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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. with your premission, i would like to explain the logic behind the thai policeman actions.

    thai police, and thai people in general, are thinking in cast system way.

    for them, on the top of the tourist scale are the FARANG, the white skin european - american


    the arabs are on much lower scale, and the thai policeman thinks the french tourist is arab.

    that is why he dare chasing him and shooting him in broad day light.

    had he known he carry french passport, he would never dare to do it, cause he

    knows the french (origin of the acctual word farang) are strong rich nation and

    the police / media won't waive the case.

    that said, need to understand that south east asian lives are much cheaper in the eyes

    of the police/ media. if the victim here was cambodian / laotian ext. the policeman could

    get away with just a slap on his hand, and propably that is why he had such an easy hand on

    his triger (and to be honest, we would propably won't hear even about a case with

    south east asian / poor thai victim, on foreign media).

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Katia said:

    And *they* won't remember *you*-- you who saw this and even spoke with them, and then the law comes down on them right after-- regardless of whether the police know who you are?


    Again, how are you going to prove this when they insist nothing of the sort happened?


    It may not be right, but as someone else said, why open a can of worms when nothing is likely to come of it anyway?

    AS i mentioned, i am not a part in this case, just a witness.

    and i don't care if "they" will remmeber me, cause i don't leave here,

    i am just a tourist and propably will not come back to that city.

    i just wonder, if i had to go to the police or just let it go...cause i 

    did witness a crime...but that again, maybe one of "them" is really a police or

    connected to corrupt policeman, and than i will be in trouble....

    generally speaking, i wonder what to do in such case? to interfere, report

    to police, or just to let go...i would'nt want everybody to stand and just

    watch if someone will smack me repeatedly in the middle of the street...while

    i am just a tourist...and than what does it say about thailand? that

    a tourist can just get bitten like that in a busy street, and nobody 

    will care ????

  3. JUST last night i saw two thai man smacking and slapping a tourist in the middle of the bar street

    in Hua hin.

    when i approached to see what is going on - cause they slapped him repeatedly real bad and

    than started searching him, maybe robbing him, while touching his ass - one of the

    thai man told me IT IS OK, I AM POLICE...

    which means? what? if he is police he can smack and beat tourist in the street just like that?

    i must add that the tourist , asian man (he had passport but not sure which country),

    did not resist at all, he looked quite in shock

    and did not say a word. 

    the thai man said he deserve it cause he "touch woman" (i did not see him doing that).

    i guess one of them was indeed "POLICE" caused he allowed himself to take his time

    while smacking the tourist in middle of the street, and this makes me feel even less...safe.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Katia said:

    What are you going to do?    Could you identify (or find!) any of these people again?  Any proof of what happened once they deny it?  What do you think it would accomplish?  It's too bad it happened, but creating bad blood and possibly making yourself a target for... what?

    of course i can identify the attackers. one of them is, as i mentioned, the d.j. in the bar where i was sitting, the other propably the owner of next bar. those are two central bars in the walking street. i will never come back to sit there, but still, they attacked him , and maybe robbed him, so casually, so outragously, that i

    think of reporting it to the police, cause the deal they ofer is : "we will smack and beat any tourist we don't see right". question is, can i tell it to the police, maybe tourist police, without identifying myself?

  5. I was sitting in a bar in hua hin walking street, when suddenly i saw a thai man coming from next bar,
    approach another asian man right in the middle of the street and smacking him few times on his face.
    i thougth it is some account between two thai man when suddenly the thai man started talking to him in english,
    searched his pockets and took out a passport. i got up to see what is going on and the thai man told me : "i am police
    and this man touching woman". another thai man, the d.j. in the bar where i was sitting, came to help, grabbed
    the asian tourist by his hand and forced him to sit, than started touching his ass !!
    the tourist, maybe from bhutan (so said the "police" when he checked the passport),
    looked completely shocked and very affraid. they took his wallet and smartphone and searched his pockets.
    they did all this right in the middle of Hua hin walking street, taking their time.
    i was quite shocked myself and aventually left the place.
    now that i think about it, it seems like i saw a robbery in broad night ligjhts.
    the two thai man felt free to abuse and hit the poor tourist; and propably felt free to do so
    cause he was too drunk and....asian !!
    i am sure they would never feel so relaxed to attack like that a farang.
    it just made me feel how unsafe thailand can be.
    any time, any thai man wearing black,  can approach me, smack me on my face few times,
    say he is "police" and empty my pockets.
    my question is: should i go to the police and report the case or just forget about it?
    • Like 2
  6. No problem in thailand, until there is a problem.

    which means, you can have your account here for 30 years no problem.

    but if one day there is problem, money missing / account disapeared - than

    go speak thai to the wall.

    for example, i had some things stored in a hotel storage room.

    one day all gone. stolen.

    i went to the police, which told me kindly : "we can't help

    because it is between you and the hotel".

    got it?

    and if it would be me who steal from a hotel, will the police tell the hotel

    they can't help cause bla bla.

    same same with banks here.

