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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. It's the woman they are having intercourse with, aging, fat, smelly and saggy.
  2. Since when do they wheel away a stolen scooter. All the videos I've seen of scooters stolen they are riden away. Screwdriver through the keyed ignition, then turn clockwise to turn ignition on. Thieves aren't stupid, they don't want to get caught pushing a scooter down the road.
  3. They also restrict throttle movement The throttle hand grip is enclosed Cutting hydraulic lines only releases brake
  4. I'm sure we have a few here who are in the 300kg club.
  5. Crikey, most thieves would go to the next scooter. He's not wanting to lock up his BMW or Ducati, just a cheap scooter.
  6. That's a big jump. PEA probably need to upgrade mains.
  7. Cheap enough, easy to fit, visible. Give it a go.
  8. This is what you want. Fitted to the right side, throttle and front brake restriction. Would be thieves look at the lock and move to the next bike to steal.
  9. Nothing worse than drinking beer out of a coffee mug.
  10. The passengers were Thais and one of then forcibly slammed the taxi door when refused a ride Thanks for the info. LuckyI didn't have any money on that bet, I would have lost the lot.
  11. Surely he has room under that moustache to hide an electronic dog repeller
  12. Lucky I didn't put any money on it then
  13. Your location. Some regions don't allow 2 strokes
  14. It's 2 stroke, not street legal?
  15. Bet it was a foreigner. I'd like to know what he did to upset the taxi driver.
  16. Odds on it was a foreigner. It's not only Pattaya, these creatures are all over Thailand. I've read so many stories of women killed, disposed of in suitcases over the years.. Lots of nasty foreigners.
  17. Maybe it was one of their 19th century transformers that blew up They explode from bird droppings. Nothing to do with demand
  18. My gf is from NS, bloody beautiful 👍
  19. More utter nonsense. Spouse and I owned 9 View Talay condos, at various times, scattered around VT3, 5C, 5D I'm sure he's talking about VT1 and VT2, they are very different to 3, 5 and 7. VT1 and 2 are set back from the beach, around 1km and are run down with mostly occupied by down and out foreigners. VT3, 5 and 7 are occupied by very different people, located on the beach and are much nicer designed and well maintained.
  20. I thought it was Nakhon Sawan?
  21. Lots of crazy people driving those 20 years old Mercs. It's probably broken down again, he's fed up with forking out truck loads of cash for repairs.
  22. Yes, this is very common. Sadly, most are on a budget, they don't have the funds for a quality life, unable to fund a hobby, no car or bike to get around, just eating a meagre meal, no money to eat at a nice restaurant and to top it off, no family to spend quality time with. It must be a very lonely, sad life. I'm very lucky, I have a big family here in Pattaya.
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