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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. 1 hour ago, ALFREDO said:

    You compare yourself to a poor southern Thai fisherman? And believe that situations are compare able - you are - unreasonable - therefore - over for me here


    "'Never argue with unreasonable people. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."


    I’m not comparing myself to anyone.


    Besides you make assumptions that you know me very well, when in fact you know nothing about me at all.  


    Also you completely misunderstand what is being said.


    In addition, referring to your quote I’m not arguing, I’m simply responding and defending myself from your troll attacks. 







    • Haha 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Thomas Lodi said:

    They're very easy to purchase. However, they cost about 500,000 baht. So it's odd that someone that has the money to afford to buy Thai citizenship would be squabbling over such a meager amount of money: 357,000 baht. Jesus, what crumbs these people are fighting and killing each other over. Thailand is the least competitive country I've ever lived in which makes it the easiest place to make money that I've ever lived in. And I don't have Thai citizenship. You have 10 million wealthy Chinese tourists that are dropping $50k USD on stem cell ( per treatment ). And that's just the Chinese. The Saudis like to spend even more in Thailand. If you don't know how to make money from the very amazing dynamic that is in Thailand ( a super cheap country with absurdly rich tourists ) ... then I'm not sure what to say. People just give you buckets of money in this country for being white, it's crazy.


    hmmm, please elaborate?


    Im pretty much sure I checked out the medical tourism agent idea and found it would most likely be in breach of the labor laws since it would likely be classed under 'tour guide or conductor' as a profession reserves for Thais.




  3. 42 minutes ago, ALFREDO said:

    Ha ha - the Fisherman works possibly a week to have 2000 Baht salary - how long you and the Tourist have to work for 2000 Baht income - cheap charly - OMG ????

    You seem to have musunderdtood the meaning of kindness and honesty. 


    Its not about who has to work how long and for what, it’s about doing what is right by your fellow man.


    if I found the keys to a Harley Davidson motorcycle or a gold bullion bar worth much more than the iPhone I would still return it to its owner and not expect a reward. 


    Its not about rewards its about doing what is right.


    • Confused 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, jamesy9368 said:

    This may be the case in the west but even there many people run a mile if they find out someone as HIV.

    In Thailand there is a huge sigma if you have HIV I have a Thai friend who travels to Bangkok from Pattaya to get his pills because he thinks he will lose all his Thai customers if they found out he has it and have to shut his business.

    Also there was a shelter just outside Pattaya which looked after people with HIV / Aids, the locals in the village got the place shut down because it dropped all the property prices.

    Its not right but you have to live with how it is not how you want it to be, things will change very slowly as that's how things work in Thailand.



    It’s simply a lack of education. It’s not 1980 we’ve moved on since then.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Oxx said:


    Not quite if by "at source" you mean the company paying the dividend.  The company typically doesn't know anything about the investor's tax residence so can't apply different withholding tax rates.  The broker, however, does.

    I havn’t heared of anyone buying stocks directly from the companies you invest in, it’s always a broker or fund manager who is the source of the funds that pay you hence ‘taxed at source’ of funds.


    Its a withholding tax if you want the exact terminology.


  6. 2 hours ago, Catoni said:

    I’m 67. Testosterone is great, and I eat a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables and take a One a Day multi-vitamine and mineral pill to be sure. 

         If you’re overweight ...the heat will hit you harder also. Lose weight, wear loose airy summer-weight wicking fabrics...keep yourself hydrated, avoid A/C and use fan only.....or else be prepared to never acclimatize to the heat. 

    good for you, not everyone else is a lucky. Im addressing the OP though..

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