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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. The police came to our village to check Visa paperwork etc. There’s only two in our area. I wasn’t home and was told to go to police station next day, no biggie just doing their jobs. Routine check. 


    I don’t mind going to immigration office in Udon Thani Staff are pleasant and not a problem. They all have guidelines to follow and maybe some the manager put their twist on but nothing to complain about. The easy road is easy until you a stink about every 

    little thing 

  2. 1 hour ago, The manic said:

    I have been in hospital 3 times in Thailand. I Got excellent , compassionate treatment. Brilliant! 

     Silly paranoid comments about ripp off bangkok are immature.


    First I hope the young guy gets treatment needed and gets better. 


    Had a Germán friend in China always looked like he was getting along good played sports etc. He was 67. Had a stroke and month later gone. Leaving behind his wife and 5 year old son. 


    I’ve been many times to BKH in Udon Thani for heart issues for the last 25 years. They do a really good job looking after you.


    The Dr. asked if I had insurance because they wanted me to stay in the hospital a couple to lower the fluid in my body because heart can’t manage it properly at the high levels. 


    I told him no that I’m now uninsurable has 4 heart attacks. First at 39 years old quadruple bi-pass luckily I had insurance the bill was 

    $140,000 USD. 


    I don’t think BKH is overly expense. I had a visit to emergency care 

    at hospital in California. They did the basic test should I had a slight heartache was there about 1-1/2 hours, No medicine wanted me to be put in hospital to.d the no, $8000.00 for that visit.


    Any how I manage a d try to take care of myself.


  3. The lack of understanding how to drive and practicing safe driving. So just have to be over cautious because you never know what the other person might do. 


    I joke sometimes that I’ve not researched but I’m pretty sure another Asian country taught the driving skills to Thailand. 


    Some countries teaching is sub par and DL can be bought with no 



    Drive safely and keep alert

    • Thanks 1
  4. Why do you park at Tesco afternoon and early morning?


    - Getting into an argument over a parking space?

    - Should be a quiet discussion with the guy and try to work it out. 

    - Did you park there the second time just the piss the guy off.

    - When I drive our car sometimes a moto will park on my rearend and can’t get out. I just move it and go about my business.

    - I understand it’s frustrating and I’ve a bit of a hot head but learned it’s not always the right way. 

    - what If it escalates to physical altercation and someone is hurt.

    - If others jump in. Then unless up your a really good fighter odds are against you. Plus hospital bills...

    - Because of the altercation someone calls the police. Maybe the owner says you park here all the time and seems your looking to cause trouble over the parking. 

    - Then hopefully you’ve got you visa, drivers license etc. All in order or it’s another headache. 

    - Best to park it where he moved it to and then enjoy whatever you were planning to do. 


    If the guy speaks English stop in say hello and it got a little out of hand. Sometimes kindness helps....


    whatever you decide good luck.


    Make it simple and less stressful....




  5. Ok what part did I miss?     Guard fired why?   Bend rules for the sake of tourism?      Good they stopped him maybe

    he would’ve found trouble if let in


    if he can’t provide Where he’s staying.  Show he has sufficient funds.    Then Why fire the guard?



    He admitted the incident shown in the clip actually occurred at the airport, as the passenger who had just arrived from Indonesia failed to produce a valid documentation on any reserved accommodation in Thailand, exhibited inappropriate behaviors with immigration officials, and refused to stay in the lounge awaiting the deportation. 


    The passenger prompted the airport's security guard to take action, leading the passenger to try to run away, requiring the guard to use force to stop him. The physical action on the part of the guard was considered unreasonable. 


    The airport general-manger expressed apologies regarding this incident which could affect the country's tourism image, and will send a letter of apology to the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok. 


    The security guard in question has been fired while the airport general-manager currently gets himself under a 30-day suspension to show responsibility, and will take part in an investigation.


  6. Really can’t comment not see what happened prior. Maybe the Chinese person tried pushing his way in and guard tried to stop him? 


    I’m fairly sure the Chinese person was already wound up being refused entry to LOS. 


    If circumstances reveal guard not at fault doesn’t And doing his hope that he’s not fired. 


    Depends who lost face first....... at least it shows their checking and not just letting anyone in. 

  7. Have 07’ HD Streetglide in USA asked @ cost to import at the HD dealer, was @ same price of a new 2017 Streetglide priced at 1,800,000.00 baht (@ $58k US). 


    My 07’ pictured would fetch about $12,000 USD and it’s in excellent 

    condition low miles. 


