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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. Just now, jrjrjr said:



    No Thai gets less than 9000 thb.


    Unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the world.


    Open your eyes, most Thai are not poor Esaan farmers !





    YOU  are the one ho need to open eyes.

    most thais ARE POOR EASARN FARMERS !!

    and when you count them too, when you see the full picture, than

    the real umemployment rate is 30-40%, and the min. salary de facto is 4000-5000 baht.

    • Like 1
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  2. Just now, jrjrjr said:


    This is clearly the truth that so many narrow minded grumpy expats will never be able to understand. How funny it is that they think that their low so life is all Thai people life...



    most thai people are very poor in  western terms. 30-40 % are unemployed.

    90-95% of the workers are earning starvation salaries of 6900-20000 baht a month.

    so no, thai people do not support all those malls.

    truth is that most malls in pattaya as well as in bangkok are surviving on tourists money,

    be it farang or chinese.

    another truth is that many malls and chain restaurants operate on borrowed money

    and wdo not justofy their operations.

    and truth is that in thailand there is a small group of very rich , who are so loaded

    with money that they open more and more malls even if those malls lose.

    one prove for that are the thai cinema chains.

    you get the first world , state of the art cinemas, but most of them are usually

    empty and don't show a profit.

    i know cause i love going to movies in thailand. it allways feels like a private cinema.

    the whole cinema hall just for yourself.

    • Haha 1
  3. Just now, MJKT2014 said:

    Strange how the Nation news fails to mention:

    "The Vietnamese man was an amputee, missing his right leg, and was wearing a blue shirt with white stripes and an adult diaper. The man had been caught in Nakhon Si...that both immigrants suffered from pneumonia. The Vietnamese man also had a heart disease and tuberculosis."

    as was mentioned in the OTHER newspaper.


    Such is the barbarity of life behind bars here for falling foul of immigration regulations.

    AMAZING. this is not the barbarity of life behind bars but the barbarity of immigration authorites.

    what the hell is wrong with those people?



    come ooooonnnn...shame in you, thailand, for arresting such an ill man.

    • Confused 1
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  4. Just now, Thaidream said:

    The Us Embassy and many others also have a blank affidavit in which a person writes in  a statement and swears to it under Oath just like the income letter.  The income letter was developed as a courtesy to applicants but one could simply use a blank affidavit and write in- I, the undersigned  have a monthly income/yearly of XXX Amount from the following sources (list them)   The embassy signs the form under Oath. One could take this to Thai Imm with  a Pension letter; a social security or Veterans Disability letter and the bank account statement- 3 months printout clearly showing  the amounts in and debits out or if one transfer money where it goes.  A further backup is  ATM cards from your overseas bank as well as ATM slips.


    I have used the blank affidavit to state income related things and support income for such entities as the US Internal Revenue service; a Private Pension Provider ; a US Court and simply to make a statement under Oath for another matter. All were accepted as genuine and true.  Maybe they checked further on the US end but no matter- simply like the Thai Imm can check further by perusing multiple documents


    The concept of certification is misunderstood by everyone.  Thai Imm thinks  the Embassy Letter is certification and in a way it is because when you sign under penalty of perjury- if you lie- you have committed a crime.  The back up proof  can be asked for and if one provides what I state above- it has been accepted in the past- so Imm offices understand what these items are.


    BE's excuse that Thai Imm believes they are certifying income is ridiculous-  an affidavit system sworn to by a participant would suffice as long as an Oath is taken.  Instead BE has found a way out oi having to do the letter instead of simply doing an Affidavit and letting Thai Imm decide if they will continue to accept the letter or change the law and issue a new police order.


    The  situation can be resolved between any Embassy and Thai Imm by sitting down and explaining the concept of Data Protection and  Privacy Acts of various countries. . Everyone uses printouts of information and then added info on top of that which when taken together come up with  a good amount of certainty.  But when you use an affidavit and have the person sign under Oath- that makes them subject to a crime and that makes those who think about forging documents usually stop.


    interesting. what if i sign such a document without an oath? recently when i opened a bank account they made me sign a document stating my income and net worth, and than sign :"i hereby confirm that all the above is true". can this de used against me in court? will it be a crime if i stated wrongly?

