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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. 12 hours ago, Traubert said:

    Can't prostitutes have legitimate families then?


    By the way, prostitution isn't illegal in UK.

    Working without a valid visa or permission to remain is illegal and I doubt prostitution warrants a valid working visa or permission to remain.


    In addition to short stay visitors gone awol working in masseuse  brothels, or marriages of convenience only for those to divorce and remain in the UK in the past have made things difficult for legit families to travel..


    ..It’s the few illegals who ruin it and make it difficult for the legit families to travel freely with ease.


  2. 3 hours ago, nauseus said:

    Not fake and I read it. It barred abnormally curved (i.e. bendy) bananas of "Extra" class. "Class 2" bananas were exempt but "Class 1" were allowed to have only slight defects of shape. I know it was repealed and can only assume that that was because they realized what a particularly dumb regulation it was - even for the EU - hurrah for the democratic bendy rights of bananas!






    Does this mean if Brexit goes ahead, the EU will receive all the straight bananas and the UK will end up with all the bendy ones..?  :omfg:

  3. On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 7:09 PM, DrTuner said:

    And who'd pay for it? A lot of Thais never pay a single cent of taxes. Can't expect much back if you don't contribute. No free lunches.



    My wife's sister today reported back that at the hospital facility in Isaan where her mother is being kept, all the patients in the hospital have only two crapper bowls to share between them all, to take a crap in.


    Money isn't getting to where it should be going to..


    My own guess is that because the hospital is question in a small town it is simply overlooked and forgotten about.


    These people don't have many options, they are being treated unfairly.


    PS - this is not a sob story for me to dig into my pockets, this is something my wife was told by her sister, they havn't asked me for anything and to be fair Ive seen a similar shit hole hospital myself when wife's nephew was in hospital - no bedding, no sheets, just a 2 inch think water proof mattress. This was a 7 year old child on the same ward with older people who were potentially living their final days.




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  4. 36 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    And which was the national referendum of 2016 described as by the government then? 


    ..it was a non-binding referendum, so basically it was an opinion poll.


    I agree there are changes to be made on how EU rules are determined and implemented however Brexit isn't the way to do it unfortunately. Crashing out and burning bridges is never a good idea in the long run.


    • Confused 1
  5. On 6/26/2019 at 7:49 PM, mvsaraburi said:

    typical Remoaner running down the UK.  After the glorious no-deal brexit, delivered by the Churchillian Boris du Pfeffle Johnson, the British Empire will rise on endless exports of jam, fish and chips, Morris Minors and good old-fashioned british spunk.   the pound will be worth 100 baht, we'll get our own special lane at immigration requiring no TM-6 and all the best hi-so Thai women will be paying us Sinsod for the privilege of marrying a plucky post-brexit Brit.

    ..wishful thinking but then you awakened from your dream.

  6. 13 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    i agree with post 6, many of my *friends * have gone to work in KOREA, they say Bangkok has been dead for 6 months in fact i know a thai lady who went to Korea , is now lording it up in the UK, good for her i say

    One of your so called *friends* is now living it up in the UK?


    you mean a prostitute has managed to lie her way past immigration..?


    ..then unless your *friend* had now changed her occupation, she is one of the reasons those of us with legitimate families find the immigration process so difficult relocating back to a home country.


    You are part of the problem for encouraging it.

    • Sad 1
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  7. On 6/29/2019 at 7:09 PM, DrTuner said:

    And who'd pay for it? A lot of Thais never pay a single cent of taxes. Can't expect much back if you don't contribute. No free lunches.



    ..how about those expensive watches with no receipts worn by the leaders, whilst the poor can’t afford treatment to stay alive.



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  8. My wife’s mother who lives in the poor peoples village has the 30baht scheme and has just been diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure 


    im not sure if she will receive the needed treatment from the system unless we pay for it?


    I didn’t understand this part either..


    are eligible for normal dialysis treatment at Bt1,500 per treatment but the cost is limited to Bt4,500 per two weeks.”


    ..is this the cost for those who have social security? How about the 30baht scheme people?


    ..and I guess this means if you need more than one treatment per week the maximum cost is limited to 9000/month?

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