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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Becareful with your precious confused emoji's. I read that AN admin are changing their policy. You will only given a maximum of 300 confused emoji's each month. Some members here will use their quota in 1 day.
  2. I think this is the first time I've agreed with you Skipalong
  3. Agree. I think my girlfriend has a mental illness, she identifies as a dog, I don't mind too much, she's always licking my balls. 😎 I hope they don't lock her up, I like it.
  4. Agree Lots of smoke. Too bad about extraction of the smoke you mentioned earlier, that smoke gets into everything. So sorry for the shop owners, lots of destroyed items that will have to be thrown out, replaced.
  5. Another, good reporting Scoop 👍 Probably one of those shops selling EV vehicles, disability scooter or similar self combusting.
  6. So they can write a book to sell and make a small fortune. 💲💲💲💲
  7. Not a good call by the government. Some of those trans and intersex people get very aggressive, hostile behaviour. Sadly, mental illness is everywhere these days, prepare yourself, look at all the confused emoji's I'm going to receive for my comment.
  8. Oh dear, interesting. I thought that you would be a Shocked farang. 😂
  9. Oh, thanks for the heads up, I've been wondering why she always asks for her nipples massaged after a days work.
  10. And then all you get are those stupid confused emoji's because these uneducated creatures can't communicate professionally. They prefer to hide behind an emoji, not discuss the issue.
  11. I agree it's OK to make mistakes in life but it's bloody unacceptable to belittle another person because you assume the wrong meaning to their comment. Too many people here too quickly to reply with hostility and nasty comments. Shows that some people haven't bloody grown up. So many Miserable people, they want everyone to be miserable.
  12. My father always said never ASSUME. We all know what happens if you assume. Lots of people here assumed, now they are embarrassed, looking for a scapegoat for their Incompetence.
  13. Why the pathetic comment? Are you another uneducated person who can't read English? You can study online these days. Invest your time in online study (many English courses) instead of annoying others behind the keyboard.
  14. Drug smuggler, now author. Looking for a buck. I read she also has an OnlyFans account.
  15. I never said the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre solar panels were Chinese. What's wrong with you bloody people, read the comment, use a translation tool if English is not your first language. Bloody hell, what's wrong with people here? Problem with this forum, People just want to jump in and say people are stupid, it's like being back at school, no intelligence. And then they send a confused emoji. Grow up people.
  16. CHINESE SOLAR PANELS CATCH ON FIRE I'm yelling. Do you have a hearing problem?
  17. Where did I say they were Chinese? There are plenty of stories on the internet regarding Chinese solar panels catching fire. I posted relevant information regarding this thread. Maybe there are members here that are unaware that solar panels catch on fire, that's why we have forums, informed stories are important to post. Don't be a child, telling others that they look stupid, it makes you a foolish person.
  18. Some people here have never grown up, they think their stupid emoji's are funny. I reckon it's the same people that always reply with hostility and nasty, hateful comments. You can report to the mods and they will remove it.
  19. She looks great, I'd buy her Durian. I'd say the only people that would be complaining are jealous women and the many miserable, cranky, moaning AN forum members we have here. 😂 I'm heading down to Rayong today, get myself some tasty Durian. My girlfriend sells mangos wearing a sexy outfit. video_20240516_052839_edit.mp4
  20. Chinese solar panels are catching on fire. Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre "all the solar panels on the roof" caught fire. https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/thousands-evacuated-from-sydney-olympic-park-aquatic-centre-after-solar-panels-on-roof-go-up-in-flames/news-story/b2c99ca23666e204d1e4f17bae4c11a3
  21. That's a better explanation, thank you. I will be more careful next time describing senior citizens in articles. I don't mean to offend anyone. I am always willing to learn and listen. Have a nice day.
  22. Bahahaha, Another comment from the school yard playground. Bloody comedian 😂 Grow up.
  23. Another disrespectful comment. Surely there are some adults on this thread, all I get are children replying.
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