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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 11 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    That has already happened to me, so now I have money and other assets in different places


    It may not be for you, it maybe for others. It certainly is more anonymous than bank deposits and transactions.


    few thousand here, a few thousand there, can quickly add up to a lot

    Governments do not harass people over small amounts of cash, they just disagree with you over the definition of small amounts of cash


    I assume that you usually carry several hundred thousand Baht around with you, as by your own definition it's a small amount of cash.?




    my definition for small amount of cash is based on the government deifiniton.

    if governments set the maximum amount as, say, 10000 pounds, than they should not

    bother people who carry amounts less than that.


    and governments know what they do. they know that 10,000 pounds is not amount big

    enought to start a revolution. it is not an amount big enought to even start a business. so

    why cant they give us a break? we deserve it, cause after all it was us who worked so hard

    for this cash, not those useless civil servants.


    otherwise governments should tell us that they make all cash illegal,

    than we know where we stand.

  2. 14 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    I haven't used Western Union personally but a friend of mine regularly sends funds abroad using his local Western Union office.  He makes the payment in cash and tells me there are no checks below a certain amount.  Not sure what that amount is but I can't see any reason why he would lie to me. So it seems at least Western Union is not really trackable.


    I often carry several thousand pounds into Thailand - as I get a much better rate from the exchanges, the amount depends on how long I'm staying. When I arrive I pay most of it into my Kasikorn account for safety.  I once took £7000 back to the UK as I'd planned to buy a car in Thailand but the deal didn't complete. I've never been checked leaving the UK but typically, on that occasion I was fully searched at Manchester on arrival back in the UK.  The cash was discovered but thank god I had sufficient proof with me to show where it came from.


    I don't see why I should have to prove anything though.  One of the cornerstones of the British Justice System is that you are innocent until proven guilty.  Using that maxim it should be up to the authorities to prove my cash is ill gotten, not me prove its not.



    problem with western union is that it gives very bad exchange rate. around 5-6 % worse.

    so if you send say 5000 pounds by western union, you will get around 300 pounds LESS than what you got

    in a decent exchange booth .


    and what do you mean by SUFFICIENT PROOF? 

    what kind of proof was sufficient for them in  manchester?

  3. 15 hours ago, hgma said:

    Interesting as i will have no issue with will and visa money in the bank.....

    I leave my money on a saving account with atm withdrawal possibility and funds transaction on line banking at the same bank...my wife knows what to do when i die, no hassle no bassle.

    no hassle, until you have a fight with your wife and she empty your bank accounts and gone to be a monk...have seen it more than once.

  4. 22 hours ago, poanoi said:

    eureka i did it, i now got a pair of sneakers size 12.5 /46.5

    that fit my feet, i am waiting for a pair of 13 / 47dress shoes

    that will hopefully fit too.

    size 12 was too small for me


    these are asian sizes, corresponding scandinavian sizes are 44/45


    I FOUND  shoes size 47 , also size 50, on shoe store (open stalls) on the ground floor of MBK shopping centre.

  5. On 6/28/2018 at 10:20 PM, sometimewoodworker said:

    Unexplained cash is quite possibly crime related, and it is perfectly correct to treat it as that until you prove otherwise. If you have got the cash legitimately and paid any tax that should be paid it would not be seized.


    BS! cash may just be a way of moving your money. But in larger amounts "a few thousand qualifies" is often a way of evading tax or hiding proceeds of crime.


    If you bothered to read rather than complain about HMRC doing its job you would have noticed that I also carry cash, sometimes over the required declaration limit I can always show where it came from and how I got it so have no problems with HMRC or any other boarder control officers.


    The fact that you think that a few thousand is not worth being questioned about and get upset that someone could have it detained makes rather interesting speculation.


    The lady (lad) doth protest too much, methinks

    carrying cash in reasonable amounts is not a crime and should not be.

    few thousands pounds has nothing to do with evading tax nor hiding proceeds of crime.


    governments should not harrase people over small amounts of cash (yes few thousand)

    and people don't have to prove where such amounts of cash came from.


    you see, you think like a slave who thinks that the governments and banks are god and 

    they will know best how to guard your $$$


    that's the way of thinking that allows tyrrany and nazism. 

    cause govetnments are not exactly BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE, and if you

    did not realise it by now - well, than cash out all your cash and carry only plastic cards,

    until another economic crisis will come and your bank will go bankrupt and freeze all your accounts.

    than you can swipe your plastic cards all day long between your cheeks

    and see what comes out.

    • Like 2
  6. 17 hours ago, taiping said:


    A farang friend died in LOS and I was a joint Executor of his Thai Will (written in English). The heir was his daughter in the UK. Although I suggested a Thai lawyer to obtain probate, the daughter preferred to engage her own Thai lawyer which she found through her UK lawyer. I signed over my responsibility as Executor to the Thai lawyer. The matter was completely resolved after a few months to everyone's satisfaction, even though my friend held substantial funds in several Thai banks and investment companies. The daughter did not come to Thailand.



    11 hours ago, BuaBS said:

    Great !  How much money did she loose on the lawyers ?

    it depands on the amount he left behind. 

    if it was, say,, 10 million baht, and the lawyer cost 200,000 baht - it's still worth it and better

    than traveling to thailand (if she does'nt want to).

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/25/2018 at 8:51 AM, cbuddha said:

    To the OP, I would go by what others have said above.


    That said, I saw something related on the bottom of a receipt I got when changing dollars to baht at an SCB Bank kiosk at Suvarnabhumi earlier this month. Note: The baht amount listed seems to be missing a "0."



    201806dollar exchange receipt btm.jpg

    so...what is the USD cash amount allowed in / out thailand?


    the receipt here is not missing a zero.

    the THB cash amount allowed is 50,000 indeed.

    but the USD cash amount is different .

    it says here and also a cash declaration form,  15,000 USD.

    but the thai customs web site says it is  20,000 USD...


