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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. 23 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    That is the majority of rural Thais. Working in a rice field doesn't qualify. I wouldn't say they've hardly ever held a job, it's back-breaking work.

    Unfortunately living in a village for last 3 years the quality of education seems to lack as does inspiring children the importance of education for their future. 


    If the people who are faced with 500 baht a month at retirement age could get the children to understand go to school learn so something for yourself. 


    Im sure a percentage of families the children take care of the parents when they get older. Maybe I’m wrong and only basing on

    the village children are becoming adults and I know many men in twenties don’t work and little to no intention to work. 


    Then what happens to children taking care of the parents it will 

    little by little fade away. It’s troublesome and maybe I shouldn’t 

    involve Myself. But I don’t want to see anyone fail in life it only 

    leads to worse things..

    • Like 2
  2. Minimum wage in US is $7.25 / hr some states are higher. Waiters/Waitresses who do a good job serving you and making 

    sure your dining is a good experience deserve a tip


    Some share their tips with people that support them... cooks, dishwashers. 


    If the service is only so so don’t tip.... some restaurants automatically charge 15% tip if over 10 guests 

  3. Same here very rarely would it sits out all day and overnight. Lot of times canned pears they put in frig with spoon in it. Several different foods they leave the utensils in the dish. 


    When end I put things in the fridge I put aluminum foil. Then I will

    see someone lifted the foil to see what it is. My thinking none of the family covers food so no need to look...

  4. In the US you can only miss a certain amount of days during school year. If over the number the student is held 

    back. Do Thailand schools have similar practice? I’m trying to get my in-laws to understand missing school for 

    no reason is not good. The nephew is just in first grade and misses 1 to 2 days a week sometimes 3.


    Majority of Time he doesn’t go to school he stays up to late playing games on phone. Personally I think a phone at that age is not necessary and if so time for use should be set. His Aunt and sometimes Grandparents take care of

    him. The parents live in Bangkok. 

  5. Usually I wear or have the helmet with me. Rode in to the small town to get a couple cleaning supplies. Small shops off the main 

    road didn’t have what was needed. To go to Tesco it’s about 1-1/2 balks.


    Every once in awhile they have a stop. I wasn’t paying attention luckily some young men sitting eating yelled police,... tuned around 


  6. California is currently 1 of 8 states in the United States that has a smoke-free car law.30 California’s smoke-free vehicles law was passed in 2007 and was implemented on January 1, 2008.32 The California law prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle when a minor (age ≤17 years) is present. Law enforcement may not stop a vehicle for a smoking violation alone; it must be secondary to another infraction, and violators of the law can be fined up to $100.



  7. Chinese Wife was denied twice made me wonder is there something I don’t know so I called and was told if I wanted to discuss it I’d have to go to their offices, 


    We the officer pulled up the file and said the cover letter / invite

    letter looked to a fraud. He showed me it I said I wrote it from 

    a sample on the Internet and it was signature. He said ok tell her

    to make an appointment and it’ll be approved. 


    I asked why so strict of you gets approved I’m sure many are legit.

    he said once someone is in the country their not tracked like some

    other countries. 


    Here in Thailand because so many people went on tourist visa to S. Korea and were going for work with overstays. A person who hasn’t 

    traveled out of the country and traveling alone are questioned and some decided travel of of Thailand. Females are scrutinized more so.....


  8. Was at the owners of bar (his wife) Birthday party, lots of people,

    free snacks of all kinds. Say a friend at table the other side was ordering two beers from waitress. It was jammed pack and I went and said excuse me can I order 2 beers... then the guy standing there went off this is my girlfriend...blam blah wasn’t worth wasting my breath the guy was wound tight

    • Confused 1
  9. Live in village up in the NE not been charged more ... well except

    ask for pay the bill with money in my pocket. What no Change..


    The local Tesco Lotus 20ish km away. I once stupidly left

    my iPad in the grocery cart. Figured it out after 10 minutes 

    headed home. Went in they called the Manager and she 

    checked with others and used the microphone (whatever it’s called) If anyone found it no luck. 


    I went back the next morning as she instructed still no one

    turned in I’m freaking out most my business and was on the

    iPad. Two days later got a call that it was found that day in the

    area of cart small children sit. Not real noticeable. 


    I was happy beyond belief! Over the moon! They tookpicture of Mgr, Me and the young fella that found it. I tried to give give a nice monetary award for doing the right thing. 


    They would allow it... i tool the iPad in lieu of the IPhone was easier 

    see set in the basket. Made a few friends there and happy to

    joke qnd laaugh with them...Good people.


    the Security like to have a go at me when in ...IPad? Nope. I carry 

    the iPhone and reading glass one problem thumb,index and 

    pointer on one hand recently have little feeling and if I pick up 

    or take out of pocket not remembering. I think I’ve got it but 

    don’t. Broke the glass on the Iphone twice. 


    The shop that replaces the glass said wife again? No the first 

    were hers and her tantrums..


    enjoy life all is good...




  10. Me and a friend made a 3 day golf trip BKK from China. He had won 

    (might say lost with highest score) There is a local Expat Golf Society in 3-4 cities in China. The society we belonged to has DFL (dead frigging misspelled last).


    He arrived a few days earlier for business. I arrived late night so checked in the next morning went to golf) don’t worry it’s coming

    us almost old guys 65 like to waste peoples time sometimes.


    Ok he brought bottle of expensive whisky he won DFL a fifth. We decided a swig or a shot a hole. Bottle was empty at the 18th. Lady

    Caddies were laughing their asses off. 


    Get back to our hotel ok let’s lets go for more booze. He went with he’s girl and my was stumbling distance. Thought Lady of the night 

    or massage. Massage less complicated and don’t need to throw them out in the morning or look for your wallet. 


    A probably 20 ish lady was in front of the shop decent place. She

    came in the shop room and said you played golf today at such and such... I’m like this is a little freaky. I was your friends ok. No sex a little hand action.


    Anyway I like to tell the story when I can. I’ve been banned from sending emails more than one paragraph...so no family and no friends so you TV are stuck until you learn to delete...


    true story even my sisters and my son... daughter just ignores.


    Enjoy life and have as much fun as you can’t afford and still have 

    money a place to live and a couple of meals a day. 







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