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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. So once pending is completed I will receive another email saying approved, if so what would be the approx. duration between pending and confirmation?
  2. It's a scam. The foreigner bar managers are paid peanuts, they need an extra income to survive. They're always begging for a drink
  3. Yes sorry, I should have been more specific. The email I received said We have received your information successfully, you can find your information below. Attached to the email was a Tm47 pdf I think it was just a confirmation email It's my first time online ????
  4. Slightly off topic but I submitted my online 90 report 16 days before due, it sent me an email saying it had been accepted. My question is, will this be an issue, I heard 14 days before is the earliest.
  5. You may find that she likes working the bar. I'd say most don't want rescuing. Meeting different, interesting guys, getting treated like a queen, lots of money daily from customers etc
  6. You're the sailor, maybe you could explain to us all.
  7. I reckon you need professional help. You say 'we're all just trying to get along here' straight after making a hostile comment. ???? You related to Donald Trump ???? BTW, 28 days away from a beautiful, soft woman was too long for me. Sailors (real men ????) being away from the a female for months at a time tend to turn, become queer, not for me dude.
  8. Agree, it seems like every second person is a narcissist or they have mental health issues these days. Take care mate ????
  9. Aaaah, it's adding up now. Are these the type of people who you have done business with or had relationships with. Sorry dude, I understand. BTW, don't be so angry, wanting to bash all those people must keep you awake at night. Forget the past, move on. Surround yourself with good people, you'll find your life will improve
  10. You're obviously one of those Thai bashing, moaners I pointed out above.
  11. im not surprised ???? Look at your average expat, old, short, fat, bald, no personality, little money. These guys are rejects in their own country, losers, failures. Even the younger guys, they've got something wrong with them, having a slight handicap or disability or just plain UGLY. These guys come to Thailand because the females in their own countries avoid them, they're rejected. I chose Thailand as my home, to live here in my 30's because of my offshore rig work, it was taking me all around the world, traveling for work and training, my 28 day rotation, paid salary every month but I would have to travel on my time off, flying internationally once a month, coming out of Australia it was an additional 7 or so hours. I said earlier, I've traveled, worked and trained in over 40 countries, having BKK as your hub is more convenient, saving me hours and hours on my time off, spending more time with my family. I met the mother of my children here in Pattaya, she was 17yo, we had our first child when she was 19yo. Most expats here marry the woman that the Thai guys reject, the old smelly woman, as you say bar girls, the older bar girls are perfect for these losers. I'm happy for these woman, they've probably been having sex with 1000's of guys, since the age of 12yo. That's why we have so much negativity on these forums, the expat marries one of these smelly, old bar girls, then things go pear shaped, then he starts hating everything and everyone, blaming everyone else for his problems. So many Thai bashers, nasty, negativity towards the Thais here, all because these miserable, moaning, whinging and whining guys made the same stupid childish, immature mistake. Be accountable men, you are men, not school yard bullies. Grow up guys. The worst thing, the thing I hate about Thailand is some of the foreigners
  12. Not true. Where are you getting your information from? Provide link that supports this nonsense
  13. Thailand has been my home for decades, I have a big family, I work on an offshore drilling rig, on rotation get paid a monthly salary, paid USD, occasionally working Songkla BTW, working on an offshore drilling rig is one of the only jobs that you can work in Thailand with a work permit and get paid USD. I have a big family and lots of friends, my close friends are offshore workers, drilling rig guys, rig pigs. We tend to keep to our own
  14. OMG, I hope you have plenty of time being the AN Forums 'off topic policeman'. I wish you luck, I don't reckon you'll get much sleep. You won't have any time for a social life either. ????
  15. Read the above comment that I was referring to If you're too lazy or can't read English I've copied pasted it below. 'I'm an Aussie but sadly disappointed with the Brits, bloody bad attitude' You're antagonizing me. How many times have I read a comment on AN Forums that was slightly of topic. Don't be so rude. Next time make the effort, instead of making a nonsense comment.
  16. Good point but compassion to those that deserve it. I've known the guy for 20 years, he was middle aged when we met but he's always had the same bitter attitude
  17. Me and my family have been living in the same house for 20 years now in Pattaya. I have an English neighbor who is elderly now. He occasionally asks me to accompany him in his car to go shopping to different venues because he's not sure about directions etc in Thailand. He drives aggressively, always on the horn, I ask him why he continually sounds his horn, his reply is stupid Thais. I don't like his aggressive driving so I don't accompany him anymore, he is childish, his attitude is poor, he really hates the Thais. I've worked, trained and traveled to over 40 countries. I have found the Thais to be the happiest, nicest, most pleasant, friendliest people on the planet. Sadly, I see so many negative, hateful comments from members towards the Thais, it hurts me to see this nastiness. I know many Brits here in Thailand, some good ones but strangely most are the very negative towards the Thais, why are the Brits so bitter, they seem to think they are superior
  18. Sadly the the thing I hate about Thailand is some of the foreigners, scumbags. Thailand has been my home for decades, I have a big family, I work on an offshore drilling rig, on rotation get paid a monthly salary, paid USD, occasionally working Songkla. I really don't want to associate with your type. I'm an Aussie but sadly disappointed with the Brits, bloody bad attitude.
  19. Don't think of it as harmful or malicious. It's educational, the old guy is getting a lesson on how to be a good human being
  20. I reckon they would call for reinforcements. A few years ago, walking street Thai bouncers chased 2 body builders, big guys, they ran and jumped into the ocean, scared for their lives. If I remember one of the foreigners was seriously hurt from the incident You'd be surprised how easily and fast the Thais can group in numbers when foreigners are to be taught a lesson. So yes, if Sharkey was so stupid the bouncers would retaliate
  21. Obnoxious probably. I'm not here to be pleasant. If you want pleasant go have a conversation with a snowflake, plenty of them here.
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