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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Aaaah, the old what's in it for me (WIFM). Yes I've used this method many times but I'm not getting paid to protect the public. It's the policeman job to keep the public safe. Another sad story for the Thai Police force and a good example of the poor training they are receiving.
  2. This truck has jacknifed. God knows what carnage he would have done had he hit someone. I've got more faith in this horse getting my goods delivered safely in Thailand's than most heavy vehicle drivers. https://fb.watch/blAS9MfYnI/
  3. Police not filing charges, it just encourages this bad driving behavior. 'Driver's pride', he'll just laugh it off and it'll happen again, next time killing someone. These drivers need to spend a year driving Sydney roads, the cops would tear their license up and ban them from driving for 5 years. This is laughable.Police not issuing a ticket. ???? Geeze, I wish the police force would get proper training and do their job properly. They seem to be wearing some sort of goggles when I'm riding my PCX, just focusing on my driving behavior not the Thais breaking the law, turning a blind eye.
  4. Omg, that's creepy. A stranger in your house while asleep. Have you made changes so it never happens again?
  5. Unhinged ???? Yep, I bet the cops wish covid was still keeping boarders shut. Now they have to do some work. Lots of unstable, psycho foreigners around town these days.
  6. Naaah, they're most likely concerned because they are getting their covid information and knowledge from Facebook and other social media sites.
  7. Should make all the business owners around Soi Yensabai happy. This area has been dead quiet since covid. Actually, I saw a couple of middle eastern boys riding around Arab Town on a Hayabusa today. Pity the Thais that go to work in Saudi, it's THE worst country on the planet. And Saudi Airlines is the worst airline on earth. No pretties, all male crew. NO BOOZE, bloody horrendous. I've had more damaged luggage than any other airline.
  8. OMG, just because a beautiful, intelligent young lady is slaughtered by a juvenile cop on a zebra crossing, you guys are dreaming if you thought things would change. Law enforcement needs to change before a difference is seen.
  9. Nothing new. El Niño impacts weather systems around the globe, triggering predictable disruptions in temperature, rainfall and winds. La Niña is the opposite – a cooling phase of ENSO that tends to have global climate impacts opposite to those of El Niño. I'm not complaining, I like it
  10. So they quit their jobs but have jobs as digital nomads, career change I assume!!!!!!! ???? Strange headline, it should read something like.... they still have jobs but have a new career as..... Digital Nomads....... a person who earns a living working online in various locations. Anyway, feel sorry for them, living in Thailand and having to work, I couldn't think of anything worse. I've said this before, Thailand is for relaxation, recreation, sun and fun, bars and beaches. Not working. ???? I see foreigners around Pattaya at times wearing long pants, collar shirt and tie...... you got to be kidding me. I've worked in Thailand over the years but it was offshore, no temptation, just 12 hour shifts surrounded by ocean.
  11. Yes, just trim down a bit, works well. I use them when away working, accommodation can be noisy at times.
  12. It does look good but I wouldn't buy a Vietnamese made Honda. I worked in Vietnam back when I had my Honda Airblade. Vietnam Honda sold 2 models, Airblade's locally made and imported Thailand model at a more expensive price. The guys I worked with said they chose the Thai imported Airblade's saying the Vietnamese made were not well made.
  13. Yes the extra storage under seat is good. I read that the Lead will have a new engine 2022 model, 125cc, 4 valve. 12 inch wheels puts me off
  14. Anywhere else in the world those cars would be on the scrap heap, destroyed by the train. This Thai passive nature just encourages this selfish behavior, watch the vehicle owners just stroll back to their cars casually. It also has a huge impact on the economy, two steps forward, one step back.
  15. Bloody best bike on the market. Bang for your buck. Too bad I'm tall. I look awkward on anything smaller than a PCX An ex gf bought the new Honda Lead, I don't understand why so many people are buying these, I see them everywhere. The Click is a nicer bike.
  16. Wow, that's a lot of money. Not easy to hide, hope they find it.
  17. I'm well within my rights to be angry and hostile with my comments, these parents (whether Thai or other nationality) chose to ignore their childs safety so they could star on their OnlyFans website. I've never been a Thai basher, I'm the opposite, often getting hate comments because of my Pro Thailand comments. Below is the description given on Wikipedia OnlyFans is an internet content subscription service based in London. The service is popular with and commonly associated with pornography and sex workers.
  18. Agree, I was 2nd comment saying lazada. Lazada and Shopee great for buying this stuff
  19. As long as they don't come here and start complaining about the infrastructure, soi dogs, dual pricing etc I'm OK. We have enough of the complainers, whingers and whiners here
  20. Not bad but I go by the ABC Assume nothing. Believe no one Confirm everything
  21. Did you order online? We have Hafele shop on the Sukhumvit Rd here in Pattaya. I spend a lot of time in the Hafele shop these days, always finding something to spend my money on. Good quality products.
  22. Try Dee Money to send money out of Thailand. https://www.deemoney.com/th/ Good rates
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