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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. And to get one you need to comply with certain regulations such as having fire extinguishers and pool safety features (depth signs etc.) It's also very expensive that's why these Dodgy agents don't bother. I see foreigners acting as these unlawful agents, I'd like to see these guys deported. Bloody disrespectful lowlifes.
  2. This is great news. We have a couple of houses in our housing estate that are daily/weekly rentals. These tenants are Bloody noisy, disrespectful (parking their many cars illegally) loud music, drunk behavior.
  3. I don't wear glasses but I did have another coffee. I know I'm not the most popular member here, I've probably got more sad and confused reactions than most, I speak the truth and some of you don't like the truth. Thailand has been my home for over 20 years, I have nothing negative to say, no complaints. It just confuses me, I don't understand why so many foreigners choose to make Thailand their home then complain about every little thing, how bloody childish. I reckon some of you have made the wrong decision moving to Thailand and are angry with yourself for your poor choices, please stay angry with yourself but keep your anger to yourself. Reading some of these comments I have teenager children that are more mature than some of you members. Imagine living back in your home country, now that would be something to moan about. Some of you need to look at where you are and where you could be.
  4. So you're suggesting people should be means tested before paying? I'll go with that. I'm sure old Somchai salaryman from Bangkok earns more than me on my meagre UK pension. It's annoying the way rich farang think all farang are in the same boat Your meager pension is more than most Thais make a month. Most of us have property back in our home countries, I read in Australia the average house price is now $1,000,000. To the Thais, you're a wealthy man. As you put it 'you're a rich farang' I'm sure most members complaining here own property back in their countries, very wealthy people. Most of these wealthy complainers should be ashamed of themselves, they are mean, miserable, selfish people, they come to this beautiful Thailand knowing the challenges but continue to cry, always whinging and whining about this and that. I've worked and traveled to over 40 countries. I love the Thai people, you just don't get a nicer bunch, always happy, welcoming,. I hope you mean, miserable foreigners don't destroy these lovely people with your hatred and nastiness. The Thai's aren't stupid, they see and hear this wicked, evil behavior.
  5. Wow, I bet Somchai wasn't happy, having to drop his egg noodles and run to the F-16. ???? Maybe he took a doggy bag. ????
  6. Wow, are we brothers? I'm 55 looking more like 35 too. What a coincidence.
  7. So if they can't see common sense in decades then I agree with you - Don't go there I read sense and common sense from many comments but there is no sense in the comments I'm reading. It's just a moaning fest. Dual pricing was here well before we all arrived in Thailand, we've all known about dual pricing but people still want to complain about it. It's the Thai way, it works for the Thais. Maybe they don't want you in their country, it's a polite way of telling you to go back to where you are from, some people just don't get the hint. It's pointless complaining, no one is listening. You're going to have to live with it, be adults.
  8. Wow, 3X chromosomes, they may be female aliens. I like the chicks with 2X
  9. Don't worry yourself, go out and do your job. These people understand, if they need to interview you, I'm sure they'll make an appointment.
  10. These ladies look like they have a miles on the clock.
  11. I need a closer examination, can't tell from photos They could be dudes
  12. The girls still look more beautiful than ever. But, after 13 years I reckon the issue is you may no longer be called sexy man. Getting paid to have sex in front of the camera is not for everyone. Using yourself as an example 'poor, beautiful, looking for job' probably isn't the correct logic, try asking your mother if she was poor, beautiful, looking for a job, would she be on OnlyFans?
  13. Dave, what a great name for a dope seller, I would have expected a Somchai. How many joints can be rolled from a gram?
  14. So, technically he was transporting the body on a Hearse. I love the Thais, always thinking outside the box. I'll make mention to the Mrs, that's my choice of transport to the temple cremetorium.
  15. Here's another complainer post You'll find the majority of AN posted articles are about a person complaining about one thing or another. Like I said, I reckon some people are just born glass half empty, no pleasing these types.
  16. It makes sense to me, charging foreigners for extra. I worked offshore, Songkhla for a few years, my salary was more than 10 times the salary of a Thai.
  17. This has been happening for many years, covid quietened down things when the boarders were closed but now the floodgates have opened, new Thai/Saudi relationship etc. Expect more of this bad behavior. I'm OK, I invested heavily in Arab Town recently after reading all the news reports, the dividends are paying well for me. ????
  18. I like the dual pricing. It's different to living in Australia, that's why I live in Thailand, it's nothing like Australia. Thank God ???????????????????????????? The author Michael Bridge, just stirring the pot, getting the moaners on board to react. ???? Racism? Maybe so, I'm always getting complements from the Thai's regarding my fair complexion and green eyes, how dare they. ????
  19. That should read north to 'Duba', west coast..........bloody keyboards taking control The nights before crew change staying Tabuk hotel.
  20. I worked for Aramco, offshore, both in the Gulf and the Red Sea. Spent the night before crew change in Dammam (east coast) north to Dubai and south to Jeddah on the west coast. Winter the nights were cool and comfortable.
  21. Agree. Some people amaze with with their obsession to expose themselves to unecessary hardship. Little things like you mentioned, they're ready to react in an aggressive way, shoving a camera in another person's face to protect their rights, it's attention seeking. Who would want to be a cop, having to deal with these crazy people daily. I'm the guy that prefers to stay under the radar. Especially in Thailand, there are different laws, cultures, a little bit of corruption money etc., if that's what it takes or what I must pay, this minor inconvenience, to put up with to live in this beautiful country so be it. I reckon if the OP wants to start recording the cops for different issues, Thailand is probably not the place for him. I see quite a few videos of people filming the cops on the internet, what do people see in antagonizing a cop, are they getting enjoyment, maybe getting sexual pleasure, there are some strange people in this world. Sadly too many of these strange types are coming to Thailand.
  22. This would be the last straw, can't stay if the chicky babes are doing it for you. Come over to Pattaya, lots of beautiful young ladies here. Anyway, too many Dodgy people in Phuket. We don't have those types here in Pattaya.
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