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Posts posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. 1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

    Glad you have had good luck as that is also a large factor for anything.

    1.  Good quality tank is often not an option or obvious and most people buy homes already built.

    2.  Do not believe there is anywhere in tropics that is not a flood zone during heavy rains - that is why homes were always above ground level.

    3.  Mitsubishi is not my idea of best pump - tanks have very short life due to rust and pressure is obvious shallow well range.  Doubt they are better than others of same class but admit used them for 30 years until change to Grundfos which for us provides normal US type water pressure and has been very reliable.  

    If i bought a house with a poor quality tank fitted id replace it with a good quality tank.


    Youll find Mitsubishi pumps are up there with the best in Thailand. Very strong and reliable. Parts are inexpensive.


    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:
    38 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    You have to bury your tanks.

    Serve 2 purposes.

    Chance for more issues, very hard to repair, very hard to keep clean (it does flood here) and if pipe has no pressure who knows what is leaching in, have to have foot valve working or lose pump prime.   But yes it may be a bit cooler in the hot weather months (I have not found warm water to be objectionable for anything but drinking and use cooler for that).

    Ok, lots of excuses here.


    1. I've had my tank in the ground for 15 years never had to repair

    .......buy good quality tank

    2. Do not build in a flood zone

    ..........pay a little extra for a land plot that doesn't flood.

    3. Cheap pump

    ....buy a Mitsubishi, extremely good pump


    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

    Location, location, location.  That is why you buy beachfront. Go big or go home.  Most expensive properties continue to appreciate, but are out of reach for most Cheap Charlies.

    I agree, the 3 L's.


    Been living in the same house for nearly 2 decades, sure Id like a change but locations I prefer is limited for housing.


    The location factor importance was shown recently when the roads were blocked getting into Pattaya City.


    Beachfront is nice but when events are held, Jet Ski World Cup etc it becomes a nightmare if you want to go anywhere.


  4. 2 hours ago, madmen said:

    Are you suffering from depression? It's no joke the symptoms are there, best of luck 

    Your name “madmen” shows signs of anger and hostility, possibly depression.


    Cambridge describes madmen as

    a man who behaves in a very strange and uncontrolled or dangerous way


    I’d be looking at changing that name, you’re giving the members an angry, depressive impression.

  5. 1 hour ago, madmen said:

    Are you suffering from depression? It's no joke the symptoms are there, best of luck 

    Its funny you mentioned depression.


    I see far too many negative comments on TVF, this encourages negative comments by sheep followers it just brings down the original post. I tend not to read these negative comments, they are really annoying.


    Lets improve TVF by commentating with happy, positive comments, there is no need for anger and hostility.

    If you are depressed get help dont comment negatively, keep things positive.


    There is obviously depression out there and loads of it, get help you guys.



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. I reckon you're better off where you are.


    Walking the streets and seeing the doom and gloom is not pleasant.
    Being around all these miserable elderly guys, its depressing.............. glass half empty, negative, hostile, angry guys who act like old woman nagging and bitching.


    They live in a shoebox (3m x 3m) they call home, no vehicle, no money to enjoy themselves. 

    They spend more money on beer than that of their combined electric, rent, water bills added up, and having the recent alcohol ban just added to their hostility.

    They don't exercise so they're in a lot of pain as the body can't cope with sitting at their computer 16 hours a day waiting to make a negative angry comment on one of their many social media web sites.


    These people blame others for their misfortunes no accountability for their miserable lives.


    They need to grow up............. probably too late as they are in their last years of life.


    • Like 1

    It’s that time of year, renew my vehicle registration.

    Over the years I’ve used the Big C on Saturdays, then the Central (ground floor, then moving upstairs later).

    What are the times of the DLT office opening/closing times?

    I understand the license renewals are closed, what business are they doing for now?

  8. 17 hours ago, Sundown said:

    I'll go ask to the juristic office but I already know the answer: "CANNOT".


    I'm pretty sure it's possible to re open pools and gyms but that's too much of brain effort for the average thai juristic office manager. CANNOT is easier and can keep on spending the whole day on LINE TV.


    Yep, I agree.


    I have also asked if they are laying some of the cleaners off due to the gym and recreational places being closed...Nope, no layoffs, there's dozens of them (cleaners).


    I just see these cleaners sitting around on their telephones, the development has free wifi, this just encourages laziness.

    There are around 1100 condos with maybe 20% occupancy.


    I dont live there but am an owner so I pay the yearly charges as well as water.


  9. So, my gym membership recently expired and looks like the gyms may be opening soon.


    Any suggestions for membership here in Pattaya


    Tony’s have a big gym 3rd and South Road intersection but his smaller gym on the opposite side with swimming pool, tennis court, sauna etc is being demolished.

    What will be built on this land. Do you think it may be an expansion of his gym network or will this Tonys gym network shut down?


    What are your thoughts?

  10. Once upon a time Pratumnak was the Beverly Hills of Pattaya, not any more.


    The New Nordic group have dotted it with all those orange buildings (apartments) and they are Hotel letting them so lots of tourist buses, noise and fumes.


    Also it takes so long to get anywhere when the traffic is around (not much traffic these days).

    Theppraya Road gets bumper to bumper.

    • Like 1
  11. You don’t see it as much in the low season but why is it when a foreigner has a Thai girl and they hop on a taxi motorbike the foreigner sits in the middle?

    Not always but way tooooo often.



    This is quite strange, having my willie that close to a guys anus is not right.

    • Haha 2
  12. 1 hour ago, cornishcarlos said:

    From your last post about being out on your scooter, it would seem you are sensible to wear a helmet..


    As for the others, don't worry about it.. Won't harm you if they don't wear a lid !!

    Yeah, all this disregard for safety.


    Its messing with my mind.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
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