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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. I think they were mostly 'family with kids' vacations, so you could well be right. ????
  2. British tourists who started arriving in the US in droves (certainly in Florida) in the 80s and 90s need to apologize to the US for overpaying for everything and still finding it dirt cheap. The local economy went through the roof and everyone ended up paying more. Tipping at 20 percent was mystifying to Brits though (I think still is). I remember the 'Don't shoot me, I'm not a tourist' t-shirts, although they were mostly for the downtown areas...
  3. And I wonder why some people hate those who don't want to overpay, even by 20 Baht. What is the problem with people like you, there's obviously something going on there.... Trying to start a squabble, maybe just nothing to do on a weekend but feeling spiteful? I won't be playing whack-a-mole with you, so have a great one.
  4. OK, the fare estimate appears only after you touch 'Confirm Pick-Up'. And you can back out then, instead of proceeding by touching 'Book'. Not intuitive enough for an old fart like me, I thought 'Confirm' would lock you into a booking.
  5. Thanks for the replies. I've used the app a lot in the past, and have a debit card assigned. I dont see how you log in/out, but if it wants me to 'book now' it should show a fare anyway. I'll uninstall and reinstall the app, try that. Anyway, obviously only my problem! Great weekend all. ???? PS - actually I see I'm using the Grab main app (food, transport, gifts, etc.) , and selecting 'transport' rather than using the Grab Driver app. I thinik that might be the trouble... PPS- I see that's only for the drivers. OK, it's safe to ignore me now....
  6. Looking at their phone apps, Bolt shows a fare estimate for your intended journey, Grab only shows 'book now' giving you no idea of cost. This seems poor of Grab. I know both services increase fares during busy periods, and the Bolt app does show the fare I checked as 'busy', so it's estimating on that basis (I assume), and I know Bolt has in the past been cheaper, although I believe they are increasing fares having now grabbed some market share. I would tend towards a service that gives me an idea of cost, and Grab certainly used to. Is this their response to the introduction of Bolt, trying to prevent fare comparisons? If so, how do they expect to compete? I won't touch the 'book now' icon unless I know what the rough cost should be.
  7. So what's green? Slightly menthol I think? And not strong? There's been no shortage of Green in my off the beaten track 7-Eleven all the way through, but I know a Grab food driver tried five in my area a week ago and no success.
  8. Same here. I have to say that this country is currently in a regressive state, incredibly wealthy though it is.
  9. Forcefeeding a dog that won't eat is OK if it's a temporary thing, and if the dog otherwise has a good quality of life. Also with a large dog it's incredibly difficult to forcefeed the volume required, small dog different.
  10. Yes certainly. I needed a letter from the animal hospital my dog had been treated at saying it was necessary (you need a sympathetic doctor) and some vets will do it. Ask on a local dog or pet Facebook page. Sorry, it was a bit traumatic, so I forgot that in the end I didn't even need the letter because I had the full medical report saying chronic kidney failure and I used a lot of gentle persuasion. His quality of life had reduced to near zero, and slowly starving, not the way to die. The vet was very sympathetic (they all seem to be sweet young ladies).
  11. My wife completed Thai Pass and was confirmed successful in UAE on a red passport this week. As usual all the difficulties experienced by apparently many others (Covid appointments, certificates, visa extension renewals, 90 day reports, etc., etc.} did not happen to us. I don't know if it's because our paperwork is always correct and properly presented, or we have some golden gift? 5 years and counting, cross fingers....
  12. Aren't you forgetting business travellers? My son used to visit to hold seminars in BKK.
  13. Now I can be sure sure we're living in Crazy Country. Any crackpot theory to keep the bars closed, right?
  14. Exactly. Reduce school to the basic three Rs and you deprive children of too much that they should know but might not be able to learn in their home environment.
  15. Sad that such basic common sense should be called odd. He should be allowed to make such comments without being told 'fix the country first '. The two are not mutually incompatible. Sad also that even many (most?) first world countries do not teach children to swim in school time. Survival in this world is not all about intellect. ????
  16. Giving your PIN to a Thai girlfriend shows a strong masochistic personality trait.
  17. Um. "How, we gonna keep 'em down on the farm, now that they've seen Bangkok?'.... ????
  18. I guess they feel they have enough trouble-making university students. Let's have a few more workers on the pineapple farms.
  19. I gave you all the below, and all you could do was bleat 'oooh, he hates Muslims'. I have nothing for contempt for you. Bye, and this time I mean it: "But no smoke without fire though. Arch globalist financiers championing free global movement of labour are bleeding Eastern European countries dry of both their skilled and unskilled labour force with their open borders, while at the same time with their philanthropic hat on (yeah, sure) facilitating the Muslim diaspora (5 pct refugees, 95 pct economic migrants). E. Europe is becoming a husk, populated by women, children and the aged, the EU happy to pay them billions each year as subsistence, to create an almost sterile geopolitical buffer zone on the borders of Europe."
  20. I did none of those, and the fact that you consider 'leftie' an insult rather than a description shows that you consider yourself in some war against the right. The disgusting polarisation of opinion is on the shoulders of people like you, and is the cause for the current state of US politics. To call me an extremist is itself ludicrous in the extreme. I'm done with you, you just throw hissy fits and insults. So long, leftie. ????
  21. Moving the goalposts does not hide your unsavoury attack on a person merely because you believe their politics is different to yours. I gave examples (not just about Muslims, but you only see what you want) of the result of globalism in action and you spat bile (like a bit of a leftie, actually). Go and think.
  22. That's entirely incorrect. The number of applications for entry into Europe are weighted very (very) heavily towards economic migrancy. The illegal border crossers into E. Europe, boat people from North Africa, Turkey etc. the same. Are you actually challenging this? Because you seem to be attacking me personally without any grounds whatsoever.
  23. Speedhump


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