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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. 10 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    Big bikes should be restricted to racetracks

    Really? Guess would need to know what the definition of big bikes.


    Putting anyone on a big bike without prior proper training is an accident looking to happen. 


    Someone with fast experience on a 125cc switching to 1000 cc

    needs training so they know what to expect.


    In the NE countryside I see underage children riding motorcycles all time. A motorcycle should not be a babysitter.... why parents allow

    it is beyond me. 


    I don’t see Big Bikes being a problem. No proper training is...




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  2. Bump it up to 100-110 would be OK. One problem and it’s the same at 90 or 110. Big trucks in the slow lane usually don’t slow down when their passing a slower vehicle or? They just push to the fast

    lane. Seems they take a lot of risks. 


    My guess when seeing cars in the center gutter a good amount were probably pushed to avoid hitting the vehicle changing lanes/overtaking a slow vehicle. ....

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, digbeth said:

    hospital's pharmacy which could be expensive if it's a private hospital. 

    If your local pharmacy can’t supply what you need because only

    available at Hospital (controlled). My expierence at hospital was

    expensive (12,000 2 months 6 different meds) and I asked are 

    generic available and y s yh y are but will need to be ordered.


    next visit I asked the Dr. if some of the 6 I take a day available 

    at pharmacy and 5 were 1 can only get at hospital. Now all total 

    about 1,000 baht a month. Some of the meds were a different 

    name and the Dr. wrote down the names. 

  4. Like the warmer weather year round, people are nice in general

    Live in the countryside. Safe, quiet most the time. Going into

    town (small town 22. Km and big city 60ish km) a couple times a week is enjoyable. 


    Yhise of you leaving just because of visa reasons think it through 

    hoing to another Asian country will have its bumps in the road

    and you might regret you moved.


    enjoy whatever you decide....

    • Like 1
  5. Best to check laws concerning car/truck alterations. Friends truck was white when purchased and he added graphics similar to picture but more extensive. The Auto tag office would not renew 

    registration (window) sticker because the black in their opinion was more than 50% of original color.


  6. 23 hours ago, Deerculler said:

    Surin or Buriram Prov

    Originally used agent Banhkok. Moved up North renewed extension  up north on my own. There we a bunch of No you have to go to Bangkok. I kept explaining nicely I live here not Bangkok and they 


  7. As others said the gripe about tightening down visa,extension has been beat to death. 


    To answer your question.... The person would be between a rock and a hard place....


    Stay with no visa and if caught and put in the clink. Or leave so you at least can work and send money to your family for support.


    yes for some it was be easy...   maybe cut back when you can and

    safe enough to do whatever ethos works for you. 


    It’s me my wife and 3 nephews, 1 niece. 2 sisters , Mama Papa ...

    some days I’d like to run out on them but I couldn’t. I’m 65 and the 

    clocks ticking .. 4 heart operations but survived... 


    My children are 42 girl and 43 boy ... Both paid their own way thru school daughter bachelor degree, son master rs and working on doctorate. Very very proud of them. 


    i hope I’m around long enough so the wife and family can learn a bit, try and save and hopefully make good decisions or at least better ones.


    Up here in the NE getting an education for most the farmers won’t 

    happen. I did here that the Education system is going extend the years of little or no money for education. Now at 8th grace most 

    in the village are done with school. 


    Supposedly the Education/Govt is going to do something so all

    children have an opportunity for a better education..


    lets hope so..

  8. Fortunately I e is a Village Marriage or Prison sentence which ever works.... 


    Hopefully it works out for you folks from OZ. I’m American 


    The strangest think and I didn’t believe it when my sister told me.

    My Dads 2nd Wife didn’t remarry and gets US Social Security benefits based on my fathers work. Ex2 has been getting benefits 

    for 20+ years... and his current wife can claim as well.


    My Mom never had a wage earning job (she raised 5 children)until they divorced. She started working Assembly line type of work until

    she was 76. She didn’t want to stop working and was able to but they worried it was to much standing all day 5 days a week.


    sorry off track... people talk SS running out well duh somethings should be re acessed... #2 wife never worked except for a couple years after school...


    Any good luck..

  9. Yep Kumphawapi station is small and not far from Lotus lake

    rode there once on a Honda 150 nice scenery. I’ve attached some 

    maps which you may have already seen. 


    There are two for lack of better words hotels in/near downtown Kumphawapi. One about a year old (in Kumphawapi town)and the other older ( 10 min drive up 2 towards Udon)


    i will mesaage you. I live outside of Kumphawapi our nearest small town. 





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