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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. That's OK, plenty of Thai guys in the village for a horny bar girl to have a good time with. Bald, overweight, unfit, probably not going to satisfy a youngish ex bar girl. Woman peak sexually in their 30's where us guys peak in our teenage years.
  2. I reckon most of these guys are below the age of 50, they are looking for a convenient, affordable way to live and stay in Thailand. This is also the case for those over 50yo, they can live here cheaply, if married. I started living here in my 30's, I've been working offshore, on a monthly rotation, before I turned 50 I would just fly in on a 30 day visa, the bar girl husband's can't do this.
  3. The Germans seem to be competing with the Brits in the bad boy foreigners of Thailand competition
  4. Yep, only thing I dislike about Thailand are some of the foreigners ????
  5. Did you have both licenses, bike and car? Do you know if I need a medical certificate for both licenses or 1 original, 1 copy? I never needed a medical certificate before
  6. It's missing some important information
  7. Great to hear. - Please provide link for online training - just the 1 medical certificate for both licenses needed (bike and car), so 1 original and 1 copy?
  8. Yep, great win for the Aussies, but the Pom's were disappointing with their attitude.
  9. What a sad series Two points to end. Ball swap..... WTF The Pom's wouldn't have a beer with the Aussies
  10. We need to start a Gofundme page for the Thai guy who smashed that Korean. Pay for the fine he got. Those YouTubers are weirdos.
  11. Becareful mate. We're outnumbered. Too many angry, Pom's here.
  12. More bad sportsmanship. It's just not cricket ???? https://fb.watch/m6TxkXJCDG/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  13. I'm Australian and I'm embarrassed by what's going on in Australia politically.
  14. Naaah, son wouldn't be driving around with fake plates. His Bentley would have proper DLT original plates.
  15. Sky news guy sooking https://fb.watch/m1b8zBj9T0/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  16. It's quite easy to become a loser living anywhere in the world. It's the ones that feel sorry for themselves, the lazy, the guy who just couldn't be bothered. It's difficult to stay away from the bars, you got to keep yourself busy, to easy just to walk in the bar and drink beer. Start first thing in the morning, get out of bed, have a coffee, some cereal and head down to the gym, there's a few hours of the day, ready for lunch, you'll find the days are so much more enjoyable starting with a workout. Stay positive and motivated, you'll get there. I'm one of lucky ones, I have a big family here in Pattaya that keep me busy.
  17. He may just be bored?! If you're here in Thailand, lonely and bored, nothing to do, nowhere to go or just have too much time to do nothing the beer bars are irresistible.
  18. You are just annoying the Islam faith, the men who will receive 72 virgins in the hadith corpos
  19. Oh dear, I hope you and your dozen mates have been to the doctors and checked for STIs.
  20. It'll never happen. Have you any idea how many foreigners on retirement visas that are bed ridden? So many hospitalized etc., Don't worry, you'll be OK.
  21. Lots of activities in Walking Street. I saw 6 or 7 cranes working. Walking Street signage.mp4
  22. OMG, are you here to antagonize and annoy me? So many members here commenting willy nilly, just to aggravate others. Where did I say 'Thailand is full of scumbags'?
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