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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I've got a few European friends who say Benjamit coffee is the best. I like the coffee, it's OK
  2. Why used, you can buy new cheap furniture. Lots of shops selling furniture on the main roads, they will have beds out front, easy to spot.
  3. Yes, this is typical. It seems more common if you have a weak cellular signal.
  4. Please behave yourself, I don't want you to leave us.
  5. You better behave yourself or you may be next to go.
  6. Yes, I have the BKK bank app and transferred money using face scan. It's time consuming and doesn't always work, annoying.
  7. Which one, there's been a couple in the headlines recently. If you are talking about ElephantMan, he's going. He has tried to bribe her (doctor) but she's not having it. Swissy's GONE.
  8. Oh, goodie, more Brits on their way to Thailand. Can we expect more Brits making the headlines now. I remember the Brits at Songkran, down soi Buakhao would buy those high pressure water guns that would give you hearing damage or knock an eye out of your head.
  9. It's always been this way, the only thing that is changing are more and more crazy, disrespectful foreigners arriving.
  10. I'll stick with the methylated spirits. Much cheaper. šŸ˜±
  11. Are they moving from Pattaya Nua?
  12. I didn't think anyone ate cabbage any more. Cabbage was always a vegetable your mother forced you to eat, that and Brussel sprouts.
  13. Lots of these crazy foreigners about damaging car windows. Poor Thailand. šŸ˜” Samui crazy guy.mp4
  14. I'd like to see more training for these guys first. grenade poor throw.mp4
  15. I've been pissed and broke a few times but I keep bouncing back
  16. If you are short of cash you can get a job working for a Pimp, soi 6, become a bar manager. Beg for lady drinks, you'll make a fortune.
  17. Where did the OP say that the steering lock was on? You are right though, you'd probably struggle if the tyres were flat or the engine was seized up. There are many issues that would stop you.
  18. She's just making conversation, she saw a sexy man sweeping. She's attracted to you. Next time Mrs Smith is out shopping, invite her around. Ask her if she has a friend, we could have a foursome. Maybe we could shoot a short video, post it here for the non believers.
  19. You can pay off his finance with your money but why would you do that? You need to go to the DLT, they will transfer ownership, once the car blue book is in your name then hand over the money, take keys and drive away. Don't forget to say goodbye. šŸ‘‹
  20. You're a stick in the mud, a party popper. I like Bob's daily/bi-daily story telling, funny stuff. Don't be too critical, too serious on Bob's postings, these forums, you'll find 80% of the comments/postings are made up. Bob's nonsense, his creative writing, fiction, it's fun reading. I do wish he wouldn't be so negative though.
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