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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. 17 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    This is happening all over Asia, Thai girls recruited to work in massage parlours and spas that in-fact are sex workers offering sexual services and working as escorts.

    There’s you answer 100% correct! The S. Korea gig got shutdown

    with a lot of overstayers being sent back.


    Theyve started checks on young females traveling alone for first time knowing it was for working in S. Korea. The authorities stop

    them from leaving LOS.


    Someon must have arrangements with a special channel because it’s not easy to get a visa for China going the normal route.

  2. 10 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    That does not save you from finding "out of stock" signs every other time.

    They were out of corn tortillas for a couple three times I went 

    I sent an email asking about stock situation. They had some in two

    later and held for me. I live 60 km away so not a daily or weekly trip.


    Good selection and if you’ve plenty of time to look around you’ll see well stocked. Good butcher are with good meat.

  3. OP BB1958 sounds like a great idea on paper. Now how to put the plan in action. If we could get someone’s attention that’s innovative and they like the idea and want to present it’s a win win.


    Attached is for fellow Americans who thought the US Embassy 

    wasn’t listening. For those that complained congratulations you helped throw yourself under the bus...


    For those who who have lived in The Kingdom continuously since Oct. 1998. Article relates to your income requirement of 20,000 bht



  4. It’s ridiculous behavior if over your limit then wander to where your 

    staying and go to sleep....  says you from figuring out who you need to apologize to the next morning..


    i stop in the bars once and again and a couple of the restaurants.


    One morning a bit of a hangover eating breakfast at a place I think

    has fantastic breakfast. A guy standing at the entrance yelling 

    f the brits...... people sitting around enjoying breakfast, I’m 64

    and theee were a few that had more miles on the clock than me.


    The owner finally had enough told the guy to move on....after 

    a few more words he left...


    was told the guy does that often and he’s had his clock

    cleaned a few times. It’s said he’s got of big move but 

    when it’s time to defend himself.... knock out. 


    An idiot

  5. 8 minutes ago, thequietman said:

    BUT.... I am a tax paying resident here and I still have to get out if wife dies or I wasn't able to come up with the sums that they require. It is somewhat confusing when there are different figures for different nationalities.  Were you aware of that?


    A Laos, Burmese, Vietnamese gentleman with a Thai wife has to show less money to stay here! That makes no sense to me. Sure, he might not have my earning potential but does his rice cost less than mine? Is the pork that he buys costing less than mine? Can he buy fuel for his bike/car/truck cheaper than me?


    There is no consistency with the rules regarding marriage extensions and that makes no sense.

    A very good response now how can we address to immigration or 

    whoever are the ones that can make change. Seriously!

  6. 8 hours ago, grego49 said:

    I have always wondered why a single person needs 800,000 to look after himself and a married person with a wife and possibley a couple of kids to look after only needs 400,000 ??

    Maybe they understand the requirement is on the high mark for 

    singles. For married a way of saying thank you for taking care of your Thai family.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7.  Most of you saw S. Korea deported 10,000 Thai on overstay and

    think there’s another 127,000.......... Wow.


    knew a thai person went to S.Korea to work on tourist visa as many have. She (Tom) a woman portrays as man. First day work to 

    difficult next day told boss she a woman not do man work. Boss

    daid look like man do man work. Came back before visa expired 

    • Like 1
  8. In US I had the central air at 22 here it’s on 25/26 and seems cold 

    at times. The A/C is only in 1 bedroom. I have on now 24/7.

    I’ve not rode the moto much lately. Before I rode moto everyday 

    trips around the country side 3-4 hrs a day. We’re in the NE riding in the heat everyday without A/C wasn’t a problem.


    Our windows don’t have screens on them and if opened mosquitoes are a problem. If I can find a place to get screens 

    installed this time of your if the windows were open it wouldn’t 

    be a problem.

  9. Thinking out of the box...   from what I’ve read and it’s not been a 

    lot. Most of all types condo, house, townhome and land are all seeing slowing and any increase is minimum at most. 


    Depending if you buying to resell who would be your target buyers?

    Thai, Farang or mix. If the income proof becomes an issue and causes an exodus. Could result in fewer buyers.


    i was very very fortunate when I sold my home in California

    the sell prices doubled 2-1/2 yrs after I purchased sold it for 

    $374,000 more than what I paid. Sell was because move to 



    Every once in a while I’d get emails from the Broker that sold the 

    house for us. About 4 months after we sold it the market bottom our the family that bought it were forced to walk away from the house. It was on market for half what I sold it for.


    Felt sorry for the family a lot of people go hit with losses. I was fortunate 


    my my point being of the real estate market is flat or softening 

    could be a loss or if your investing looking at long term... maybe? 


  10. I’ve been stopped many times in the car. They looked at window sticker to make sure not expired, insurance papers and license.


    When we bought the car and no tags one officer wanted to check

    odometer it see if miles aren’t excessive. Basically to check if I was feeding him bull. 


    Two motos someone once unbolted the other twisted off the yearly

    registration sticker

  11.  As noted earlier most the highways 90 but there are areas which 

    lower speed limits are posted. If you choose to ignore them keep

    your eyes open and watch for cameras. If not you could get a ticket in the mail....at least you’ll be able to see what you look like when driving...

  12. On 11/2/2018 at 10:26 PM, poanoi said:

    he proceeded to make them too big and too hard

    Exactly her friend got enlarged and she wouldn’t shut up until

    she got it done. ..... I recommend a size that wouldn’t look over fake..... 


    I went the day prior with her for paperwork and that. I’m not very good at Thai but can get by most the time with numbers.


    Admin Nurse must have asked about size and wife told her. I said 

    did you tell her what we discussed? About to large = ugly

    I heard the number. Then why did you tell her... whatever number.


    they said tomorrow when dr. come before operation can discuss and they have many sizes stock...


    every once in awhile I say those are ugly...  and I don’t know why she isn’t smiling 



  13. Wow! Glad they’re all OK. .....


    i hate to be the bearer of bad news but feel it needs to be told.

    ALL Nicety available quota for boating related accidents have 

    been used up for the year....


    No special lanes 

    No special visa 

    No Income Letters

    Whatever you thinking may be available... No! No! No!


    and for all of you that got your panties in a wad because of my 

    intended humor be aware ..... there’s No complaining allowed.


    Enjoy Sunday wherever you are...







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