    Decision was easy NOPE! Tell your friend try right it unregistered knowing if stooled could be confiscated. Or ask around at what it 

    would cost to register. 


    Had friend in Thailand that rents moto. Triumph made in Thailand 

    now thought the price would be lower because not imported. 

    Nope now they’ve added a luxury tax.





  8. 5 hours ago, papa al said:


    Sure it’s relevant OP asked about what is needed to buy and will he get approval?


    Buying a moto depending what you’re looking can be relatively inexpensive to buy outright without financing. Financing they

    usually stick it to you.


    Depending if interest is front loaded and you want to pay off early

    With interest paid first before principal it’s a loss. 


    We have 5 small cc motos all which bought out right except

    last one. After 6 months didn’t want to be bothered with monthly 

    payments went and paid it off and realized some shops put the 

    screws to you. 


    i wouldn’t buy another one financed. My Thai wife was on the contract. 


    Was given this website for used motos take a look. http://www.hd-playground.com/v6/classified/detail/2430

  9. It can be hard to figure out why another dog suddenly attacks your dog. A dog’s body language can be subtle, and signals from both dogs can be missed by the person holding the leash. However, whatever it was that caused the hostile reaction doesn’t really matter when two dogs are locked in battle, with you on the other end of your dog’s leash. Of course, it’s best to avoid a fight all together, but that’s not always possible and breaking up dog fights can be dangerous for dogs and people.

    Dog attacks while walking your dog are not uncommon, and you have to be prepared for possible encounters. What you should do depends on who you talk to. Some dog experts recommend carrying a heavy duty walking stick to use on an attacking dog. Other experts say to drop your dog’s leash and stay out of the way. For me, neither one is a good option. It’s my job to protect my dog, and I also don’t want to hurt another dog.

    My dogs look to me as their leader, and it’s my responsibility to protect them. Dogs can come out of the blue to attack your dog and you don’t always have an opportunity to read his body language. If you do encounter a dog that is off leash while you’re out walking alone or with your dog, stay calm and keep a close eye on the dog. Be aware of what’s going on, and expect the unexpected.

    Having a sturdy walking stick does have a purpose. It’s something you could use to get in between two fighting dogs. If you have a chance to prepare before the dog attacks, when he starts moving toward you, yell “No” and take a step towards him. Try to read his level of aggression by looking at his eyes (intense and focused) without staring at him, ears (laid back on his head), hair standing up on the back of his neck or along the rump and movements that are stiff. If you can get him to back off, move away slowly, but don’t turn your back on him. Try to keep your dog as calm as you can. Any show of aggression from him can prompt an attack from the other dog.

    You can carry a backpack with some clothing or a small blanket inside – anything to give it bulk to use to push the other dog away, or to put in between the dogs to give you some protection from snapping teeth. Carrying one or two cans of pepper spray or bear spray is always good. Don’t be afraid to use as much as needed and spray directly into the dog’s nose and eyes. Be mindful of the wind so you don’t spray yourself. If you have to use the spray on your dog as well, don’t hesitate to do so. A bright flashlight can be directed into the eyes of an attacking dog to temporarily blind him. Another useful thing to carry is an air horn. The loud noise could persuade the dog not to attack in the first place. If he does attack, the horn might help break up either dog’s focus during a fight, and will help call attention to other people in the area to come help.

    Your best defense against another dog attacking your dog is to be alert and try to prevent an attack from happening. If that’s not possible or it happens before you’re aware there’s even another dog around, try to stay calm. A mind that’s in panic mode doesn’t function well. Think about what you would do before you have an encounter. Carry a stout walking stick and anything that might be helpful in a convenient pocket where you can quickly grab what you need.

    Understanding dog behavior is one of your best weapons if another dog attacks your dog. I recently wrote on article on understanding dog fights that might help you. There are no simple answers though. The best thing to do is to stay alert and calm, and think about what to do before you encounter an attack.

    Read more articles by Linda Cole

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  10. We have 10 dogs 9 cows. The picture is the smallest we spoil her

    she’s treated very well. She’s quiet and sweet fun to have around. 


    When she goes outside she is afraid of no dog! No matter the size. 


    We we live in the countryside a few minutes drive to the village. 


    When they other dogs take off chasing something the little one

    is right there with them. Most the time 4-5 of the dogs are at 

    the house and others at the farm. 


    She’s 8 months old and has 3 large and 1 medium size dogs younger than her. When the 5 were puppies she’d play with 

    them but once in awhile she’d kick their butts. 


    Those 5 don’t mess with her though their much bigger. She set the rules. 








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