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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Visit this site and ask your questions https://www.facebook.com/groups/australiansinthailand/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT
  2. Go to the land office and ask. My names on my Chanotes so they're registered with them. Payment may be necessary for information
  3. Problem is when he gets out he will not have changed. Castration
  4. I reckon your comment is unfair. I find Thailand very safe. I stay under the radar, go out of my way to avoid conflict. The Italian went out of his way to antagonize and provoke Somchai and his son. The Swiss death was a suicide, the guy lost all his money in a failed bar business. I'd say it's a case of all 3 foreigners (Europeans) having mental health issues.
  5. Where's your statistics or link to prove your point or is this just some made up little story again?
  6. Ha, ha. The Italian, What an idiot, he'd been assaulted and continued antagonizing Somchai Some people never learn.
  7. Ha, ha, asking sensible questions on the forum is asking for trouble. Seems some of the guys here have made up little stories in their minds. I'm sure one or two of them will have a little story that they've made up to share with you. 🤣
  8. Bloody hell.I haven't got an aggressive bone in my body. I couldn't harm an animal. Murder is not the solution. Murder happens when 2 fools come together, in this case. The Italian should have known his neighbour was ill.
  9. Yes, understood. This often happens when someone is brutally murdered,unless he can voice his comment from the grave. I'm not familiar with anyone speaking from the dead, have you heard anything from the dead before?
  10. Keep going, don't stop. What are you saying, don't keep us in limbo, we would like to know. Are you trying to be nasty or are you being kind? Sadly today, this posting I've had to report several nasty, horrible, comments, all of which have been removed. Why are you people so angry? At times I feel like I'm back in the school yard, surrounded by school children. I realize some of you are doing it tough, finances etc. Iike the Italian. I'm one of the lucky ones, very lucky actually, been working offshore most of my life. Not having funds, losing everything, it's not a free pass to become disrespectful and antisocial.
  11. Sadly, I cry for help too often on AN forums but I just keep getting abused and assaulted by the majority. Nobody cares, too many selfish people, just want to be nasty and abusive. Dan about Thailand has identity issues similar. The haters are too common, the moaners and complainers, just want to whinge and whine. These hopeless types will encourage the weak to follow, once they combine they will destroy a good person Its just to easy for the keyboard warriors to be nasty and horrible in their incognito world.
  12. People need to learn to shut up, not to interact with comments that are not directly focused on them. Its best to just move on, keep your mouth shut. People have different views, different opinions. If you are not in agreement with someone's comment, don't reply with hostility or anger. If I don't agree with an opinion or comment on AN, I just ignore and move on. Be a better person please, to the antagonizers, please move on, don't reply with aggression or hostility, it's very immature.
  13. If the Thai man's son hadn't assaulted the Italian he'd still be alive. Seems like a no-brainer to me, don't antagonise your neighbours Absolutely 👍 I reckon we have a few of the same guys here (Italian psycho) that could end up the same. Lots of strange antagonizers, wanting conflict. I'm an under the radar guy, avoid conflict at any cost. Its so strange, foreigners coming to Thailand wanting to rock the boat, annoying the hell out of others. Anyway, Nice knowing you juveniles. Nothing to do with you Lou, but I'd Just like to ad a short note to the recent antagonizers, wake up fools, no such thing as a perfect world, you antagonize the wrong person, you're going to get iron barred.
  14. Just look in the mirror & there you go. So I'm a keyboard warrior because I made a general comment to no one in particular. In your eyes we are all keyboard warriors.
  15. Swiss guy was a suicide. Jumped from building corner of Theppraya and Theppraya soi 15.
  16. How am I antagonizing anyone. My initial comment was not replying to anyone, just a general comment. These people who you say I antagonized, they have made simple little pretend story up in their minds. These people have sick minds and should get professional help. Bloody keyboard warriors, nothing better to do with their sorry time, they need to get a life and stop annoying others
  17. Yep, sadly more than one of those Germans. ☹️ And yes thanks, it is deserts but it just doesn't sound right.
  18. Is this the German they are talking about, he got his just deserves. https://metro.co.uk/2023/07/11/thailand-suspected-child-sex-offender-found-dismembered-in-freezer-19108657/ Sadly, there's probably more than one of them.
  19. Yeah, I see that, these several people are antagonizers, probably end up like the Italian if they're not careful. Lots of crazy people in the world with iron bars.
  20. You've made a nice little story up in your mind also I see. 🤣
  21. I've noticed this also. Members are making up nice little stories in their mind, that are completely made up. Then they see fit to antagonize because this little story they've made up has infected their mind.
  22. Nope not defending the murderer. Yep, you are right the Thai guy's going to prison.
  23. Never said it was an excuse for murder. The Italian antagonized the murderer, like some of those replies to my comments above. Bloody annoying antagonizers
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