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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. If you want a philosophical discussion about time or even one based around physics, it's far too late in the day. But I acknowledge time as a commodity because one person pays another for the use of their labour on a daily basis. That's enough to be going on with until tomorrow (in a few hours time....).
  2. No, what I actually said was that dignity is overrated, and often invoked when not having the stomach for a scrap, whether important or not. "I wouldn't give them the satisfaction"....
  3. Except, nah, you typed long and winded. Anyway, hope you has a great weekend, Monday's around the corner.... ????????????
  4. <deleted>? 'Dignity' is a usually cheap excuse for walking away from something you're loath to do, and time is a commodity the value of which is proportionate to how much you have of it. ????
  5. Billy Big Boots says threaten police action because it works, and in the very next paragraph says don't bother with police because the store knows they're useless. Big man, little brain.
  6. Jesus. Just declare for Islam, and let only foreigners drink, like Arab states. That will also stop border guards being bombed/killed in the south. Locals of course will still get smashed and a blind eye will be turned, as it has been with prostitution since forever I'm sick of this sh...
  7. If you can't see the clear conflicts contained within your previous statement I can't be bothered to explain further. Enjoy your weekend.
  8. You might find yourself in a private defamation suit. Yes, even if he's guilty. And this is not the only country where this can happen.
  9. You are far too near the knuckle financially to decide to move to Thailand. If your only income is almost static, whar would you do if they change the requirements? If you decide to come here, make it a rolling temporary arrangement, and keep a safe haven back home, just in case. 50k is really low to feel comfortable (and please don't not have health insurance, at least inpatient).
  10. This is so typical of your sarcastic sort of post. Only nutters start an actual conversation with random people in the street. But most people that didn't grow up in large cities are happy if they happen to catch the eye of another person in passing and exchange pleasantries with them, or at the very least say 'alright?' or a Thai greeting. I dislike 'close' personal contact with unknown people in general (and many known), but I keep the karma flowing.
  11. I bought laptops in the Middle East a few times, and to be honest after a few days I didn't even see the Arabic symbols any more (on the lower right of many keys) only the English. I just had to look hard today to notice them again!
  12. I have never seen a recommendation of 7.2 pH. 7.5-7.6 is a good level for a tiled pool. 7.4 is low. At 7.2 I doubt any pool cleaning robot would be able to get enough purchase even to climb a wall! And pH should definitely be checked weekly at a minimum as it affects pool chems stability.
  13. Yes let's not be bothered about 20 pct people more killing themselves here last year, because that would be silly. You probably don't have Thai friends or acquaintances on low paid, disappearing jobs. ????
  14. Duh. It was me that mentioned the increasing suicide rate in my very first post and you ignored it. You really believe everything is OK and it's only 'lazy Thais don't want to work'. The usual Thai bashing.
  15. That's pathetic. The fact that some people have money makes everything alright? Yes, it's all drama, isn't it? Suicides on the increase because they have too much money....
  16. I'm talking about people I know. People who don't have 'an apartment in Bsngkok', they rent a single rooms in Hua Hin. I'm not a liar, for god's sake. Hotel jobs disappeared, restaurant jobs cut down from 7 days to weekends only, even 7-11s cutting staff and an 18 year old who worked there I know has zero income and is struggling. Your post is insensitive and off target. You actually believe that suicides are on the increase because people are financially comfortable?
  17. And she doesn't want you to be happy? Many Thai men seem to be able to juggle both (maybe their methods of domestic control aren't yours though). ????
  18. Does she know that you have a mia noi, or just suspect?... Either way, don't expect that she suspects nothing. These are women we're talking about. ????
  19. I have no special knowledge but do try to follow the nuances of Thai speech. For example khap is not pronounced kap. I also like to respect the Thai 'l/r' confusion, the tongue position against the roof of the mouth is very slightly different and with 'r' creates a plosion ('right' becomes 'light' without). And of course the 'r' is formed with the tongue not the teeth and lips. I love saying 'roti', it's beautiful if you say it like a Thai or an Indian. ???? Oh, and I love that a Thai saying 'twenty' often sounds like seventy (te-venty). Shocks me sometimes when asking to pay, until I remember. But hey, their English is usually far better than my mangled Thai. These things are part of the enjoyment of life among the good people here. ????
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