, therefore prostitutes. The guys who end up marrying their golf caddies, are those women all prostitutes too?
  9. I rarely carry large amounts of cash, when I do it's in a money belt around my waist, under my shirt. I wonder if he lost his passport as well, maybe "valuable documents " is the term preferred.
  10. IMO the Middle East will never be at peace until all the major players accept Israel's right to exist. Trump's hot air on the issue is about as credible as his claim he can settle the war in Ukraine in one day.
  11. Of course I do, when they establish with their posts they are morons. It is no more memorable than avoiding dog turds on the sidewalk.
  12. Is the most memorable thing you have done in Thailand criticize others?
  13. It should be obvious the mods are now more relaxed about posters going off topic. However, some miserable gits with nothing better to do get their knickers in a twist about it. Nobody is forcing them to read said posts.
  14. Two of my golfing highlights - playing the Old Course at St. Andrews, and Pine Valley in the USA.Special memories.
  15. Legend says it's the number of nips one can get out of a bottle of whisky. By the time the round is finished, most golfers don't care what their score is.
  16. Even as a golfer, IMO this is priceless.
  17. The world is full of 14 yo kids who can shoot 76 or better. How many of them go on to become champions at varying levels is an entirely different question.
  18. There are some very well run restaurants in Chiang Rai, even the humble Big C food court where I get a 65 baht pad thai goong. There's only two restaurants I would never go back to in Chiang Mai, after living there 10 years. One went under, AFAIK the other is still serving stone cold food to its customers. It's a lottery. There was a restaurant on Mahidol road in CM that made a seafood marinara to die for. 150 baht. It closed, possibly because the food was too good for what they were charging.
  19. 77 off the stick when I was 78 yo, smart@rse. I'm just wondering when your IQ will be higher than your age.
  20. Breaking my age with my golf score.
  21. This might work in Western culture. In Thai culture, complaining is the same as insulting the person. It's why I prefer to say nothing, and never go back. it's probably also why so many small businesses in Thailand go under.
  22. Takes me back to 'does your nose bleed every 28 days?'
  23. I don't agree with the notion Thai bar girls are any worse than any other Thai women with respect to their conduct with foreigners. Like most humans, it's a spectrum. I do agree many Thais assume any Thai woman with a foreigner is a prostitute. Given they are class-ridden, poorly educated snobs, their opinion is irrelevant to me. A very common refrain I get from the Thai women I meet is their desire for the company of a foreigner, in preference to a Thai male. Almost invariably, they have had a prior relationship with a Thai.
  24. If any food in a restaurant is unsatisfactory for any reason, I don't eat it. I say nothing, pay for the food. I never go back to the restaurant again.

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