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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. On 5/12/2019 at 11:33 AM, malagateddy said:

    Now then..do not DARE to call my fellow Brexiteers racists..all we want is to escape from an attempt by unelected autocratic jobsworths over in brussels who's ultimate aim is to have.." a united states of europe.
    We are also sick of having rather undesirable eu immigrants who's core activity is child prostitution..hard drugs..people trafficking..protection rackets..etc etc.
    Remember this also..lined up to join the inglorious eu are countries like albania. serbia..bosnia..just how many QUALITY eu immigrants will flock to the UK from these countries???
    Answers on a postcard please.

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app





    Small minded idiots always fall for the 'its the invading foreigners fault' hype. 

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  2. There are people burning fires every week close to my village area in bkk. When they burn I check the pm2.5 Meter and it’s in the 200’s


    At the same time people are walking babies, jogging and cycling around the village.


    i hope this clean air bill educates some people to the dangers since most people are too scared to say anything or complain.


    until fines are issued nothing will change here

  3. 3 hours ago, Puccini said:

    When was the last time you got a prescription from a doctor at a private hospital in Thailand and at what hospital was this?


    3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:



    That's exactly how they do it, they won't give you a breakdown pre paying unless you ask for it and if you do they will look at you as if you've asked for something really strange. Its not just the high prices but the unnecessary medication included


    Exactly my experience too. You wouldn’t pay a meal or garage bill without seeing the bill first, hospitals act as if this is a strange system to see the bill before paying. 


    They got away with it for so long because of those with health insurance covering the costs not caring how much the bill was. 


    • Like 1
  4. I collected my extension of stay based on marriage this week at cw BKK, I needed to show the 400k was there during the under consideration period. An updated bank book showing a transaction on the day and a photocopy of the name page in the book and most recent page was good enough to pass. No bank statement required for me and no requests to maintain the 400k any longer than 2 months prior and during the under consideration period. 


    My only gripe was the photocopy stall wouldn’t accept Satang as legal tender to pay for the 2 baht coppies.

  5. Its probably illegal without a prescription as you say but if you have enough only for personal use and if anyone asks (like a policemen with a torch) I would just say this is medicine for personal use. As others have mentioned the worst that might happen is a shake down and relief of satang.


    I would stick to one pill on your person though so you cant be accused of selling the stuff 

  6. There is bureaucracy and red tape in most countries which clogs the system with paperwork for everyone more so likely for those having to process all the paperwork.


    The requirements to stay here long term don't seem that difficult to me its just a minor inconvenience and the additional need to plan a little in advance. It could be a lot worse. Maintaining some money in case of emergency is a must anyhow. 

  7. When I renewed about 2 years ago its was a matter of paying double for two cards instead of one if you have both the car and motorcycle licence, only additional requirement was another fee for the additional card.


    Im not sure if things have changed in the previous two years or not.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Postmaster said:

    OK if we see rates in the 70's baht to the £ Sterling again as in 2006/07 easy to bring the money back for a double whammy !


    I remember it being 76 baht to 1 gbp


    even prior to brexit it was around 55 baht to 1 gbp


    along with inflation of common items that’s a huge difference in cost of living in Thailand 


    im hoping when brexit is over the gbp might regain a little 

    • Like 2
  9. 30 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Yes, the thread is very misleadingly titled.

    ..but look at all the comments 


    10 minutes ago, balo said:

    Do you have a dash cam ? It's the only way we can verify your story. The police stopped you for a reason. 

    I was also stopped in Bangkok for driving in the bus lane, on the left side. I did not see it until it was too late. I bet something similar happened to you. 

    hey, I never said I was perfect and i could have been mistaken by all means. The purpose of the post was to ask what others would do if faced with a similar situation, not to ask whether I was guilty of breaking a rule or driving to the very best of my ability or not.


    Im quite amazed how popular the bashing thread has been actually and quite entertaining in any case. I'm done here though onto the next thread ????




  10. 4 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

    Your post falsely states Robbed in Bangkok in broad daylight. 

    Change it to the truth.

    Paid a bribe in Bangkok in broad daylight. 



    no need this isn't your courtroom

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Benroon said:

    Not going too well is it OP and there was you expecting loads of sympathy bless - you’re having a bad day on here when you can’t even get the hordes of anti Thais onside !!





    Im having a great day amazed at how many comments a short story can attract, my dear troll friend


    PS - I love Thai people Im married to one and I dont expect any sympathy, I was asking what others would do in a certain situation.


    Don't twist the story.

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