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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. In cities and on city beaches yes you must. Even in large towns like Hua Hin the law is almost 100 pct observed. I have no experience of other situations. The trick is to have some food or drink by you when you sit somewhere as masks are completely removed to eat or drink. French fries are still French fries, even when stone cold and 3 hours old...
  2. Hah. Luckily my supply of beer has remained uninterrupted since 1972.
  3. IMO you can hardly call existing without beer 'living'.
  4. What's wrong with this? How do all the sick buffalo upcountry get their medicine without farang donations?
  5. No idea. Ask the Rupert idiot who has been attacking me here. He's the resident financial bore.
  6. There is a recent thread already on this. I believe legally the plane crew/passengers should all be quarantined, but the doubt is that the government will actually allow such a media crashing thing to happen. That is what my insurance broker has taken away from their investigation into this possibility. No guarantee, of course. Generally Thai insurance policies will only cover you personally testing positive (even if contracted after boarding) , I'm not sure whether the third party cover you are asking for exists, here or anywhere.
  7. The excuse is morality, which is not a great reason for failing billions of people, allowing entire countries to be sold into economic servitude. 'The West' simply would not build hospitals, transport, housing etc. in a country ostensibly as a philanthropic gesture, but in reality to lock them into increasing debt they can't repay ever, and remove their precious resources at a fraction of world value. This is not the 19th century,western guilt is strong and getting stronger thanks to media and liberal campaigns.
  8. The tech bit might or might not be true, nothing wrong with the rest of his message. They also have several rare-earth rich African countries completely in their pockets through financial investments in infrastructure. Pretty much loan sharking. The West have been caught napping and China will win the long game for sure, purely with money and commodities.
  9. It was my wife flying into Thailand, and she left Thailand around 6 weeks ago, so I wouldn't be sure that exit requirements are the same now. But coming in they wanted to see every document she was carrying, even at two different desks before the actual immigration officer's desk. But she did say it was smooth and not terribly time consuming.
  10. Haha, wow that's childish (both grammar AND content) beyond belief, and certainly not worthy of a serious riposte. You're toast. Bye.
  11. I'd expect so. Luckily my broker is pretty honest and always gives me a good range of quotes.
  12. I thought this was going to be a thread about paperwork, etc. ???? I'm impressed with your priorities! All paperwork is checked several times, incidentally, but not taking too long.
  13. An insurance broker told me this isn't a problem now, they are not doing it. They will not quarantine a whole plane load of passengers for one positive test. Whether true or not I can't say.
  14. Actually you're correct. My bad, I should have not been so judgement. Thanks
  15. Oh do bore off. Public writing should be an art, not a struggle to read. God, I hate people like you, uneducated financial bores, the kiss of death at dinner parties. ????
  16. Thank you! So Evergrand misspelt and without a capital letter to denote a company. No wonder I had to ask. I though the article ungrammatical in general.
  17. What the actual F is 'the evergrand pickle'?
  18. Yes, a pathetic kneejerk response that made massive and incorrect assumptions. This is a public forum and there's no IQ test required to join. ????
  19. I have been told by builders and others that 1 metre is the minimum distance between permanent structures and boundaries (excepting standing boundary walls).
  20. Thanks for the detailed reply. Yes, in fact you can back out after 'confirm pick-up' but before 'book'. I still didn't try Bolt but have hardly used Grab in the past two years anyway due to the general social circumstances.
  21. You've misread this thread. I already said that. Read more carefully before you become judge and jury next time? ????
  22. Forget him, he's obsessed with his 20 Baht Fantasy. I think he never goes further than the bar at the end of his soi.
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