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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. A lot of commenters here have more money than sense. But you still need to do a time vs. money calculation. If you're time rich then go for it. ????????
  2. I have enough trouble getting to the end of a film sitting up. ????‍♂️
  3. Yes thanks. I just asked for more detail. Sorry for the 'mud' comment. ????????
  4. The previous posts did not mention the length of extension, so I thought maybe the 30 days may have been a typo, my bad. You clarified it for me, my son is visiting. Thanks.
  5. A nice story but I wonder if this is a protected occupation? I hope he doesn't go to jail for love. ????
  6. You report this 'sudden death', then mention: "the horrific murder of young UK tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller there in September 2014 (inset left) and a long list of sudden deaths and suicides questioned by the families of those involved". And then you call it all a myth.... ????
  7. As prostitution would then have to be acknowledged this sadly will never happen without major governmental reform (probably revolution). Just more hot air.
  8. As the article is a ridiculous yawn: Pedants Corner Double quotation marks are used for a quotation which this is not, otherwise it would read: "Be aware of YOUR belongings and don’t trust strangers.” For paraphrasing or emphasis a pair of single apostrophes/ quotation marks are used. You're welcome, I still hate Mondays even though I'm retired
  9. I'm sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. The group was very helpful, and English is used once you follow the instruction to go to their Line page (Line is a social media app, for those who don't use it). You can see the final result for my wife's appeal on the Facebook page you mention, in Thai and English.
  10. UPDATE Three units have been donated so far, which 'should' be enough to give time for the bone marrow to start producing cells again. It's better not to have too many donations at one time and possibly waste a vital resource, as blood only keeps for around 30 days in storage. Having said that, I know Bumrungrad were also looking for A- blood last week but I don't know how much. Thanks so much to everyone who showed an interest in my wife's troubles. ???????????????????????? If more need arises I will make a fresh post.
  11. UPDATE Three units have been donated so far, which 'should' be enough to give time for the bone marrow to start producing cells again. It's better not to have too many donations at one time and possibly waste a vital resource, as blood only keeps for around 30 days in storage. Having said that, I know Bumrungrad were also looking for A- blood last week but I don't know how much. Thanks so much to everyone who showed an interest in my wife's troubles. ???????????????????????? If more need arises I will make a fresh post.
  12. The doctor now confirms that the blood for my wife can best be donated directly at Hua Hin Hospital, contact their blood bank before noon for same day donation. Thai Red Cross across the country also of course for donors who can not come to Hua Hin. Only A negative can be used (not O neg) as the red cell and haemoglobin levels are the ones still falling, platelets are slowly rising and blood seeping from her radiotherapy skin burns seems to be slowing. ????????????????????????
  13. Sheryl, thank you for this. The doctor now confirms that the blood for my wife can best be donated directly at Hua Hin Hospital, contact their blood bank before noon for same day donation. Thai Red Cross also of course for people who can not come to Hua Hin. ????????????????????????
  14. Only for platelets, not whole blood.
  15. Prachuap province. Thank you for your interest ????????
  16. Not sure why this post from 16th December appeared as a featured topic on your daily email to me today, but for information I swear by 2 daily Lecethin capsules. I don't watch my diet, am a bit of a salad-dodger in fact, but was told by my GP a few years ago (in my 50s) that my cholesterol was extremely low. She was really surprised. I had been borderline high in the past. I haven't had a health check since though, don't want to jinx it.... . ????
  17. Do you keep a dog and bark yourself? If I had a Thai wife she'd handle all the talking, but I'd keep the cheque book. ????
  18. Thank you so much. I'll try to reach out (I hate the expression, but) on social media. Donors would give blood to Thai Red Cross who will distribute countrywide. ????????
  19. Thank you. The risk of using other groups negative blood is known and we discussed it. It's a last resort, I hope/believe some clotting is starting now. Thai Red Cross is the place to register as a donor, not the local hospital, I think. Thank you so much for the response. ????????
  20. It's possible to use platelets from other blood types but the doctor says there will always be a risk of it being rejected, even if you take suppressant drugs, and even then still risk of liver damage. I think she's better to wait, as I think (pray) that some clotting is taking place now , as they pumped her full of Hema-plus yesterday. Doctors believe it's probably a bone-marrow reaction to the strong recent radiotherapy, causing low output. It should get better with time (it's just the immediate future they're concerned about. Thank you for the response. ????????
  21. I'm sorry, my app isnt notifying me of replies, abd I've her really hectic driving to and from hospital each day with meals, other jobs, etc. I've found that Thai Red Cross keep the list of donors, it's countrywide. That's where donors must apply. Thank you for the response. ????????
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