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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Are you American? If not, that's one of the funniest posts on this thread.
  2. What's second prize?
  3. Am I reading this correctly? The orange Jesus, stable genius and smart businessman is incapable of picking competent people to work for him?
  4. You are ex-military, yes? No pre-existing conditions? I suspect there are several factors in your personal situation, which enables your cost of insurance to be significantly cheaper than the norm.
  5. Agree. Trump is spending more than Harris.
  6. There is plenty of scientific evidence homosexuality exists in other species apart from homo sapiens - approximately 1500 of them. The bigotry surrounding same-sex relationships is fueled by religious retards, who would be far more comfortable if they went back to the Middle Ages.
  7. Which buttwad claimed immigrants were eating pets in Springfield? Which buttwad sexual predator claimed he is "protecting" American women? Here's an example of someone who badly needs a buttwad.
  8. Not an opinion, I saw the figures on some YouTube video. Perhaps reading comprehension and logic are lacking in your skill set.
  9. I am talking about the projected debt levels for whoever gets in on November 5, in the ensuing years.
  10. Says me. On the basis of memory. If you think I am going to waste my time looking for the source to satisfy a poster who will probably shriek bias, think again. Trump will give tax cuts to billionaires and the rich. That adds to the national debt. Conversely, Harris taxes the rich, which subtracts from it. Simple logic. If you have facts that say different, post them.
  11. I can see the bull<deleted> rationalizations by the MAGA crowd coming thick and fast on this thread.
  12. It's always great to see Trumpists trying to explain away his addition of $7.8 trillion to the national debt, the third largest of any president.
  13. Don't need one. IIRC the policies were independently costed.
  14. A deliberate decision on my part. I felt I was stagnating with boredom in Australia. My relationship with an Australian woman was turning sour. I had worked as a consultant in Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia prior to retiring. Six months of research, Thailand was the best choice. I have never regretted my decision.
  15. Fact check: Harris policies will add $1.2 trillion to the US national debt. Trump policies will add $5.8 trillion.
  16. Jordan Peterson is a climate denialist. That automatically makes him an idiot IMO. Musk might be a genius at making electric vehicles. He's losing money hand over fist on X, and has had the supreme brain fart of threatening to sue advertisers who pulled their business. He reminds me of Einstein, who tried to be a social scientist, and failed dismally.
  17. I said average. Obviously, statistics and the concept of outliers is not in your skill set. I don't know where you get the idea Robert Kennedy Jr. is high IQ, he's as mad as a cut snake.
  18. Trump scraping the bottom of the barrel for any celebrity to endorse him. IMO he is somewhat outgunned in that department.
  19. What made you think I was responding to you? IMO your posts are fueled by other mind-altering compounds.
  20. Garbage is probably over the top. Knuckle draggers and mouth breathers is not. Is it just coincidence MAGA supporters are on average 3-4 points lower in IQ?
  21. Let me help you out. It's estimated 20% of Australians have convict ancestry. I guess dumb posts from drunks propping up bar stools at 9 am are only to be expected on threads like these.
  22. Just when I think this forthcoming election has bottomed out in terms of banal and trivial topics, along comes a new level of stupidity. No MAGA supporter cares when Trump mangles words or goes off on utterly irrelevant tangents, putting his cognitive decline on public display. Yet they start frothing at the mouth when Harris's accent varies. Bloody pathetic.
  23. You are welcome to several of the ethnic groups in our multicultural society. They seem to excel mostly at criminality.

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