  7. you can see here a copy of the form that state the net worth / income ext.

    the "sworn" PART is on the bottom, where you have to sign to confirm that

    all the info you provided is true.

    this is worrying, cause it gives the bank the legal option to sue you in case

    the info will be discovered as not accurate.


    for example, if you state that you will send the money from england and

    later you send it from spain , banker can tell you "pay fine or go to court".


  8. 1 hour ago, ukbiker said:

    How about 2 3 or 4 friends pooling funds and transferring funds to each others bank accounts 90 days before visa due dates. I know the visa due dates will need to be 3 months apart but you can apply up to 30 days early that gives some leeway. I can't see this breaking any laws or does it? Then only 200,000 is tied up.

    people who retire in thailand don't have 23 or 4 friends to trust with 2-3 hundread thousands baht loan.

  9. 16 hours ago, bubba said:


    Do they? Has anyone ever heard of an immigration waiving the seasoning requirement?

    i am sure nobody heard about an immigration officer waving the seasoning requirement. why would they? they are not charity. they are looking for people with money, like in any country around this globe, and will do to you all kinds of favours, incl. therapy, for the right amounts.

  10. Just now, cyberfarang said:

    So the guy paid money to a corrupt agency, using corrupt officials and corrupt services in order to obtain something he was not entitled to, whereas us mugs that go through the correct channels playing by the rules have to jump over all the hurdles to obtain our yearly extensions that will probably mean having to go through more processes is perfectly legit, is it?


    This really makes me angry and the sooner the antics of these people are curtailed, the better for us.

    it does not have to make you angry. you are not thai. you are a visitor here. is rome do as the romans do.

    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, balo said:

    That's what agents are for . You borrow 800k from them short term . You pay the fee of around 20k . A lot cheaper than any loan sharks. 


    Or you can always borrow from a friend , if it was me I would just ask a Norwegian bank for a short term loan, but I kept my address in Norway so I have options. 




    what if i take the 800K and ran out of thailand and never come back?

    • Haha 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Pib said:

    Yea....with a fixed account they deduct the withholding tax anytime interest is paid.  With the fixed accounts I had they did not pay monthly but only upon maturity.   I don't do fixed accounts anymore....instead I use a Krungsri Mee Tai Dai account which currently pays 1.3% interest....pretty close to fixed account interest and around 3 times higher than a regular savings account.....and I can withdraw money at any time without any interest penalty like on a fixed account...and it comes with ibanking and a debit card.    I just ensure the balance I keep combined with the interest rate does not result in earning more Bt20K interest per year which would trigger a 15% withholding.  Although it's not a hard process to get the withholding refunded as I did such for around 4 years when still using fixed accounts, I prefer not to have to file for a refund.


    DO krungsri offer also USD accounts>

  13. Just now, NEO The One said:

    Guys, I visited a friend at IDC 20 years ago....he was in a 96sqm cell with 138 ppl from 34 countries,he slept on the floor and 24 hours neon light,no way to see outside and has to take turn to lay down for sleep,a smaller room was provided for 6 bosses where they were taking all from new arrivals,a srilankan 21 yo guy was raped by 3 nigerians,3 horrible meals a day....4 cubicles as toilet, and a german man hung himself the night before after less than 24 hours there....hard time for them....RIP to these two....

    you speak true.

    but there is a difference between hard criminals and light immigration offenders.

    nobody deserves such horrible jaling for immigration problem, and yet

    this is what's happaning in thailand.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  14. it was me who said it. i am not sure about other banks but it happaned to me when i opened a bangkok bank account, last year.

    the form is asking from which countries will you be send money, what are the sources of your wealth (work or investment ot both) , your current salary, and your net worth (4 groups to chose from).

    finally, you have to sign that all the above is true.

    i asked the bank officer if now i must send the money only from the countries i mentioned on the form (choce of 3 countries) and she said in the blurry thai way  :"no no, you can send from many countries".

    question is, what is the legal power of this form?

    can the thai authoroties come to me later and tell me : " you sent money from canada but on this form you said you will send from england. not we are going to sue / fine you".

    and as you know, they share all information with other countires,

    especially USA...so go tell when and how this form will get you in trouble...

    • Sad 1
  15. On 10/22/2018 at 1:15 AM, darksidedog said:
    "The suspicious targets are the dark-skinned people," shouted an officer.
    Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/thailand-immigration-dark-skinned-x-ray-outlaw-foreigner-10848930
    I think that pretty much confirms it. Dark skinned people may or may not be more likely to commit crime, but it seems they are far more likely to get pulled by the cops, based not on what they are doing, but simply their colour.
    Seems like immigration are trying to score some cheap points with the populace with such actions, simultaneously reinforcing their stereotype mind sets.

    funny thing is that most thai people are dark / yellow skinned, and would probably be considered by nazi germany as some kind of low yellow monkey  race, and yet many thai are so proud of themselves and see themselves in one line with white farang, and even celebrate hitler here and there.

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