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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I eat heaps of fiber, in the form of bamboo, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, cabbage and fruit. Yes, habitual can be once a year. I think sensible people will take my meaning in a normal context.
  2. Facts, logic and reason are abandoned. IMO people who support Trump live in a moral vacuum, where lies become truth.
  3. Polyethylene glycol 3350 or 4000. Habitual use of Senakot leads to damage longer term. Prune juice has 42 grams of sugar per cup, an invitation to Type 2 diabetes.
  4. I had to look that up, obviously you are more of a swinger. I am at an age where I would rather have a good dump, call it nostalgia.
  5. Butter does need refrigeration in the Thai climate, otherwise it can and will go rancid. Butter does have more fat. Cream is an emulsion of fat and water. It was a joke, Joyce. Excuse me for thinking this was a light-hearted thread.
  6. Quite remarkable, the posters on ASEAN who have the gift of clairvoyance.
  7. There's another comparison which seems to go through to the wicket-keeper. Hitler was a loser too.
  8. When I was in my twenties, I probably drove when I was over the limit several times. I never drove blotto. In my thirties, I would not put my keys in the ignition until I knew I was under the limit. I used a breathalyzer. Nowadays, no alcohol in my system. The penalties for driving over the limit in Australia are so severe it simply is not worth the risk, but still people get caught. Morons. Here, there seems to be almost no policing. I have never been checked once, in over ten years driving. I used to average one breath alcohol check a month in Oz, with the booze buses. I remember a golfer who used to drive home from the game, regularly three sheets to the wind. His method was to crawl in the gutter all the way at 50 km/hr. He never had an accident, but it baffled me how he never got pulled over on the strength of his driving alone.
  9. Gold and silver have inherent value in their use for consumer goods, and industrial processes.. It's possible gold may become even more valuable, if rumors of batteries made from gold capable of cycling millions of times are true. Platinum is essential in glass manufacture and catalytic cracking of crude oil. Passenger vehicles have to have it in exhaust systems, to meet NOx emission standards. As for silver, it is in every mobile phone, laptop, desktop and screen. Just about any electronic device. The most electrically conductive of all metals.
  10. 1/ The OP can't afford cream in his coffee. 2/ Butter keeps better than cream in a refrigerator. 3/ Butter has more fat content than cream. 4/ He prefers emulsions over colloidal solutions. 5/ The OP is a typical (######) ratbag. Insert nationality in brackets. As to prizes, I would like a ten minute erection.
  11. When I go to Immigration, I expect anything, because they keep changing their rules.
  12. I am not married, although everyone assumes we are. My GF has asked me several times to marry her. I ask her which is more important, a piece of paper, or having my Australian OAP reduced by about 10,000 baht/month?
  13. Try a keto-style diet. Eat as much protein as you want. I went from 93 kg to 78 kg. You need to exercise daily as well.
  14. Rice farming is really hard work, a lot of stooping. It's probably not far behind sheep shearing.
  15. Pork is protein and fat. It's carbohydrates and sugar that stacks the weight on. My GF is 42 kg. She eats a lot of rice, but also exercises a lot more than the average Thai woman.
  16. I did my retirement visa extension today. Tax or a tax ID was not mentioned, although I did include a photocopy of my pink Thai ID card.
  17. I was given a one year extension on my retirement visa today. A tax ID was not mentioned, although I did submit a photocopy of my pink Thai ID card.
  18. From a guy who will be down to getting a pension only when he is 105 yo.
  19. I'd buy one from my Thai mechanic any day of the week. He's meticulous.
  20. There are 9 million Israelis. Egypt has a population of 117 million. In three wars, the Egyptian Army and Airforce were beaten so soundly there has been no conflict of the two nations for 50 years.
  21. Actually, you are delusional if you think anything Trump does as President affects an Australian retiree in Thailand. Please learn how to use apostrophes, you are hurting my eyes.
  22. Your own IQ can't be all that high if you don't know the difference between physics, chemistry and the 'humanitarian ' sections. Let me know when a politician gets one in physics. I won't hold my breath.
  23. There are over 200 Jewish Nobel Prize winners in the hard sciences - chemistry, physics, medicine. Worldwide, there are 44 million Jews. There are 1.4 billion Muslims. They have produced two Nobel winners in the same categories. Draw your own conclusions.
  24. I can remember buying about 10 kg of beef for a large village party. I turned it over to my GF's cousin for cooking. The amount of chili she put in it was enough to do double duty as paint stripper. I don't know if anyone else enjoyed it, but for me it was perfectly good beef made inedible.
  25. I am wondering how the OP knows he does not smell. The olfactory organ{s} go on strike with any persistent odor. It's why hydrogen sulphide can be lethal. I have traveled on the Shinkazen, San Francisco BART, Tokyo network, Philadelphia NY Amtrak, Hong Kong, and London Tube. There's a clear winner as to which the smelliest is. Hint - the inhabitants speak English, and live on an island.

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