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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    Unless something has changed, the law also says "if the money is remitted to Thailand in the year earned."  If you earned the money the year before you brought it in, no tax is due.  Money you don't bring in is not taxed at all.

    the law says that all money you earn all over the world must be declared and taxed in thailand.

    only capital gains earned abroad are not taxed in thailand, as long as you don't bring them into

    thailand in the same year you earned them.

    but all other earnings, from work / business, must be taxed in thailand , if you are staying in thailand

    for more than 183 days a year.

  2. i heard that the thai authorities are going to require thai residents to pay income tax on all their income worldwide. a new law says that anyone who stays in thailand for more than 183 days a year, is considered thai resident for tax purposes and must pay - and declare !! - all his income all over the world.

    that is why thai banks require now thai residency certificate to open an accoutn - they are preparing the legal ground to prosecute any bank account holder who resides in thailand.

    that is also why they make you sign a document stating your net worth and earnings, when you open a bank account. this is a preparation for tax colllection and prosecution.

    that is also why the immigration form for 30 days visa waiver asks you about your income - in case that you visit thailand more than 183 days a year, even on 30 days visa waiver, thai authorities can use this form to slap you with a tax law suit.

    so maybe the british embassy is doing you all a favour when it stops the income declartion  - it does not want to give the thai goverment information and  power over your income abroad.

    • Confused 1
  3. 10 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    I’m going to the US Consulate next week to get my Income Affidavit.  Of course the US never certifies anything(it is just an Affirmation Under Oath). I will ask if the US Consulate has plans to terminate this sevice?  In my case the 800K deposit is a no-go and direct depositing my pension into any Foreign Banks is also a no-go.  Maybe my time in LOS is coming to end soon?  

    why don't you want to deposit the 800K in a thai bank? might be safer than US bank

  4. if you are for real, than you are very stupid. a girl like yours will drain you out of every penny you have

    and will move to the next sucker when you get too poor / old.

    happaned to too many friends of mine.

    one of them came to me once with brand new volvo, told me it belongs to his rich fiance, and


    weeks later he got married with his rich girl, and few years later he was broke without a penny to his name. she and her family robed him out of anything he had. they were rich family indeed, but rotten to the core. they were all stealing from each other, cheating each other, and when he found it out, it was too late. her junky brother even stole his watches and he left her, literaly, just with few shirts and underwear.

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/6/2018 at 10:30 AM, elviajero said:

    It is usually only those with a history of staying the full period that get asked to prove they have 10K. I agree, these days it is unnecessary with e-banking, which is probably one reason genuine tourists don't, as a rule, have to show the cash.


    Immigration have, for years, reacted to the way we have used the loopholes. Long term tourists switching to using airports instead of land borders is a perfect example and why the focus is now on the airports. First they stopped us doing visa runs and pushed us on to tourist visas, then they made it harder to get tourist visas and now they are lawfully denying some long term tourists that are clearly not visiting for tourism. Anyone that hasn't yet got the message (I can think of at least 2 members of TVF) are blinkered to the reality.


    I agree that profiling plays a big part, but I think it's fair enough to deny entry to a 20 something Filipino that is almost certainly working, and to give a pass to a 40 something westerner who is more likely to be able to fund their stay without working. The options are to publish fixed limits and deny everyone exceeding those limits, OR give IO's the power to decide. I vote for the latter.


    so you are some kind of IO salve who see all visitors to the country as potential "exploiters" of loop holes.

    another way to see it is that visitors come to thailand according to the laws immigration creates.

    if immigration really does not want all those long term visitors , than new laws should be made.

    thing is, thailand needs all those visitors. a huge chink of the thai economy is depanded on long term visitors / tourists (yes, someone who just come to spend few months in thailand is still a tourist).

    so why can't immigration cut it to the chest and come with clear strict rules like in most countries?

    MY GUESS is pride. they are too proud to admit that thailand needs those visitors badly, and

    too poor to deny their entry alltogether.

  6. as usual the immigration officers are confused or creating confusion or just have

    the common thai communication problems.


    in your case, which seems to be the case of many people who enter thailand on 30 days waiver,

    the confusion is between the old 180 days a year restriction, and the new 183 days a year tax residency law.

    the tax residency law says that anyone who resides in thailand for more than 183 days a year, is

    considered resident of thailand (for tax purpose) and has to pay taxes on ALL HIS INCOME WORLDWIDE.

    Which means must also declare all his income and assets to the thai tax authorities.


    in other words, thailand does not really wants you here, it wants your money. and

    rightly so. there are too many people in thailand, but too little money. so

    make your calculations and see what you really wants from thailand. if

    you don't have a wife or a business here, than there should'nt be a reason to

    come so often to a country that does not really wellcome you, or at least

    tells you clearly what are it's immigration requirements.


  7. HITLER and his nazis did not only kill 6 millions of jews, but also 20 millions russians, millions of polish, millions of french, and of course scores of english and americans, and for dessert, yes, also 8 million germans, and the cherry on the very top - 2 million german woman aged between 8 and 80 years old were raped by angry russian soldjers when they finally took over germany.

    some thai people see that war as something that happaned only to farang and by farang.

    hope they won't have to learn the hard way what khun hitler really means.

