When I was in my twenties, I probably drove when I was over the limit several times. I never drove blotto. In my thirties, I would not put my keys in the ignition until I knew I was under the limit. I used a breathalyzer. Nowadays, no alcohol in my system.
The penalties for driving over the limit in Australia are so severe it simply is not worth the risk, but still people get caught. Morons.
Here, there seems to be almost no policing. I have never been checked once, in over ten years driving. I used to average one breath alcohol check a month in Oz, with the booze buses.
I remember a golfer who used to drive home from the game, regularly three sheets to the wind. His method was to crawl in the gutter all the way at 50 km/hr.
He never had an accident, but it baffled me how he never got pulled over on the strength of his driving alone.