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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Doesn't look like a big bike to me. Rear tyre is very narrow. This is the problem, guys riding these 250, 300 ninjas etc (bikes under 500cc) give us proper big bike riders a bad name In my opinion any bike over 100hp should be classified as a big bike.
  2. Something wrong with the photo. The Thai is taller than the westerners. Photoshoped ????
  3. Good call. What she did was very bad but it could have been a lot worse, she withdrew 4500 baht (probably giving most of it to her alcoholic bf, ???? the mind boggles). She could have taken alot more. Anyway this story is so wrong.
  4. I heard on the radio news report this morning that the PIN (written on paper) was together in his wallet with the card
  5. I heard this morning on the radio that she jumped off the bridge and it appears she was sliced up by a river boat, or several. It was reported she was suicidal. ????
  6. I bet you have a few stories to tell having lived here for nearly 40 years and 30 years in the one job. Well done ????
  7. She can come around my place and be tough I'd show her a few of my Judo moves Firstly the Yoko-sutemi-waza Then the Katame-waza And finally the Osaekomi-waza I love a chick with a bit of spunk ✌️????☮️
  8. Wow, I'm reading your report and I'm seeing some similarities to that of the western suburbs of Sydney
  9. I comply. Makes no difference what you think We live in Thailand, best place in the world. No need complaining, it's just childish I like the safety measures put in place to protect us.
  10. Wow, this will make for a thriller movie, Blockbuster.
  11. Tomorrow's Headlines Foreigner found dead on bench press with gunshot wound to the head
  12. ???????????????????????????? Very dangerous that Phuket. I'm glad I live in safe Pattaya ????
  13. I kinda like the dual pricing system Thailand has, it keeps away the cheap Charlie's. If you're not happy with it don't come here, we have too many moaners, whinging, whining dead beats. Look at all the negatively these posts generate, hateful comments about Thailand, members complaining about Thailand, the system was here well before you guys arrived, put up with it, your complaints here just encourage the weak to follow you and comment negatively. I hear Afghanistan is looking for tourists, I haven't read any dual pricing over there. I'm ready for all the sad, confused faces. Sometimes the truth is sad and confusing.
  14. Exciting. Are you kidding. And why all the questions? What he did is irrelevant, to his statements Chill dude, why the hostility? Sorry if I offended you. You read his comment and don't feel it's exciting, how many other AN members arrived here at 19yo and still working here, not too many I reckon. You don't feel arriving Thailand at 19yo and spending your whole working life here is exciting? Imagine the changes he would have seen over the many years, I still remember the many changes that I've seen over the 20 years I've lived in Pattaya. Infrastructure, police, shopping malls, beaches, people, neighbors, it just goes on and on.
  15. Yep, too right. Our company would pay us $1000 a month extra, sub saharan African bonus
  16. Wow, your comment reads exciting. What brought you to Thailand at 19yo? What type of work were you doing for 30 years? If you're worried about having enough money to retire on why don't you stay employed for a little longer just in case.
  17. Same girl, it's a Reenactment for the media Lots of pointing ???????? Yes, I reckon she's put the skirt in for washing, had a lot of beer stains on it
  18. If they were not wearing shoes, only wearing flip flops (thongs) there are definitely Aussies, I reckon Bogan's, possibly grew up in the western suburbs of Sydney. You heard it here first ???? Sounds like a couple of mates of mine.
  19. Come to Pattaya, I'm sure they're here. Lots of Dodgy guys around town at the moment.
  20. ???? Poor girl, she's covered in beer She's going to smell like me after a night on the town. Good on her for bashing that creep.
  21. Been working as a Supervisor, offshore, rig work. I'm the luckiest guy on the planet, I've been everywhere, done it all Traveled the world, not just for rig work, my company would send me to Singapore, Houston, Aberdeen, Philippines and other destinations for training. Singapore, South Korea for shipyard work/rig commissioning, I would also go to different rigs around the world for work. At times my company would send me back to Australia for a few days to get visas for different countries the rig was working in. It was great back in the day, I used to fly in and out of Thailand on a tourist visa (6 or 7 times a year, can't do it these days), so, only having a Thailand tourist visa (non resident) would not allow me to get a working visa for other countries that I had to work, so I would have to go back to Australia. What a great job, meeting different people, different cultures, different foods, way of life, many, many great experiences. It's not for everyone, being away from your family for weeks at a time, horrendous/dangerous helicopter flights (Angola 3 hours, making a few stops different rigs/FPSO'S etc). At times the helicopter would not come due to bad weather, you'd have to stay on the rig and work until the weather cleared and your relief would arrive. Worked with a few nice guys and a few Dodgy (westerners) guys from around the world, the local guys I worked with I enjoyed the most, most of the local guys were hardworking and very knowledgeable, characters with a good sense of humor. The best part was being an Australian, living in Thailand my travel time was reduced. I was paid every month (on salary) but you had to travel on your time off, so I'm ahead 8 hours living in Thailand. It's a good way to save money, when you're on the rig you don't spend any money, clothes, food, accommodation all free. My employer sent me to SE Asia for work, I loved Thailand, I was in my 30's, I bought a house 2001, I'm still in the same place, me and most of my family. Airports..... now we have Survarnabhumi, it's only 1 hour 15 minutes to the airport from Pattaya, before I'd travel to Don Mueang, that was a long trip. I've always worked rotation mainly 28/28 so I would get the 4 weeks on the rig for my liver to recover, my liver is not doing so well these days, Covid has kept me here since late 2019, hoping to get back to work next month or so, been spending too much time on these forums 555. Over the years I've backpacked around the world and worked many countries, 40 total. One place I miss very much is Vung Tau, Vietnam, it was so nice working there, easy flights, BKK to SGN (ho chi minh city) 1 hour. Getting off the plane I then traveled on the Hydrofoil, for an hour and a half, the hydrofoil had a bar on board so a few beers before arriving Vung Tau to get ready to go out with the rig manager that evening, for a steak dinner and a few more beers, in a few of the naughty bars around town, then I'd head back to my hotel room, leave the bar around midnight (early to catch the 6am chopper) waving goodbye to my rig manager (hugging a couple of pretties) standing by the pool table only wearing his underpants. Great days. BTW, the most hated country I've worked was Saudi, <deleted> hole. Depending on the rigs location we'd spend the night before crew change in the Mercure Hotel, had a plaque out the front, it said '5 Star hotel', not sure if true, I read a hotel without a wine menu could not be a 5 star. Also no pretty females to look at, checkin, reception, room cleaning all men, I was working in Hell.
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