    • Like 1
  8. the problem with THB fixed deposit is that the thai baht is going to depreciate in value in 

    the next few months.

    so i your base currency is USD, you might lose even 10% on your investment in thai currency (THB/USD

    rate should be around 35-37 in few months to a year).


    interesting to mention, that cambodia gives 6-8% annual return on FD in USD !!

    MIN. amount can be 3000-4000 USD !!

  9. 19 hours ago, Always Lit said:

    Another method is using an "at home" ear wax removal kit. You can search on YouTube, it's basically a water sprayer that sprays water into the ear and removes ear wax effectively.

    (see the attached photo)

    Ear Kit (1).jpg

    VERY DANGEROUS. if you only knew how delicate and important are your ears, you

    would treat it with great respect.

    better pay something once in few years for a pro to remove those ear wax.


    another way i liked is the INDIAN EAR CANDLES, google it...but here also need professional.

  10. On 7/7/2018 at 5:34 AM, Peasandmash said:

    mmm,,,  lets see now, of the 33 western countries, oh <deleted>, in all the world,  which country has the greatest economy, the most individual/personal freedoms, the greatest military, what country are people from all over the world trying to become a citizen of ?, which country has the highest standard of living in the history of the world, which country has been the most generous in its aid to the rest of the world? I will help you, it's the USA.  So, that some loser democrat wants free aspirin cause he's having his period and doesn't feel good doesn't really mean much. I hope you feel better soon be-ach. 

    USA has the most individual / personal freedom? hahaha now that's funny !!! correction : USA has

    the highest number of prisoners per population after china (around 2-3% of the popultaion are locked up !)

    greatest economy = hard work for few rich and police country that does'nt tolerate relaxation like in thailand.

    greatest military = every few years need to go to war and die for the nothing, acctually

    (from vietnam war to iraq war - what was it good for) ?

    highest standard of living...hmmm depands what you call life...

    and for desert, kids carry guns everywhere and shoot their friends in school...


    nope, you keep your USA for yourself, i stay in thailand.

  11. On 7/4/2018 at 5:01 AM, hashmodha said:

    That's funny!...so far 14 years on there is harmony there as I have always been correct and generous and she has her own bank accounts as I made sure what she earns she keeps and manages her own affairs..

    yes i think that's the secret to a long time happy relationships with a thai / asian woman. 

    they like to keep their money, or money  that they perceive as theirs.

    not so much that they want to milk their man, as much as they like to keep their independance

    and "their money in their bank".


    i have a friend who is married to a thai wife , with kids and common business.

    when asked how he keep it together, he said that he let her keep her part

    of the profit from the business in her bank accounts, while he keeps his in different bank account.


    this is somehow different from the ideal of "ever togehter in richness and in poverty", 

    but seems to work better, maybe cause the family laws in thailand are not so developed,

    and the woman is affraid to be left alone with the kids and no money.

  12. 11 hours ago, hashmodha said:

    Thanks..and what about the single account cash? how can my wife have access to ?ATM..does the job?

    Will money ever reach charities here in Thailand??

    I recall taking cash to Tsunami victims myself to Koh Lanta as they told us not to trust anyone here....Red Cross was honourable !

    yes your wife can have access to your acounts via ATM, but than make

    sure you dont get on her nerves, otherwise she will empty your accounts

    without any warning.

    • Like 1
  13. 22 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

    I transfer in money all the time, never had a problem.  Wife sold some land to buy another piece a few years back, 7 million in cash no one at the bank even batted an eye at it. 

    as long as you keep the money coming into thailand, there is no problem.

    to send it out from thailand - now that's a different story.

    • Like 1
  14. 14 hours ago, hashmodha said:

    Forgive me for asking...as I must think about Will and single name Bank account.. How can one set up a Living Trust?... In Thailand? in English?.. where can I keep it for safety?.. Recognised as being legally binding?...can I see an empty draft somewhere to read up....so many useful things about life going on here... Thanks awfully!

    you don't set up a living trust in a country like thailand.

    thailand is not that developed yet.

    if you have serious money, you keep it in a developed country, even in hong kong, and

    set up your trust there.

    otherwise, if it's just your 800K for RE visa, leave it for charity...or for massage money of  the bank managers.

    • Like 1
  15. 15 hours ago, moontang said:

    agreed..they have a dedicated ENT Clinic, and you can just walk in.  I never had an infection, but the ears were examined, and cleaned.  Lady doctor charged 250, but male charged 500 more recently...total bill under 1000.  RAMs appointment system is screwed...would only to there if it was the closest in an emergency, which is highly unlikely...And would go to Nakorn Maharach instead.

    if you walk down the road to the small soi behind, you can find a guy there that will clean both your ears with the same wood stick for just 60 baht. i don't know how he does it, buy he cover the stick with some silk napkin, stick it in the one ear, pull it from the other and rub it quickly in between both ears until all clear.

  16. 12 hours ago, dvg said:

    I went to the McCormick hospital for a earproblem, the doctor starts at 10 in the morning,he checked and did give me some medicine.I paid about 600 baht.

    mcdonald hospital? i can't see nor hear how ketchop in your ear can make it any better.

    or was it the american tomato scauce?

    • Haha 1
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