  5. Just now, attrayant said:


    Argument from ignorance: Because we don't know how many people have not gotten their money back - or even that there are people who have not gotten their money back, then the system doesn't work.


    An argument from ignorance works both ways.  Here, let's try it the other way:  How many people have lost paper currency and not gotten it back?  I guarantee you that number is many orders of magnitude larger than those who have not gotten missing bank deposits back.



    Of course - the best and most reliable kind of evidence: STORIES!

    bank employees know their system and they know from whom to steal. for example they will find an elderly lonely man, or a dying person with no relative to claim his money after it is gone from the account.

    in some cases bank employees even murdered customers before or after stealing their money from their account, so the customers could not find it out.


    anyway, thai banks are very dangerous as the justice system here is very corrupt and a victim of bank robbery (by bank employess) will find it hard to recover his money in court.

  6. THE EMPLOYE who robbed customers only got fired?

    not arrested immidiately by police?

    imagine it was a robber who robed a bank, or just stole something from a shop...

    the police would arrest him on the  spot and he would be given years in jail...

    thai jails are full of small time criminals who only stole a gold ring or few thousand baht...

    but when it is a bank employee ...propably with connections to...she gets to walk free...

    disgusting...i will close my account with bangkok bank.

  7. 2 hours ago, lujanit said:

    What other choice did the bank have?  Nothing smart about this, just common sense.

    AND AGAIN, a bangkok bank bank fraud. bangkok bank employee empty the bank account of depositors, and gets only...fired !! she had to be jailed on the spot

    for stealing, even robbing, but still walks free....this reminds me of a case that happaned to me. i left my luggage in one hotel's luggage keeping room. some time later the whole luggage room was empty, and all the luggage there looted, propably by hotel employees. i went to the police to complain, and after "investigation" police told me, in quite a rude way, that they can't do anything cause it is "between me and the hotel".

    now the question is, if it was me who steal from the hotel, would it still be just "between me and the hotel"?

    if it was a bank customer who steal from the bank, would he just get "fired" from the bank?

    seems like the police is there to protect the rich, and not the small bank / hotel customer.

    beware bangkok bank, not the first time customers lose their deposits there...

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  8. AND AGAIN, a bangkok bank bank fraud. bangkok bank employee empty the bank account of depositors, and gets only...fired !! she had to be jailed on the spot

    for stealing, even robbing, but still walks free....this reminds me of a case that happaned to me. i left my luggage in one hotel's luggage keeping room. some time later the whole luggage room was empty, and all the luggage there looted, propably by hotel employees. i went to the police to complain, and after "investigation" police told me, in quite a rude way, that they can't do anything cause it is "between me and the hotel".

    now the question is, if it was me who steal from the hotel, would it still be just "between me and the hotel"?

    if it was a bank customer who steal from the bank, would he just get "fired" from the bank?

    seems like the police is there to protect the rich, and not the small bank / hotel customer.

    beware bangkok bank, not the first time customers lose their deposits there...




  9. I WANT to close my USD account in bangkok bank. but to keep the THB account. i heard that all i have to do is empty the USD account and leave it with zero balance, and the bank will close it after a year. but there are fees for the USD account if the balance goes below 300 USD. SO i am worried that if i keep the USD account at zero, some feed will be deducted from the THB account. does anyone have experience with that?

  10. 1 hour ago, blorg said:

    For the better off, the 1.5% interest

    For the worse off, they just don't have it


    I wouldn't be overly concerned about the bank disappearing with your money, or having difficulty transferring it back out... there really is no problem there.

    i heard of few stories of money just disapearing from bank accounts, a erecent one involved a 100k baht deposit in bangkok bank pattaya, that just disapeared sometime later.

    the problem in thailand is that the police protect mainly the rich and powerfull, and there is nothing much you can do if your money just disapears from your account (happans more than what banks all over the world would admit).

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