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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Chanangrak. How far out are you considering? I live 20 km from Kumphawapi Land is fairly reasonable. Our house pictured was built new 2 years ago for about 1 mil baht and probably still close 

    to that mark. We’re out in the country..


    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    You wrote, "Read if your getting US Social Security and living aboard not naturalized citizen but legally worked in US paid into Social Security if six months out of country payments are stopped. "  That's a pretty big piece of fake news and should be deleted. 

    Perhaps I misinterpreted cut and paste is from SSN website. If so let me know how to delete. Thanks


    If you are not a U.S. citizen or you do not meet one of the conditions for continued payments, we will stop your payments after you have been outside the United States for six full calendar months.
    Once this happens, we cannot start your payments again until you come back and stay in the United States for a

  3. Trouble  breathing laying down to sleep. Went to BH Udon Thani Heart not strong enough to process fluids so basically backing up. 8 tests related to heart, blood tests etc Diuretic IV to reduce fluids. 

    2 Month supply 5 medications. 


    Hospital Including Dr. 7,000 baht. Medications 12,000 baht. Asked Dr. if generic brands were available. Yes but have to be ordered not 

    stocked. Dr. Advised all but 1 of the medicines can be bought over counter at local pharmacy. Dramatically reduced cost including the 

    1 from local hospital in Kumphawapi @ 1800 month. 


    3 years ago Heart stent operation in China. Taiwan Dr. China/Taiwan operated hospital. Private room 3 days. $4,000 USD same procedure in US $31,000.00 USD.


    25 years ago (age 39) Quad Bi-Pass in USA $140,000.00 USD thankfully I had company insurance paid it all. I think $100 deductible. 


    Unfortunately now uninsurable and Self pay. My younger sister asked why would I stay in ASIA instead of back to US. Told her if I get critically ill I’ve a chance of surviving  and afford the bill in US no way. She said that’s a good reason and I didn’t get the usual yap. 



    All in all very satisfied with the Dr.,hospital and cost here in Thailand. Great value for the money

  4. 3 hours ago, SkyNets said:

    So just get a print out from your Thai bank showing your pension payments. Whats the problem, unless you have been lying.....

    A good number of people keep majority of money in Country of citizenship for safety concerns as well personal preference.


    I transfer money as needed and do not have any income directly 

    deposited in Thai bank. Benefits at my US bank are very favorable 

    and if there is a problem easily resolved. It may not be as easy to

    solve here. 


    Recently read an article of Thaivisa A Swedish man and his Thai wife have got fed up with being fobbed off by their bank after 480,000 baht went missing from their account.


    I’ve not heard anything as to what / how it happened. Doesn’t make me overwhelmed to put large sum of money in Thai bank

    until issues like these are resolved in a timely manner. 


    USA banks are insured by FDIC per bank account up to $250,000.00 USD. Since FDIC start 1933 No depositors have ever lost a penny of FDIC insured funds.


    Searched web regarding Thai Banks which said this year insured for 10 mil baht 2019 drops to 5 mil baht 2020 change to 1 mil baht. If accurate or not I don’t know. 


    It should be irrelevant if bank isThai or Your Country bank. Just because it’s in a Thai bank doesn’t mean you’ll spend in Thailand. 


    I’ve invested in Thailand 2 cars, New built House, 5 motos, Land etc. non of that money was in Thai bank for 3 months. Estimated 

    expenses are transferred to Thai bank. If more is needed it takes 

    3-4 days from my bank no charges on the US side. 


    Why if your married deposit is less 400,000 seasoned 3 months or 40k baht a month? Logically thinking a married person will spend more than a single person. 


    What happens if a retired person who has paid in full house, car etc. minimizing monthly expenses. Married village style but not legalized Is close to the monthly requirement paid by pension 

    but he needs to get out being a little short? 


    Leave his family tell them to stick it ? I can see this may adversely 

    affect Thai people as well.


    65,000 baht is the monthly requirement and why? Article June 2018 “Average wages in Bangkok is pretty high compared to other areas of Thailand. Currently, the average wage in Bangkok is of 25,500 Thai Baht per month”


    A lot of this decisions seem to be knee jerk and not thought through. If they don’t look at the big picture shame on them. It

    will affect a good number of Thai nationals. 


    Read if your getting US Social Security and living aboard not naturalized citizen but legally worked in US paid into Social Security if six months out of country payments are stopped. 


    My personal feelings on US policy and changes.....well Best I 

    keep my mouth shut. 

  5. 4 hours ago, wolf81 said:

    I am still also trying to manage our money better. Before I would send my GF 25.000 Baht a month for groceries, diapers and the like. But it seems to be a bit too little for her. I would also prefer to use about 5.000 Baht for myself (for coffee, beer, and paying small things like gasoline money, etc…). But with this money my GF can't manage and often she'd ask me to buy baby milk or diapers separately. Or if we'd go to the Tesco she'd ask me to pay the bill (last time 5000 Baht) To me this is annoying, makes me feel not in control of our spending habits.


    So next month we'll open a shared bank account. I will put in 40.000 Baht each month and that should be enough for the both of us. I will make it very clear to my GF that when money is running low at the end of the month, perhaps we should wait a week or 2 before going to the Tesco. Etc… 



    Is here family living area you are? Maybe the family hounds her for money. My wife’s family does and they ask me as well I give them things to do if they want money. Like Moe yard things I would do but not my favorite. You’d be amazed the work they (family) do if they know they get paid for it.


    sometimes things you’ve not asked them to do. Once papa made a bamboo extension fo the garage so sun didn’t hit it. I told my wife tell uhh no not for that....


    Anyway the family puts a lot of pressure of the daughter for money. Usually they won’t do it so you hear. But I’ve caught the sisters and mama and their not nice about it. 


