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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Everything has a useless guarantee these days. Even says German expert, professional.
  2. Buy from Lazada, lots of vendors selling original products. Oil change and filter......do it yourself.
  3. Living in Thailand, buying on Amazon you run the risk of customs import taxes.
  4. Wouldn't you love to know......? We all would like to know
  5. This is not true. Where are you getting your information from? Provide a link.
  6. 98mg % of alcohol Isn't legal limit .05 grams (50 milligrams)? .50 seems high
  7. It's always been here, nothing new or recent. Most Russians don't want to mix with others, so we don't want to mix with them. They will get a bashing from time to time.
  8. Damm keyboard always correcting me. I've got it set to Australian English. Should be Looozers.
  9. Nope, WRONG. You started the debate, you were the one who replied to my first comment. You've probably forgotten, go back and look.
  10. Yeah, sadly I bite easily, bloody antagonisers. It's really weird, you make one silly comment about a guy having a nap in a strange place during working hours and all the looser want to attack you.
  11. I agree and have argued this point many times over the years on AN forums, this nonsense, RIP's to total strangers. They could be nasty people, criminals, Pedo's, murderers etc. Why do these people want to do this, it really annoys me.
  12. I lived there also, the worker would only see a few trains his shift. You don't know what you are talking about. How good is this forum, a Canadian dies and people want to stupidly argue about trains. Get a life LOOSERS.
  13. He's not working 24 hours a day and I doubt 18 trains a day pas through, I'd need you to supply a link to confirm. Anyway, most trains would be night time, off shift, so he'd probably see 3 or 4 trains on his shift. An hourly nap everyday, peaceful and cool under that platform.
  14. Omg we've got so many people wanting to argue with me needlessly today, 325 - 350 is around 400. 180 is NOT
  15. His Minimum wage would be around 400 baht a day, starting time 8am.
  16. Put in Park, remove key, then depending on model there will be a button to release the Park lock function.
  17. Papa should not comment if papa don't know. He will be asked for money at the border, it's bribe money which he must pay to proceed. I've taken motorbikes across the border, had all the paperwork, books in order but sadly I was asked for money and money was paid to the border authorities.
  18. Crikey, I was wondering what happened to the 'STIG' now Top Gear was shut down.
  19. This is actually good news for all AN members and yourself. I often read your negative postings regarding Thailand and Thai's, about your daily life challenges on outings etc. Alcohol is a depressant, which can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) in your brain and affect your feelings, thoughts and behaviour. I'm sure once you have dried out your sleep and eating patterns will become normal and we will see a much nicer person. Good luck with your rehabilitation. 🤞
  20. hallelujah, wahoo, hip-hip huzza rah-rah, three cheers, yippee🎉🥳🪅 It's about bloody time, I'm fed up with your blathering, babbling, drunken postings.
  21. What are you being charged for yearly maintenance per square metre and what was it increased from? Where are you located? Why have they no money?
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