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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO this guy is remarkably naive if he believes Thai women apart from bargirls are as pure as the driven snow. It's estimated about 30% of Thai girls who have a university education have had a sideline deal with a sugar daddy, in order to help fund their education. Either that, or they are selling short-times on OnlyFans and ThaiFriendly..
  2. I remember you had a thread on the travails you were going through. My Australian urologist said Rezum was no better in terms of side effects. I only have to look at the relative qualifications of Thai urologists compared to my guy in Australia. He has the suffixes FRCS, FRACS after his name, and those don't come out of cereal boxes. I'll trust doctors here for routine stuff, anything more complicated I am on a plane to Australia.
  3. You may be right. However, permit me to doubt the CRS is aimed at a couple of million baht in an expat account, with transfers of the odd 100,000 baht. They are after bigger fish, who are laundering millions of greenbacks. IIRC there's a cash threshold of $10,000 one has to declare when I take that amount out of Australia, anything less I don't have to report it.
  4. Missed that, greyscale type. Bhutan is mentioned as an example of an insignificant return.
  5. You're telling me the UK is a miserable s#!hole? This is hardly news. I do forget things. I can't recall forgetting what I posted a few minutes ago.
  6. LibreOffice, free spreadsheet software with any Linux operating system. Just as good as Excel for my purposes. I record my incomes as I get them. I calculate my expenditures at the end of each month. Total at end of the financial year.. Every financial year, I total up my various assets, which change as I move in and out of investments. I have no liabilities. At my current rate of expenditure, I will be down to just pension income at age 105.
  7. I quote: "Ok, how many people die in Thailand because they are freezing or have nothing to eat? I never heard or read about anybody like that. " And posters wonder why I get irritated.
  8. Someone might get demoted, CHINA is not listed. I don't know what benefit they will get out of taxing Bhutan expats.
  9. It probably does not make any sense to you, because your reading skills are way behind the amount of nonsensical verbiage you have proved you can produce at the drop of a hat. Have you managed to seduce one of your super-intelligent 30 yo Japanese women yet?
  10. One occasionally reads of Thais dying of the cold up in the mountain villages, either from exposure while drunk, or not having enough blankets to keep warm. Before you say it, I have no links for that, and no interest in finding them for you.
  11. Help, I am being flogged with wet lettuce leaves. Posts without a fair dose of senility are not your genre either.
  12. The Thais can't tax what doesn't get transferred in. Good thinking 99.
  13. You must be joking. Wait times at public hospitals are 5-6 hours, and the strongest pain medication available is Tramadol. The average income in my GF's village is 2500 baht/month, people who can't work get a pension of 600 baht/month once they hit 60. 800 baht/month if they make it to 80. I suppose there is plenty of food if one likes living on a diet of bananas, windfall rice, and frogs out of the domestic septic tank.
  14. You may be right. The prospect of Thai Immigration co-operating with the tax authorities to determine which pensioners are here for more than 180 days is not one that fills me with dread.
  15. I am wondering how the Thai authorities could possibly tax a pension paid into an account in the expat's country of origin. They have no information on where and how much it is. The other country would be unable to disclose said information without breaching data privacy laws. I suspect this is a brain fart, which will be dumped as soon as it is realized the cost of pursuing payment far exceeds any returns.
  16. I was seeking quality insults. Yours gets the guernsey as the most lame. Or perhaps it should be a kimono.
  17. Totally agree.
  18. I am well aware of that, and it does make me wonder how they got to be rich. Royalty is easy, going by the other shenanigans they get up to.
  19. I got back from 6 months in Australia in September, I could feel myself relaxing as I flew into Bangkok. In Oz, I was reduced to wearing three layers of clothing, and watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory.
  20. IMO having a visible tattoo pigeonholes the wearer in a certain socio-economic class. It's the first thing police look at in any situation, as a classifier.
  21. I just wonder how on earth 1-2 pack a day smokers get on when it's a 400 API day. I button up the condo, and crank up two air purifiers.
  22. As you are not an owner, you have no rights in this matter, unless it is written into your lease you have unrestricted pool access. IMO it's probably the juristic person taking a bribe to close the pool. Some are as crooked as a dog's hind leg. I really can't see a committee doing this, it's unlikely they would benefit financially. The email you got - was it signed off by a committee member, or the juristic person?
  23. I notice we are back to being unable to delete notifications, hope that is fixed soon.
  24. I was thinking now I may never know how BMT is progressing with his injuries and the legal situation, after the hit and run. I did take a look at the TD forum, which seemed to be mainly concerned with celebrating ASEAN's demise.

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