    One thing you need to consider the more you give the more will be spent. 


    Talk it over with the wife and try to find middle ground. Good luck

  6. A business as we all know can be stressful and maybe she feeling it. Some can adjust to pressure some can’t. Don’t know the type of 

    business or if your wife has done this type of work and been responsible for all that goes with it. 


    It’s difficult at times and you have to be driven to survive. Talk it over with her. Have some of your colleagues and hers have a round table without putting pressure on any certain things so everyone has a understanding what challenges there are and how to get by them. 


    Hopefully you both can work through it....

  7. United States Social Security 2018 - All information I gathered from internet which should be fairly accurate. 


    The maximum monthly Social Security benefit payment for a person retiring in 2018 at full retirement age is $2,788 (@ 83,640 baht) per month.


    However, the maximum allowable benefit amount is only payable to those who had the maximum taxable earnings for at least 35 working years. People that topped out for 35 years is a small percentage.

    The estimated average monthly benefit for "all retired workers" in 2018 is $1,404 (@42,120 baht) per month.


    800,000 baht in Thai bank or Income of 65,000 baht a month. Social Security alone you’d need to be getting $2,167 USD a month

    at todays exchange rate. 


    1 in 3 Americans have less than $5,000 saved for retirement 


    There will be a lot of people if their only income is social security and not enough in savings won’t qualify. 


    Correct me if I wrong. I recall reading something on the forum that

    Policy may be revised to include property (assuming house/condo) as a booster per say towards money required. 

  8. 21 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    I’m going to the US Consulate next week to get my Income Affidavit.  Of course the US never certifies anything(it is just an Affirmation Under Oath). I will ask if the US Consulate has plans to terminate this sevice?  In my case the 800K deposit is a no-go and direct depositing my pension into any Foreign Banks is also a no-go.  Maybe my time in LOS is coming to end soon?  

    Might want to wait until the US Consulate announces it. If they’ve been advised of changes coming the will let you know when your get your income affidavit.


    Maybe USA and UK arrangements for income verification with Thai Immigration is different policy. 


    Best not to wake sleeping dogs. 

  9. If you’re an early flight shouldn’t be any problem finding a space.

    i flew out of there a couple of times this year my flights where like 8ish AM. 


    Don’t know the last time you flew out of Udon Thani but there are two terminals now and two parking areas. Check the signs when you past the security check to make sure you park near you Airlines terminal. 


    The old section has a couple of airlines from that area. Nokair and ? Air Asia is up just past the old section at the new facility has Burger King and some other eateries nice new area. 


    When you drive in first parking section is old terminal further down is new terminal. Watch signs on the right for which airlines are at each parking section. 


    Tried a search of Airport and website isn’t updated. I think parking

    is 300 baht a day now. 


    Enjoy your flight

    • Thanks 1
  10. I think new cars and some used are overly expensive here. I bought a new MUX but I’m married to thai. They wanted to come to see House etc. And took pictures. We traded in a used truck and they gave 260k towards new car. 


    If you’re not planning on long rides all the time buy a moto. Not expensive for the lower cc bikes. Then rent car if on long trip.


    Don’t know if on ED Visa if you can get a DL you can check on the forum. You have a separate license for moto and another for car. 


    With a valid US drivers license you can get a Thai DL without taking 

    the test or driving test. You still do color checks and braking but easy stuff. Make sure to get International Drivers License before you leave the US. Can get at AAA easily. I had a moto and car US license so got both for Thai DL. Make sure you tell them you want both. I didn’t and when they gave me the car I told and moto. Had to wait another 30 minutes. 


    Good Luck!

  11. Asking the workers are a good starting point no reason for them to hide anything and from there check with the city. Depends what is zoned for.


    Bought a condo (China) the big selling point on the beach within 5 minute walk. I asked the Salesperson would anything be built between the condos and the beach.


    Gave an honest answer that 3 or 4 two floor restaurants are planned to be built and as long as your on 5 floor or above you’ll have a view of beach. We bought on the 10th floor no problems.

  12. He’s in a hopefully he’ll do a great job he’s been a judge for many a years and has done a good job. 


    I’m not for any party. More interested in politicians to get their heads out of their rears and do good for the Citizens of the USA

    instead of quarreling amongst parties. 


    Today I wrote to the Senators of the state and White House and told them the same. Suggested if this keeps up investigate every

    politician using same guidelines line high school until now.


    If any show perceived issues the politician resigns and all benefits cut and banned for life for further political positions. What’s good for one is good for all. 


    There was a lot of time and money wasted on this issue that if it happened should have came up long ago. 


    Understand everyone has their own opinion s no need to brow beat.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 10/7/2018 at 1:26 PM, AhFarangJa said:

    My point, Sir, was why is the top policeman in immigration getting involved in small time crime like this one. I doubt you would see the head of the Metropolitan police in London having his picture taken with someone arrested for stealing an atm card, or the top cop in New York being photographed with a car thief. I would have thought he had more important things to do with his time. Of course I realise here that it is all about photo ops, and being seen.

    I agree the term “Petty” was correctly used. Petty Theft vs. Grand Theft. Wasn’t off topic per say, something that was observed.


    When I saw the picture I thought why’s he involved strikes me to be a bit odd.


    Seemed odd 12 Police (maybe more) in the station and cameras rolling. 


    Misery loves company...... great song

  14.  Make sure to keep a good eye on your belongings. My son and I with a couple others traveled by bus in Cambodia. Had my bags 

    inside with me. He packed to much and had to put one in storage 

    under the bus. You hand the person your bag and he hands it to 

    another person inside the storage, 


    got to our destination and his expensive camera was gone. Taken when we departed not when we arrived.

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