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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Pattaya must have the best Police department in Thailand. I've read its one of the most expensive to get a position as a police officer.
  2. Never touch the subject right or wrong. Just told you the facts, man. It was you asking specifically about Harold, and not about the population on the planet Population of the planet???? Not sure what you mean but I'm saying if you're alive it's good news.........nothing to complain about. And........ 1 second per second is a unit used for acceleration when the change in velocity per second is divided by the change in time, which is also in seconds. It's how we age, aging is relative to time. Hoping your day improves ???? BTW, halve the medication.
  3. I suppose that's nothing to complain about. Like all of us, @ 1 second per second.
  4. Officer Somchai is waiting for his thank you gift. ???? He can be found soi 9 cop shop from 9 to 5.
  5. Billys already sent me his personal invite. Picking me up in his chopper. ????????????????
  6. I liked her 20 years ago when she made that infamous bdo She's still looking good.
  7. That's airport has had major problems Not the KLM Lounge. Best lounge at Schiphol. They were doing renovations a couple years ago, showers relocated etc. but plenty of Heineken beer. ????
  8. I used to travel every month abroad, here and there. I had a couple 64 page Aussie passports over the years (they don't issue them anymore) and I'd fill them up before the 10 year expiration date. When traveling I was a big fan of no stamp (exit or entry). ????
  9. Absolutely Agree. ???? It's the Trolls favorite word, to call members a troll when it's them that's trolling.
  10. Millions of people in the world have objectives and motivations but In the civilized world we don't resort to barbarick acts of violence to get our point across.
  11. I believe you. I don't agree with Australia and all its crazy policies, that's why Thailand has been my home for over 20 years. Thailand is not perfect but it suits me fine.
  12. Oh, OK So it's OK to spearfisher endangered species in a National Park in Thailand but not in Australia. ????
  13. I reckon it's a bloody good idea that you Never, Ever go to Australia if you think this is out of proportion. You will be put in your place quick smart. I worked Barrow Island, you must remove lint from your pockets before you can enter. Warning to you........ Do Not Go to Australia.
  14. What's stupid, please explain. The captain and crew have been detained, it's posted in another article. This posting is regarding the foreigner facing jail time.
  15. Geeze, the guy calls himself a professional and he spearfishers in a National Park. See Ya ????
  16. Ha, ha................professional ???? Nothing to see here, move on, just another stupid professional Youtuber wanting to show off.
  17. Makes sense to me. The article headline is about boyfriend stabbing boyfriend.
  18. I liked Harold's wife. She was a movie star.
  19. That's a dude. Can males marry males in Thailand?
  20. Oh, it's you again, you've got a lot to say for an unprofessional. BTW, I often read many comments from members I don't agree with, I don't reply with hostility or make an antagonizing comment, I move on and read the next. I rarely reply to members comments, if I do, I comment professionally. Sadly I often get unprovoked hostile replies to my comments. It's the juvenile that need to reply with childish comments and hostility. It's the mature that can ignore and move on.
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