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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Yes, 100 %, if you don't expect to get hit up the rear by the guy behind. All traffic flows on this road, never yields at the many intersections unless the flow has stopped due to traffic passing from left or right. Like I said, it's similar to driving Sukhumvit Road, you're not expecting a projectile to come out of a side street. Again, you really should drive this road to understand the intersection.
  2. Like I said, those disability scooters should be banned in Thailand, always annoying other tax paying road users. I'm not a fan of some bicycle riders, they are at times annoying but you don't see them doing the kamikaze through intersections.
  3. Omg, it's Thailand and we have people commenting about lines etc. on roadways. So, because there's a white line on the road it's OK for a lunatic to ride his disability scooter at speed through an intersection without looking.
  4. You really need to drive this road to understand the situation. The SUV was not speeding, she was driving the speed limit. Most cars when travelling this road, are driving at the speed limit or faster because you are not expecting a projectile coming out of the side street. The side street has a level crossing, it's not easy to drive at the speed limit on the side street, it has train tracks, you would become airborne.
  5. This Swiss guy is your typical foreigner disability scooter guy. They seem to have no fear, looking for an accident. In the past on several occasions I have been held up and had to take evasive action by foreigners in Pattaya on these disability scooters riding in a dangerous, unfriendly manner. These scooters should be banned for use in Thailand. They are useful in countries like Australia where the pathways and footpaths are disability friendly.
  6. Nope, I disagree, the road parallel to the train line vehicles travel at speed limit through intersections. So, from what you are saying you would do as the Swiss guy did, travel at speed through intersection without slowing or looking. Probably why the roads are so dangerous, all the foreigners driving recklessly.
  7. It is a side street entering a busy road. It crosses the train tracks. Have you travelled on this road the SUV is on? It's a busy road, I'd say it gets similar traffic to the Sukhumvit. Do you give way to all side roads when travelling on the Sukhumvit? I see these reckless foreigners on their disability scooters driving around Pattaya, breaking the law regularly. Have a look at the video, he travels through the intersection at speed without looking, was he suicidal? That poor woman driving the SUV, she was minding her own business, travelling at speed (its a main road, all traffic travels at speed) then suddenly, seeing this lunatic cross her path would have been very scary. People need to be accountable, the Swiss guy racing through a busy intersection recklessly is very irresponsibile, he has no regard for the other road users. If the Swiss guy wants to hurt himself, don't affect others. If you drive in this reckless manner I hope you have a will, better still buy yourself a Kenworth truck, so when you shoot out of a side street recklessly, at a busy intersection, at speed, without looking you'll be protected
  8. How could the SUV avoid the collision? It's a busy, main road, cars, trucks and buses travelling at speed. The Swiss guy came out of a side street on to a main road at speed, not slowing or looking. I see an elderly guy on a invalid scooter racing out of a side street without stopping or looking. It's weird that some people here can't accept this as unusual, dangerous driving. Who here would do something so stupid, you people won't live long driving in this manner.
  9. Maybe they should look at getting Boss from Redbull and his Ferrari, those in power know where he's hiding. Boss, ambassador for Ferrari
  10. There has been a recently opened thread regarding bandwidth spreads from the UK. Submerged Cables have been cut by Putin if I remember. Here's a couple recently opened
  11. It would be good to see the car driver connected and has money. That incompetent Swiss guy should not get a penny, bloody reckless behaviour. I hope the car driver and occupants were not injured. Authorities need to check to see if Swiss guy has a driver's licence, he shouldn't be on the roads driving, putting us all in danger.
  12. Thailand is changing quickly. Once upon a time the deadbeat foreigners were all males, I'm seeing more and more of these deadbeat foreign females in Thailand.
  13. They are not proper bank safes, but they are better than nothing. I have a safety deposit box at Kasikorn bank Pattaya Tai, I've had it for many years, it's upstairs and housed within a vault. Proper bank safety boxes are all housed within a vault, very safe and secure.
  14. Yes, I'm sure there's the odd one or two foolish Thais that drive these dangerous bikes but mostly in Pattaya it's foreigners, I see dozens everyday.
  15. Omg, the Swiss guy is a complete idiot. I've travelled over that level crossing (train tracks) many times, you never continue and drive over that slip road without stopping, it's a one way highway, those cars and trucks are travelling over 100km/h. The cars and trucks and buses don't stop at these intersections, you must stop, or slow and look before crossing, the Swiss guy just drives straight through just hoping for the best and fingers crossed, he's not even following other vehicles, this doesn't work when travelling on the roads. What a foolish thing to do. Has he been checked, his mental health, was he suicidal? Seriously, I reckon he was having a bad day, maybe arguing with the Mrs, I see she's been proactive, looking for money, asking for compensation. It was the 19th, that was the biggest Songkran day here in Pattaya, it's weird that he's out and about, you prepare for the biggest Songkran, do necessities the day prior, never going out unless you want to party. I hope he recovers. Poor bugger.
  16. Yes, I agree, these are hazards, it does not make sense to add more hazards to our roads. These mobility scooters are designed for pathways, walkways, not roads. I'm sure they are not allowed on Australian roads.
  17. I understand I'm going to upset a few members with my comments but I see these guys everyday, I often think to myself how dangerous it is. They are not roadworthy, no tax or insurance.
  18. Nope, I'll stick to driving my car when I'm elderly. Those scooters, they sit too low, underpowered. Cheap Chinese crap. Too dangerous for road use, they are designed for the west and should only be used on the footpath.
  19. I see these foreigners everywhere. These elderly guys on those electric scooters, bloody dangerous. I've nearly collided with them. They should be banned. You don't see the Thai's riding them, they know better.
  20. That narrows it down. Tough guy, throwing around a woman. Poor girl, I hope she's OK.
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