    As usual, confusing thailand...

  8. 11 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Hey Dude, It stuck in my head because it was such a twisted story of a guy with no shame bragging about lying to gain admittance to a hospital and thinking it is perfectly normal. Then you have the audacity to falsely state that I would falsify an affidavit when you know nothing about me. I know you are a liar because you willfully admitted as much. Why don't you repost your forum here and let the folks decide if you are above board, it was actually funny as hell laughing at your antics of how the hospital got hold of your passport and foiled your charade.

    seems like you have a problem with me.

    but the problem can be solved very easily.

    just stop looking and stop reacting to my posts.

    look how many posters are on this forum.

    and besides this forum, the universe is full of other forums.

    so chill out, we are only playing here  in a freidnly atmosphere,

    so  every time you see my face,

    just keep going and go to another PO.


    that's what i am gonna to do from now on when i see JAZZDOG

    • Thanks 1
  9. 23 hours ago, Chivas said:

    I wasnt singled out or profiled I was arrested for a totally different reason. I just happened to have £1012 on me at time of arrest as had been on holiday.

    Thats why I know the rules inside out. I've been tugged outbound twice on my own on final gate with no issues and couple years ago got a tug when going through personal baggage screening at Heathrow with a friend.... Clearly the xray guy had spotted a bundle security had a quick look and I was fully expecting a tug on final gate but didnt surprisingly. Had about £5,500 that day albeit Bank receipts covering it

    I wouldnt leave the uk without at least 3 large on me before someone asks why in an age of ATMS and plastics do i carry so much. Am sure some carry a lot more

    if someone asks you why you carry cash on you in time of ATM's and plastics, you can tell them you don't work for the plastic companies and want to save on fees.

    for example, cash withdraw from ATM  = 5-8 USD.

    exchange rate differences (better rates on cash than the credit cards) = another 1-3%

    those fees can add up easily to substantial amounts.

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/26/2018 at 12:20 PM, JAZZDOG said:

    No clown, I have more than enough income, own a business here and far more funds in my accounts here to cover the requirement. You know nothing about me.



    One thing I didn't do is check into a hospital and lie about my name so as to avoid payment. Then you had the audacity to post on TV about how the hospital outsmarted you and got a copy of your passport. You're very lucky your not in the Hilton. At the least you should have been deported.

    wow you are really scratched dude, following people on forums and sticks to a story for weeks.

    go to a shrink before your brain shrinks to mash.

  11. 17 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Don't do it, leave your money somewhere it works for you, direct deposit the income and give immigration a lie letter from you embassy. How do you think all the gringo derelicts without a pot to piss in stay here on retirement extensions. Look at them, it's not based on their 401K

    hmmmm....so that's how you got your RE visa... by lying about your income ?????.....!!!!!!#####

  12. 23 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Customs and border agents are doing thier job correctly. 


    The information and limits on cash is easy to find. You are required, if asked, to explain the origin of amounts between £1,000 and £9,999, you are required to complete a declaration for £10,000 and above.


    It seem rather unusual for a UK national to carry their tax returns. 


    The border agents are tasked with checking the origins of larger sums of cash. 


    Often large amounts of cash are crime related as banking excess profits from the illegal sale of untaxed goods (tobacco is an example) is much more likely to get you found out.


    As a small shop owner the guy has the opportunity for illegal activity. The border agents have a very short time to question people. The man has the choice of having the cash seized ( he then has 30 days to reclaim it) or missing his flight to give him the time to provide proof that there was no irregularities in how he got the cash.


    You seem to be upset that potential proceeds of crime (sale of untaxed or counterfeit goods is a crime) can be seized.


    If the cash is legal there is no problem, just a delay.



    There certainly is profiling, though is more likely to be destinations more than people, as the numbers of dogs is limited.

    i seem to be upset that potential proceeds of crime  can be seized ??

    is that how you define cash now - potential proceeds of crime ???

    you have a slave mentality. 

    governments want us to think that cash = crime / something wrong, but their main reason to do so

    is more control over people's money and life and more fees for banks.

    the main reason i carry cash is to save on bank and ATM fees, which can amount

    to thousands of pounds annually,

    cash is just cash. 

    to question people over few thousands in cash in NAZI and TYRANNY.

    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, robblok said:

    Why would the bank have to look for a heir ?. Its your duty to make sure your heirs know there the money is. I don't get it do banks in other countries go looking for heirs ? AFIK its not the banks responsibility, also how would they know your dead ? 

    hmmm...you've got a point there...it;s just that i saw in one big EU bank that they said : " in case the account holder die, the first thing WE will do is looking for his heirs..."

    i guess that was just a sales pitch, cause indeed, how will they know that he died ???

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  14. 11 hours ago, VBF said:

    Well the official UK limit before you need to declare is 10,000 Euros or equivalent:


    You must declare cash of €10,000 or more (or the equivalent in another currency) if you take it between the UK and any non-EU country.

    I usually have £4000 to £5000  on me when I travel to Thailand.


    I rather suspect that the guy who was stopped was involved in other nefarious activities.

    according to the YOUTUBE films UK CUSTOMS , agents with dogs has the right to question about any amount above 1000 pounds. so as the you can see there on youtube, they don't just ask about crimes, but also tax returns ! and that's nasty !

  15. that's one of the nerve breaking points in thailand - you are wellcome and can easily get in and out, but never sure when immigration will refuse your entry. there are no clear rules about it. it depands on which side the IO you are dealing with woke up, on which side you woke up (did you come your hair?), the new regulations on that day, a recent crack down on this or that and...that's it, that's the thai roullete...


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