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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. 12 hours ago, Traubert said:

    Like it or not, this is strikingly similar to the collapse of the Soviet Union, when stability suddenly collapsed and entire societies were suddenly thrown into new capitalist free market environments

    Could you pass me some of that koolaid... heading to the hostel

  2. I’ve lived in the village 3 years only thing ever missing was 1 or 70

    potted plants and I think one of the in laws gave it to them. We don’t leave things laying around, Bedroom door is locked when we

    go somewhere. Small bolted down safe just to make it annoying if someone wants to try take it. 


    IMO folks around here a good people and haven’t had any problems 

    we do have 10 dogs ....only 6 here around the house..

  3. As noted earlier looks to be on upside down... and a good cleaning. 

    Boil water with soap in it soak them.. easy enough


    if people would clean up their messes after they cook wouldn’t be a problem.... they do the same around here.... now they see Farang clean every time he cooks...they’re starting to see it’s easier and cleaning up their messes..it took 3 years

  4. 36 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    I care because for the first time they have introduced reporting back after 90 days with an updated bankbook, another hoop for those complying to jump through. Whereas those who are doing it illegally are not asked to verify money in the bank, or asked to report back after 90 days with an updated bank book. Do you see the disparity and unfairness in this?

    Feel fortunate that you have the funds and don’t mind it sitting in a bank. Best just to clear your mind of it and do something enjoyable...  You’ve got all your ducks in a row.


    Don’t let the thought of what others do ruin your day. Whatever people are using Don’t worry about it.....


    if there is a problem its their problem....


    Some use agents for convenience..... Some use them because they’ve not got the funds.....and

    yes it would be illegal if the hammer ever came 



    i used an agent (company) when I needed to renew China Visa for convenience. Everything 

    above board as far as I know. They do the leg work 

    going to consulate etc. 


    From thier website .... is a professional passport and visa service company

    authorized by the U.S. Department of State and Chinese Consulate.


    Never the less let it be the other guys worry... 


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