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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Move down to Pattaya. Rock solid here.
  2. Didn't the song go 'London Bridge is falling down'
  3. Take your time, the BiBs are still working on her Oh dear, I hope they don't abuse her mouth, I like to kiss her. ????
  4. Is that where she got to. I've been looking everywhere for her. I'll be down shortly to pick her up.
  5. I see Arab-Hatred is alive and well on this forum. Really. You should check yourself and the overt racial hatred. It's not a good image for this forum. Strange comment. You're just stirring the pot, you're an antagonizer. Best you don't comment at all if you're going to be hostile.
  6. Sick to even think like that OMG, what are you thinking? Keep it professional.
  7. Why has her sentence been reduced. Has she been giving the guards favours?
  8. I'm sorry to hear that you lived in Saudi, hell on earth. I worked in Saudi for a few years, flying in and out every 4 weeks, I hated it. I regularly saw the fun the boys were having on their motorbikes I've also got a few photos of 10 year olds driving the family car with mum sat in the back seat. It's a strange place with strange people.
  9. Thai women fight back- don't mess with them The article reads 'The attack was unprovoked according to the victim and witnesses' Unprovoked
  10. Psycho woman. I had one of those. Seems to be alot about these days.
  11. You forgot to add...........sex parties. If these guys are partying count me out. My party night out is enjoying a delicious meal with my lovely gf then off to the Love????Shack for dessert.
  12. What forms are they? Just need your passport.
  13. Bloody Arabs. Strange lot. Look at the photo, not a chick in site. Got their boy friends as pillion
  14. I just heard on the radio that she was working as a school teacher before working in the bar, the school sacked her because of false credentials.
  15. Too many haters out there, block them and do your own thing. You look great ????
  16. Thanks guys, I'll pass these on to my mate
  17. I've got a mate coming over to Thailand for 6 months. He wants to stay in Buriram for his 1st month to see his gf, he's on a budget, looking for a budget hotel or similar. Monthly rental, must have air-conditioned, would like but not a must have swimming pool and gym, in the centre of town. Anyone with recommendations. TIA.
  18. Yes. Bill has been spotted here in Pattaya a few times over the years. He's coming back to Pattaya to introduce Melinda to his gf, going to try a 3 some. Billy boy is normal just like the rest of us. ????
  19. I'm concerned about your mental health. Your comment is alarming, sadly, it's something I hear from time to time. Maybe you should discuss your situation with your wife and not this group, if she's educated it's a good chance she will understand your concerns and be more compassionate and understanding, it's about your needs and wants not here childish thoughts. In the past I've discussed this situation with my mates, turn the tap off I say, see their reaction once the funds aren't there, be selfish, they need to be educated. Good luck, hoping your Jatz Crackers stay in tact and don't become duck food.
  20. She's messing with your mind. Time to find a new one.
  21. Good to see we're living up to your expectations. ????
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