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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I didn't antagonize you. I never replied with hostility to your comments as you have with mine. What are you talking about?
  2. Mate, I call a spade a spade. Not a fake molecule in me.
  3. My loser, fat, balding, smelly, no personality friends reply with the same hostility and anger when we have the same conversation. I reckon it's a mental health issue, lonely guys, average Joe's, can't get the pretty girls
  4. Good post Fred. You seem rather enlightened which is sadly quite the novelty around these parts Like I said earlier, I'm OUT NUMBERED. Too many loser guys here moaning, not being accountable, just whinging and whining
  5. Oh well, another fake poster, not willing to discuss, you just want to be hostile and antagonize
  6. No second prizes. You can't defend your criticism but you keep offending other members. Like I said, worthless chat from you
  7. I've got many friends, balding, overweight, uneducated guys who are always complaining about gold diggers. I enjoy watching the pretty girl ignoring average Joe, she's beautiful, why settle for a guy, no money, no looks, no personality. I'm outnumbered here, I'd say many members here are how I described above, old, fat, smelly, no looks, no money or personality. These type, bloody losers guys, no ambition in life, not bothered trying to improve their looks, by losing weight, getting fit, they just whing and moan.
  8. Oh, OK, your antagonizing me. BTW, you should be sorry for calling me a bad father, you don't know me, you know nothing about me. If I knew you I would get you to talk with my children, they would educate you. Lots of people in this world, full of talk but nothing to back it up, full of hot air and worthless chat
  9. Explain, give your reason, I've opened up, gave my thoughts
  10. World wide, across the planet all females are bar girls, bloody stupid if they're not. I've encouraged my daughter's to be gold diggers. Find a wealthy guy. Look at the Thailand bar girls, for God's sake, what beautiful, attractive woman would want an old, fat, smelly, man inside and on top of them. A beautiful woman needs rewarding, she needs to be well remunerated. I miss being back at school, school girls so stupid, due to pier pressure they get involved with boys, get a boyfriend and start having sex, giving it away for free, school boys getting it for NOTHING, wish I was back at school, free sex.
  11. Getting the crap kicked out of you if you're down is the only way to teach some people. I bet the fool won't be so stupid next time. LESSONS LEARNT ????
  12. If you watch the video it's clear what happened. Son was in argument with bouncers, father comes running over from another bar, rudely joins in the argument and smacks the bouncer. Bouncers reacts appropriately, teaching the old guy a lesson. Life lessons that the old guys parents should have done, (POOR PARENTING, I reckon it's a hand me down, the old guy is handing poor parent down to his son). Son looks on in disbelief, as his father is laying on the ground blocking traffic getting a kicking. Son stands by thinking 'my dad is a goose'. What a proud father son moment ????
  13. Yep, with the right attitude and ambition but these fools would have very little ambition. Their diet would be fish and chips only
  14. They're obese. 3 months not enough, it'll take at least 3 years in the gym
  15. I'll join you ???? I'm setting up a gofundme page for the bouncer, to cover any fines or other expenses he may have.
  16. The headline was copied from the English news 'daily mail' if I remember. Sadly it's a reflection of the Brits, and some of the Brits living in Thailand. Strangely.....correct me if I'm wrong but looking from the outside in, it appears to be always someone else's fault, no accountability for their actions. Looking for a scapegoat
  17. Wow, hot topic. Posted 12 hours ago and now on page 15. I see lots of comments to and fro, members verbally bashing Brits and other members bashing the Thais. At the end of the day, if you misbehave in a foreign country I reckon you deserve the penalty of the people of that country
  18. The headline is not right. Should read 2 idiots, drunk Brits (father and son), behave badly and get what's needed.
  19. Who cares I see you're a NEWBIE here. You'd be surprised. Lots of members here with nothing better to do than get a chuckle from the stupid foreigners that come to Thailand
  20. I don't think it's that bad Pattaya is the best place in the world for me, it's just those bloody, angry, annoying, nuisance foreigners that I hate.
  21. It's been a while, I was getting a bit bored. It's about bloody time we saw a naughty Brit, badboy story, thanks. This time it's father and son, great parenting obviously. Maybe they'd be having tag team moment in Soi 6 on one of the bar girls and she declined.
  22. There's tooo many of them, they're everywhere. Riding 3 or 4 on the one bike, no helmet, riding dangerously. Not a female to be seen. I reckon there's good money to be made for the business minded, send down a few sheep or lama's or similar. I'd hate to think what these strange men do ????
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